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423 lines
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Package ghttp supports testing HTTP clients by providing a test server (simply a thin wrapper around httptest's server) that supports
registering multiple handlers. Incoming requests are not routed between the different handlers
- rather it is merely the order of the handlers that matters. The first request is handled by the first
registered handler, the second request by the second handler, etc.
The intent here is to have each handler *verify* that the incoming request is valid. To accomplish, ghttp
also provides a collection of bite-size handlers that each perform one aspect of request verification. These can
be composed together and registered with a ghttp server. The result is an expressive language for describing
the requests generated by the client under test.
Here's a simple example, note that the server handler is only defined in one BeforeEach and then modified, as required, by the nested BeforeEaches.
A more comprehensive example is available at https://onsi.github.io/gomega/#_testing_http_clients
var _ = Describe("A Sprockets Client", func() {
var server *ghttp.Server
var client *SprocketClient
BeforeEach(func() {
server = ghttp.NewServer()
client = NewSprocketClient(server.URL(), "skywalker", "tk427")
AfterEach(func() {
Describe("fetching sprockets", func() {
var statusCode int
var sprockets []Sprocket
BeforeEach(func() {
statusCode = http.StatusOK
sprockets = []Sprocket{}
ghttp.VerifyRequest("GET", "/sprockets"),
ghttp.VerifyBasicAuth("skywalker", "tk427"),
ghttp.RespondWithJSONEncodedPtr(&statusCode, &sprockets),
Context("when requesting all sprockets", func() {
Context("when the response is succesful", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
sprockets = []Sprocket{
It("should return the returned sprockets", func() {
Context("when the response is missing", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
statusCode = http.StatusNotFound
It("should return an empty list of sprockets", func() {
Context("when the response fails to authenticate", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
statusCode = http.StatusUnauthorized
It("should return an AuthenticationError error", func() {
sprockets, err := client.Sprockets()
Context("when the response is a server failure", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
statusCode = http.StatusInternalServerError
It("should return an InternalError error", func() {
sprockets, err := client.Sprockets()
Context("when requesting some sprockets", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
sprockets = []Sprocket{
server.WrapHandler(0, ghttp.VerifyRequest("GET", "/sprockets", "filter=FOOD"))
It("should make the request with a filter", func() {
package ghttp
import (
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
func new() *Server {
return &Server{
AllowUnhandledRequests: false,
UnhandledRequestStatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
rwMutex: &sync.RWMutex{},
type routedHandler struct {
method string
pathRegexp *regexp.Regexp
path string
handler http.HandlerFunc
// NewServer returns a new `*ghttp.Server` that wraps an `httptest` server. The server is started automatically.
func NewServer() *Server {
s := new()
s.HTTPTestServer = httptest.NewServer(s)
return s
// NewUnstartedServer return a new, unstarted, `*ghttp.Server`. Useful for specifying a custom listener on `server.HTTPTestServer`.
func NewUnstartedServer() *Server {
s := new()
s.HTTPTestServer = httptest.NewUnstartedServer(s)
return s
// NewTLSServer returns a new `*ghttp.Server` that wraps an `httptest` TLS server. The server is started automatically.
func NewTLSServer() *Server {
s := new()
s.HTTPTestServer = httptest.NewTLSServer(s)
return s
type Server struct {
//The underlying httptest server
HTTPTestServer *httptest.Server
//Defaults to false. If set to true, the Server will allow more requests than there are registered handlers.
//Direct use of this property is deprecated and is likely to be removed, use GetAllowUnhandledRequests and SetAllowUnhandledRequests instead.
AllowUnhandledRequests bool
//The status code returned when receiving an unhandled request.
//Defaults to http.StatusInternalServerError.
//Only applies if AllowUnhandledRequests is true
//Direct use of this property is deprecated and is likely to be removed, use GetUnhandledRequestStatusCode and SetUnhandledRequestStatusCode instead.
UnhandledRequestStatusCode int
//If provided, ghttp will log about each request received to the provided io.Writer
//Defaults to nil
//If you're using Ginkgo, set this to GinkgoWriter to get improved output during failures
Writer io.Writer
receivedRequests []*http.Request
requestHandlers []http.HandlerFunc
routedHandlers []routedHandler
rwMutex *sync.RWMutex
calls int
//Start() starts an unstarted ghttp server. It is a catastrophic error to call Start more than once (thanks, httptest).
func (s *Server) Start() {
//URL() returns a url that will hit the server
func (s *Server) URL() string {
defer s.rwMutex.RUnlock()
return s.HTTPTestServer.URL
//Addr() returns the address on which the server is listening.
func (s *Server) Addr() string {
defer s.rwMutex.RUnlock()
return s.HTTPTestServer.Listener.Addr().String()
//Close() should be called at the end of each test. It spins down and cleans up the test server.
func (s *Server) Close() {
server := s.HTTPTestServer
s.HTTPTestServer = nil
if server != nil {
//ServeHTTP() makes Server an http.Handler
//When the server receives a request it handles the request in the following order:
//1. If the request matches a handler registered with RouteToHandler, that handler is called.
//2. Otherwise, if there are handlers registered via AppendHandlers, those handlers are called in order.
//3. If all registered handlers have been called then:
// a) If AllowUnhandledRequests is set to true, the request will be handled with response code of UnhandledRequestStatusCode
// b) If AllowUnhandledRequests is false, the request will not be handled and the current test will be marked as failed.
func (s *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
defer func() {
e := recover()
if e != nil {
//If the handler panics GHTTP will silently succeed. This is bad™.
//To catch this case we need to fail the test if the handler has panicked.
//However, if the handler is panicking because Ginkgo's causing it to panic (i.e. an assertion failed)
//then we shouldn't double-report the error as this will confuse people.
//So: step 1, if this is a Ginkgo panic - do nothing, Ginkgo's aware of the failure
eAsString, ok := e.(string)
if ok && strings.Contains(eAsString, "defer GinkgoRecover()") {
//If we're here, we have to do step 2: assert that the error is nil. This assertion will
//allow us to fail the test suite (note: we can't call Fail since Gomega is not allowed to import Ginkgo).
//Since a failed assertion throws a panic, and we are likely in a goroutine, we need to defer within our defer!
defer func() {
Expect(e).Should(BeNil(), "Handler Panicked")
if s.Writer != nil {
s.Writer.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("GHTTP Received Request: %s - %s\n", req.Method, req.URL)))
s.receivedRequests = append(s.receivedRequests, req)
if routedHandler, ok := s.handlerForRoute(req.Method, req.URL.Path); ok {
routedHandler(w, req)
} else if s.calls < len(s.requestHandlers) {
h := s.requestHandlers[s.calls]
h(w, req)
} else {
if s.GetAllowUnhandledRequests() {
} else {
formatted, err := httputil.DumpRequest(req, true)
Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred(), "Encountered error while dumping HTTP request")
Expect(string(formatted)).Should(BeNil(), "Received Unhandled Request")
//ReceivedRequests is an array containing all requests received by the server (both handled and unhandled requests)
func (s *Server) ReceivedRequests() []*http.Request {
defer s.rwMutex.RUnlock()
return s.receivedRequests
//RouteToHandler can be used to register handlers that will always handle requests that match
//the passed in method and path.
//The path may be either a string object or a *regexp.Regexp.
func (s *Server) RouteToHandler(method string, path interface{}, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
defer s.rwMutex.Unlock()
rh := routedHandler{
method: method,
handler: handler,
switch p := path.(type) {
case *regexp.Regexp:
rh.pathRegexp = p
case string:
rh.path = p
panic("path must be a string or a regular expression")
for i, existingRH := range s.routedHandlers {
if existingRH.method == method &&
reflect.DeepEqual(existingRH.pathRegexp, rh.pathRegexp) &&
existingRH.path == rh.path {
s.routedHandlers[i] = rh
s.routedHandlers = append(s.routedHandlers, rh)
func (s *Server) handlerForRoute(method string, path string) (http.HandlerFunc, bool) {
for _, rh := range s.routedHandlers {
if rh.method == method {
if rh.pathRegexp != nil {
if rh.pathRegexp.Match([]byte(path)) {
return rh.handler, true
} else if rh.path == path {
return rh.handler, true
return nil, false
//AppendHandlers will appends http.HandlerFuncs to the server's list of registered handlers. The first incoming request is handled by the first handler, the second by the second, etc...
func (s *Server) AppendHandlers(handlers ...http.HandlerFunc) {
defer s.rwMutex.Unlock()
s.requestHandlers = append(s.requestHandlers, handlers...)
//SetHandler overrides the registered handler at the passed in index with the passed in handler
//This is useful, for example, when a server has been set up in a shared context, but must be tweaked
//for a particular test.
func (s *Server) SetHandler(index int, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
defer s.rwMutex.Unlock()
s.requestHandlers[index] = handler
//GetHandler returns the handler registered at the passed in index.
func (s *Server) GetHandler(index int) http.HandlerFunc {
defer s.rwMutex.RUnlock()
return s.requestHandlers[index]
func (s *Server) Reset() {
defer s.rwMutex.Unlock()
s.calls = 0
s.receivedRequests = nil
s.requestHandlers = nil
s.routedHandlers = nil
//WrapHandler combines the passed in handler with the handler registered at the passed in index.
//This is useful, for example, when a server has been set up in a shared context but must be tweaked
//for a particular test.
//If the currently registered handler is A, and the new passed in handler is B then
//WrapHandler will generate a new handler that first calls A, then calls B, and assign it to index
func (s *Server) WrapHandler(index int, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
existingHandler := s.GetHandler(index)
s.SetHandler(index, CombineHandlers(existingHandler, handler))
func (s *Server) CloseClientConnections() {
defer s.rwMutex.Unlock()
//SetAllowUnhandledRequests enables the server to accept unhandled requests.
func (s *Server) SetAllowUnhandledRequests(allowUnhandledRequests bool) {
defer s.rwMutex.Unlock()
s.AllowUnhandledRequests = allowUnhandledRequests
//GetAllowUnhandledRequests returns true if the server accepts unhandled requests.
func (s *Server) GetAllowUnhandledRequests() bool {
defer s.rwMutex.RUnlock()
return s.AllowUnhandledRequests
//SetUnhandledRequestStatusCode status code to be returned when the server receives unhandled requests
func (s *Server) SetUnhandledRequestStatusCode(statusCode int) {
defer s.rwMutex.Unlock()
s.UnhandledRequestStatusCode = statusCode
//GetUnhandledRequestStatusCode returns the current status code being returned for unhandled requests
func (s *Server) GetUnhandledRequestStatusCode() int {
defer s.rwMutex.RUnlock()
return s.UnhandledRequestStatusCode