80 lines
3.8 KiB
80 lines
3.8 KiB
package constants
import (
var initialized = false
func initConfig() {
if initialized {
if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err == nil {
fmt.Printf("Using config file: %s\n\n", viper.ConfigFileUsed())
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not find environment file: %v", err))
initialized = true
func getEnvironmentString(key string) string {
value := viper.GetString(key)
if value == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("No environment configuration variable set for key: \"%v\"", key))
return value
// Returns an int from the environment, defaulting to 0 if it does not exist
func getEnvironmentInt64(key string) int64 {
value := viper.GetInt64(key)
if value == -1 {
return 0
return value
// Getters for contract addresses from environment files
func CatContractAddress() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.address.cat") }
func DripContractAddress() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.address.drip") }
func FlapperContractAddress() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.address.mcd_flap") }
func FlipperContractAddress() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.address.eth_flip") }
func FlopperContractAddress() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.address.mcd_flop") }
func PepContractAddress() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.address.pep") }
func PipContractAddress() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.address.pip") }
func PitContractAddress() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.address.pit") }
func RepContractAddress() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.address.rep") }
func VatContractAddress() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.address.vat") }
func VowContractAddress() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.address.vow") }
func CatABI() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.abi.cat") }
func DripABI() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.abi.drip") }
func FlapperABI() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.abi.mcd_flap") }
func FlipperABI() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.abi.eth_flip") }
func FlopperABI() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.abi.mcd_flop") }
func MedianizerABI() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.abi.medianizer") }
func PitABI() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.abi.pit") }
func VatABI() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.abi.vat") }
func VowABI() string { return getEnvironmentString("contract.abi.vow") }
func CatDeploymentBlock() int64 { return getEnvironmentInt64("contract.deployment-block.cat") }
func DripDeploymentBlock() int64 { return getEnvironmentInt64("contract.deployment-block.drip") }
func FlapperDeploymentBlock() int64 { return getEnvironmentInt64("contract.deployment-block.mcd_flap") }
func FlipperDeploymentBlock() int64 { return getEnvironmentInt64("contract.deployment-block.eth_flip") }
func FlopperDeploymentBlock() int64 { return getEnvironmentInt64("contract.deployment-block.mcd_flop") }
func PepDeploymentBlock() int64 { return getEnvironmentInt64("contract.deployment-block.pep") }
func PipDeploymentBlock() int64 { return getEnvironmentInt64("contract.deployment-block.pip") }
func PitDeploymentBlock() int64 { return getEnvironmentInt64("contract.deployment-block.pit") }
func RepDeploymentBlock() int64 { return getEnvironmentInt64("contract.deployment-block.rep") }
func VatDeploymentBlock() int64 { return getEnvironmentInt64("contract.deployment-block.vat") }
func VowDeploymentBlock() int64 { return getEnvironmentInt64("contract.deployment-block.vow") }
func MedianizerDeploymentBlock() int64 {
return getEnvironmentInt64("contract.deployment-block.medianizer")