Elizabeth Engelman 36533f7c3f Update vendor directory and make necessary code changes
Fixes for new geth version
2019-09-25 16:32:27 -05:00

303 lines
7.8 KiB

package datastore
import (
dsq "github.com/ipfs/go-datastore/query"
A Key represents the unique identifier of an object.
Our Key scheme is inspired by file systems and Google App Engine key model.
Keys are meant to be unique across a system. Keys are hierarchical,
incorporating more and more specific namespaces. Thus keys can be deemed
'children' or 'ancestors' of other keys::
Also, every namespace can be parametrized to embed relevant object
information. For example, the Key `name` (most specific namespace) could
include the object type::
type Key struct {
// NewKey constructs a key from string. it will clean the value.
func NewKey(s string) Key {
k := Key{s}
return k
// RawKey creates a new Key without safety checking the input. Use with care.
func RawKey(s string) Key {
// accept an empty string and fix it to avoid special cases
// elsewhere
if len(s) == 0 {
return Key{"/"}
// perform a quick sanity check that the key is in the correct
// format, if it is not then it is a programmer error and it is
// okay to panic
if len(s) == 0 || s[0] != '/' || (len(s) > 1 && s[len(s)-1] == '/') {
panic("invalid datastore key: " + s)
return Key{s}
// KeyWithNamespaces constructs a key out of a namespace slice.
func KeyWithNamespaces(ns []string) Key {
return NewKey(strings.Join(ns, "/"))
// Clean up a Key, using path.Clean.
func (k *Key) Clean() {
switch {
case len(k.string) == 0:
k.string = "/"
case k.string[0] == '/':
k.string = path.Clean(k.string)
k.string = path.Clean("/" + k.string)
// Strings is the string value of Key
func (k Key) String() string {
return k.string
// Bytes returns the string value of Key as a []byte
func (k Key) Bytes() []byte {
return []byte(k.string)
// Equal checks equality of two keys
func (k Key) Equal(k2 Key) bool {
return k.string == k2.string
// Less checks whether this key is sorted lower than another.
func (k Key) Less(k2 Key) bool {
list1 := k.List()
list2 := k2.List()
for i, c1 := range list1 {
if len(list2) < (i + 1) {
return false
c2 := list2[i]
if c1 < c2 {
return true
} else if c1 > c2 {
return false
// c1 == c2, continue
// list1 is shorter or exactly the same.
return len(list1) < len(list2)
// List returns the `list` representation of this Key.
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese").List()
// ["Comedy", "MontyPythong", "Actor:JohnCleese"]
func (k Key) List() []string {
return strings.Split(k.string, "/")[1:]
// Reverse returns the reverse of this Key.
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese").Reverse()
// NewKey("/Actor:JohnCleese/MontyPython/Comedy")
func (k Key) Reverse() Key {
l := k.List()
r := make([]string, len(l), len(l))
for i, e := range l {
r[len(l)-i-1] = e
return KeyWithNamespaces(r)
// Namespaces returns the `namespaces` making up this Key.
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese").Namespaces()
// ["Comedy", "MontyPython", "Actor:JohnCleese"]
func (k Key) Namespaces() []string {
return k.List()
// BaseNamespace returns the "base" namespace of this key (path.Base(filename))
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese").BaseNamespace()
// "Actor:JohnCleese"
func (k Key) BaseNamespace() string {
n := k.Namespaces()
return n[len(n)-1]
// Type returns the "type" of this key (value of last namespace).
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese").Type()
// "Actor"
func (k Key) Type() string {
return NamespaceType(k.BaseNamespace())
// Name returns the "name" of this key (field of last namespace).
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese").Name()
// "JohnCleese"
func (k Key) Name() string {
return NamespaceValue(k.BaseNamespace())
// Instance returns an "instance" of this type key (appends value to namespace).
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor").Instance("JohnClesse")
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese")
func (k Key) Instance(s string) Key {
return NewKey(k.string + ":" + s)
// Path returns the "path" of this key (parent + type).
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese").Path()
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor")
func (k Key) Path() Key {
s := k.Parent().string + "/" + NamespaceType(k.BaseNamespace())
return NewKey(s)
// Parent returns the `parent` Key of this Key.
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese").Parent()
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython")
func (k Key) Parent() Key {
n := k.List()
if len(n) == 1 {
return RawKey("/")
return NewKey(strings.Join(n[:len(n)-1], "/"))
// Child returns the `child` Key of this Key.
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython").Child(NewKey("Actor:JohnCleese"))
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese")
func (k Key) Child(k2 Key) Key {
switch {
case k.string == "/":
return k2
case k2.string == "/":
return k
return RawKey(k.string + k2.string)
// ChildString returns the `child` Key of this Key -- string helper.
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython").ChildString("Actor:JohnCleese")
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython/Actor:JohnCleese")
func (k Key) ChildString(s string) Key {
return NewKey(k.string + "/" + s)
// IsAncestorOf returns whether this key is a prefix of `other`
// NewKey("/Comedy").IsAncestorOf("/Comedy/MontyPython")
// true
func (k Key) IsAncestorOf(other Key) bool {
if other.string == k.string {
return false
return strings.HasPrefix(other.string, k.string)
// IsDescendantOf returns whether this key contains another as a prefix.
// NewKey("/Comedy/MontyPython").IsDescendantOf("/Comedy")
// true
func (k Key) IsDescendantOf(other Key) bool {
if other.string == k.string {
return false
return strings.HasPrefix(k.string, other.string)
// IsTopLevel returns whether this key has only one namespace.
func (k Key) IsTopLevel() bool {
return len(k.List()) == 1
// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface,
// keys are represented as JSON strings
func (k Key) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(k.String())
// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface,
// keys will parse any value specified as a key to a string
func (k *Key) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var key string
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &key); err != nil {
return err
*k = NewKey(key)
return nil
// RandomKey returns a randomly (uuid) generated key.
// RandomKey()
// NewKey("/f98719ea086343f7b71f32ea9d9d521d")
func RandomKey() Key {
return NewKey(strings.Replace(uuid.New().String(), "-", "", -1))
A Key Namespace is like a path element.
A namespace can optionally include a type (delimited by ':')
> NamespaceValue("Song:PhilosopherSong")
> NamespaceType("Song:PhilosopherSong")
> NamespaceType("Music:Song:PhilosopherSong")
// NamespaceType is the first component of a namespace. `foo` in `foo:bar`
func NamespaceType(namespace string) string {
parts := strings.Split(namespace, ":")
if len(parts) < 2 {
return ""
return strings.Join(parts[0:len(parts)-1], ":")
// NamespaceValue returns the last component of a namespace. `baz` in `f:b:baz`
func NamespaceValue(namespace string) string {
parts := strings.Split(namespace, ":")
return parts[len(parts)-1]
// KeySlice attaches the methods of sort.Interface to []Key,
// sorting in increasing order.
type KeySlice []Key
func (p KeySlice) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p KeySlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].Less(p[j]) }
func (p KeySlice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
// EntryKeys
func EntryKeys(e []dsq.Entry) []Key {
ks := make([]Key, len(e))
for i, e := range e {
ks[i] = NewKey(e.Key)
return ks