Ian Norden 59cdaa05e6 moving some memory allocation to init function rather than within
execution cycles and fixing test db tear down so that it drops
checked_headers table instead of individual columns (droping columns
only hides them, they remain in memory and continue to contribute to the
1600 column limit which causes us to eventually exceed it)
2019-01-07 13:07:31 -06:00

272 lines
9.5 KiB

// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2018 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package transformer
import (
// Requires a fully synced vDB and a running eth node (or infura)
type transformer struct {
// Database interfaces
datastore.FilterRepository // Log filters repo; accepts filters generated by Contract.GenerateFilters()
datastore.WatchedEventRepository // Watched event log views, created by the log filters
repository.EventRepository // Holds transformed watched event log data
// Pre-processing interfaces
parser.Parser // Parses events and methods out of contract abi fetched using contract address
retriever.BlockRetriever // Retrieves first block for contract and current block height
// Processing interfaces
converter.Converter // Converts watched event logs into custom log
poller.Poller // Polls methods using contract's token holder addresses and persists them using method datastore
// Ethereum network name; default "" is mainnet
Network string
// Store contract info as mapping to contract address
Contracts map[string]*contract.Contract
// Targeted subset of events/methods
// Stored as map sof contract address to events/method names of interest
WatchedEvents map[string][]string // Default/empty event list means all are watched
WantedMethods map[string][]string // Default/empty method list means none are polled
// Starting block for contracts
ContractStart map[string]int64
// Lists of addresses to filter event or method data
// before persisting; if empty no filter is applied
EventArgs map[string][]string
MethodArgs map[string][]string
// Whether or not to create a list of emitted address or hashes for the contract in postgres
CreateAddrList map[string]bool
CreateHashList map[string]bool
// Method piping on/off for a contract
Piping map[string]bool
// Transformer takes in config for blockchain, database, and network id
func NewTransformer(network string, BC core.BlockChain, DB *postgres.DB) *transformer {
return &transformer{
Poller: poller.NewPoller(BC, DB, types.FullSync),
Parser: parser.NewParser(network),
BlockRetriever: retriever.NewBlockRetriever(DB),
Converter: converter.NewConverter(&contract.Contract{}),
Contracts: map[string]*contract.Contract{},
WatchedEventRepository: repositories.WatchedEventRepository{DB: DB},
FilterRepository: repositories.FilterRepository{DB: DB},
EventRepository: repository.NewEventRepository(DB, types.FullSync),
WatchedEvents: map[string][]string{},
WantedMethods: map[string][]string{},
ContractStart: map[string]int64{},
EventArgs: map[string][]string{},
MethodArgs: map[string][]string{},
CreateAddrList: map[string]bool{},
CreateHashList: map[string]bool{},
Piping: map[string]bool{},
// Use after creating and setting transformer
// Loops over all of the addr => filter sets
// Uses parser to pull event info from abi
// Use this info to generate event filters
func (t *transformer) Init() error {
for contractAddr, subset := range t.WatchedEvents {
// Get Abi
err := t.Parser.Parse(contractAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get first block and most recent block number in the header repo
firstBlock, err := t.BlockRetriever.RetrieveFirstBlock(contractAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
lastBlock, err := t.BlockRetriever.RetrieveMostRecentBlock()
if err != nil {
return err
// Set to specified range if it falls within the bounds
if firstBlock < t.ContractStart[contractAddr] {
firstBlock = t.ContractStart[contractAddr]
// Get contract name if it has one
var name = new(string)
t.FetchContractData(t.Abi(), contractAddr, "name", nil, &name, lastBlock)
// Remove any potential accidental duplicate inputs in arg filter values
eventArgs := map[string]bool{}
for _, arg := range t.EventArgs[contractAddr] {
eventArgs[arg] = true
methodArgs := map[string]bool{}
for _, arg := range t.MethodArgs[contractAddr] {
methodArgs[arg] = true
// Aggregate info into contract object
info := contract.Contract{
Name: *name,
Network: t.Network,
Address: contractAddr,
Abi: t.Parser.Abi(),
ParsedAbi: t.Parser.ParsedAbi(),
StartingBlock: firstBlock,
LastBlock: lastBlock,
Events: t.Parser.GetEvents(subset),
Methods: t.Parser.GetSelectMethods(t.WantedMethods[contractAddr]),
FilterArgs: eventArgs,
MethodArgs: methodArgs,
CreateAddrList: t.CreateAddrList[contractAddr],
CreateHashList: t.CreateHashList[contractAddr],
Piping: t.Piping[contractAddr],
// Use info to create filters
err = info.GenerateFilters()
if err != nil {
return err
// Iterate over filters and push them to the repo using filter repository interface
for _, filter := range info.Filters {
err = t.CreateFilter(filter)
if err != nil {
return err
// Store contract info for further processing
t.Contracts[contractAddr] = info
return nil
// Iterates through stored, initialized contract objects
// Iterates through contract's event filters, grabbing watched event logs
// Uses converter to convert logs into custom log type
// Persists converted logs into custuom postgres tables
// Calls selected methods, using token holder address generated during event log conversion
func (tr transformer) Execute() error {
if len(tr.Contracts) == 0 {
return errors.New("error: transformer has no initialized contracts to work with")
// Iterate through all internal contracts
for _, con := range tr.Contracts {
// Update converter with current contract
// Iterate through contract filters and get watched event logs
for eventSig, filter := range con.Filters {
watchedEvents, err := tr.GetWatchedEvents(filter.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
// Iterate over watched event logs
for _, we := range watchedEvents {
// Convert them to our custom log type
cstm, err := tr.Converter.Convert(*we, con.Events[eventSig])
if err != nil {
return err
if cstm == nil {
// If log is not empty, immediately persist in repo
// Run this in seperate goroutine?
err = tr.PersistLogs([]types.Log{*cstm}, con.Events[eventSig], con.Address, con.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
// After persisting all watched event logs
// poller polls select contract methods
// and persists the results into custom pg tables
// Run this in seperate goroutine?
if err := tr.PollContract(*con); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Used to set which contract addresses and which of their events to watch
func (tr *transformer) SetEvents(contractAddr string, filterSet []string) {
tr.WatchedEvents[strings.ToLower(contractAddr)] = filterSet
// Used to set subset of account addresses to watch events for
func (tr *transformer) SetEventArgs(contractAddr string, filterSet []string) {
tr.EventArgs[strings.ToLower(contractAddr)] = filterSet
// Used to set which contract addresses and which of their methods to call
func (tr *transformer) SetMethods(contractAddr string, filterSet []string) {
tr.WantedMethods[strings.ToLower(contractAddr)] = filterSet
// Used to set subset of account addresses to poll methods on
func (tr *transformer) SetMethodArgs(contractAddr string, filterSet []string) {
tr.MethodArgs[strings.ToLower(contractAddr)] = filterSet
// Used to set the block range to watch for a given address
func (tr *transformer) SetStartingBlock(contractAddr string, start int64) {
tr.ContractStart[strings.ToLower(contractAddr)] = start
// Used to set whether or not to persist an account address list
func (tr *transformer) SetCreateAddrList(contractAddr string, on bool) {
tr.CreateAddrList[strings.ToLower(contractAddr)] = on
// Used to set whether or not to persist an hash list
func (tr *transformer) SetCreateHashList(contractAddr string, on bool) {
tr.CreateHashList[strings.ToLower(contractAddr)] = on
// Used to turn method piping on for a contract
func (tr *transformer) SetPiping(contractAddr string, on bool) {
tr.Piping[strings.ToLower(contractAddr)] = on