# ockafka Client for the gRPC OpenConfig service for subscribing to the configuration and state of a network device and feeding the stream to Kafka. ## Sample usage Subscribe to all updates on the Arista device at `` and stream to a local Kafka instance: ``` ockafka -addrs ``` Subscribe to temperature sensors from 2 switches and stream to a remote Kafka instance: ``` ockafka -addrs, -kafkaaddrs kafka:9092 -subscribe /Sysdb/environment/temperature/status/tempSensor ``` Start in a container: ``` docker run aristanetworks/ockafka -addrs -kafkaaddrs kafka:9092 ``` ## Kafka/Elastic integration demo The following video demoes integration with Kafka and Elastic using [this Logstash instance](https://github.com/aristanetworks/docker-logstash): [![video preview](http://img.youtube.com/vi/WsyFmxMwXYQ/0.jpg)](https://youtu.be/WsyFmxMwXYQ)