package repositories_test import ( "fmt" "strings" "io/ioutil" "log" "math/big" "" "" "" "" "" _ "" . "" . "" ) func init() { log.SetOutput(ioutil.Discard) } var _ = Describe("Postgres repository", func() { It("connects to the database", func() { cfg, _ := config.NewConfig("private") pgConfig := config.DbConnectionString(cfg.Database) db, err := sqlx.Connect("postgres", pgConfig) Expect(err).Should(BeNil()) Expect(db).ShouldNot(BeNil()) }) testing.AssertRepositoryBehavior(func(node core.Node) repositories.Repository { cfg, _ := config.NewConfig("private") repository, _ := repositories.NewPostgres(cfg.Database, node) testing.ClearData(repository) return repository }) It("serializes big.Int to db", func() { // postgres driver doesn't support go big.Int type // various casts in golang uint64, int64, overflow for // transaction value (in wei) even though // postgres numeric can handle an arbitrary // sized int, so use string representation of big.Int // and cast on insert cfg, _ := config.NewConfig("private") pgConfig := config.DbConnectionString(cfg.Database) db, err := sqlx.Connect("postgres", pgConfig) bi := new(big.Int) bi.SetString("34940183920000000000", 10) Expect(bi.String()).To(Equal("34940183920000000000")) defer db.Exec(`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS example`) _, err = db.Exec("CREATE TABLE example ( id INTEGER, data NUMERIC )") Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) sqlStatement := ` INSERT INTO example (id, data) VALUES (1, cast($1 AS NUMERIC))` _, err = db.Exec(sqlStatement, bi.String()) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) var data string err = db.QueryRow(`SELECT data FROM example WHERE id = 1`).Scan(&data) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) Expect(bi.String()).To(Equal(data)) actual := new(big.Int) actual.SetString(data, 10) Expect(actual).To(Equal(bi)) }) It("does not commit block if block is invalid", func() { //badNonce violates db Nonce field length badNonce := fmt.Sprintf("x %s", strings.Repeat("1", 100)) badBlock := core.Block{ Number: 123, Nonce: badNonce, Transactions: []core.Transaction{}, } cfg, _ := config.NewConfig("private") node := core.Node{GenesisBlock: "GENESIS", NetworkId: 1, Id: "x123", ClientName: "geth"} repository, _ := repositories.NewPostgres(cfg.Database, node) err1 := repository.CreateOrUpdateBlock(badBlock) savedBlock, err2 := repository.FindBlockByNumber(123) Expect(err1).To(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err2).To(HaveOccurred()) Expect(savedBlock).To(BeZero()) }) It("throws error when can't connect to the database", func() { invalidDatabase := config.Database{} node := core.Node{GenesisBlock: "GENESIS", NetworkId: 1, Id: "x123", ClientName: "geth"} _, err := repositories.NewPostgres(invalidDatabase, node) Expect(err).To(Equal(repositories.ErrDBConnectionFailed)) }) It("throws error when can't create node", func() { cfg, _ := config.NewConfig("private") badHash := fmt.Sprintf("x %s", strings.Repeat("1", 100)) node := core.Node{GenesisBlock: badHash, NetworkId: 1, Id: "x123", ClientName: "geth"} _, err := repositories.NewPostgres(cfg.Database, node) Expect(err).To(Equal(repositories.ErrUnableToSetNode)) }) It("does not commit log if log is invalid", func() { //badTxHash violates db tx_hash field length badTxHash := fmt.Sprintf("x %s", strings.Repeat("1", 100)) badLog := core.Log{ Address: "x123", BlockNumber: 1, TxHash: badTxHash, } cfg, _ := config.NewConfig("private") node := core.Node{GenesisBlock: "GENESIS", NetworkId: 1, Id: "x123", ClientName: "geth"} repository, _ := repositories.NewPostgres(cfg.Database, node) err := repository.CreateLogs([]core.Log{badLog}) savedBlock := repository.FindLogs("x123", 1) Expect(err).ToNot(BeNil()) Expect(savedBlock).To(BeNil()) }) It("does not commit block or transactions if transaction is invalid", func() { //badHash violates db To field length badHash := fmt.Sprintf("x %s", strings.Repeat("1", 100)) badTransaction := core.Transaction{To: badHash} block := core.Block{ Number: 123, Transactions: []core.Transaction{badTransaction}, } cfg, _ := config.NewConfig("private") node := core.Node{GenesisBlock: "GENESIS", NetworkId: 1, Id: "x123", ClientName: "geth"} repository, _ := repositories.NewPostgres(cfg.Database, node) err1 := repository.CreateOrUpdateBlock(block) savedBlock, err2 := repository.FindBlockByNumber(123) Expect(err1).To(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err2).To(HaveOccurred()) Expect(savedBlock).To(BeZero()) }) })