#!/bin/sh # Runs the migrations and starts the lightSync and continuousLogSync services # Exit if the variable tests fail set -e # Check the database variables are set test $DATABASE_NAME test $DATABASE_HOSTNAME test $DATABASE_PORT test $DATABASE_USER test $DATABASE_PASSWORD # Construct the connection string for postgres CONNECT_STRING=postgresql://$DATABASE_USER:$DATABASE_PASSWORD@$DATABASE_HOSTNAME:$DATABASE_PORT/$DATABASE_NAME?sslmode=disable echo "Connecting with: $CONNECT_STRING" set +e # Run the DB migrations ./goose postgres "$CONNECT_STRING" up if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Fire up the services ./vulcanizedb lightSync --config environments/staging.toml & ./vulcanizedb continuousLogSync --config environments/staging.toml & else echo "Could not run migrations. Are the database details correct?" fi wait