package core_test import ( "fmt" "" "" _ "" . "" . "" ) const ( host = "localhost" port = 5432 user = "postgres" password = "postgres" dbname = "vulcanize" ) var _ = Describe("Saving blocks to the database", func() { var db *sqlx.DB var err error pgConfig := fmt.Sprintf( "host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable", host, port, user, password, dbname) BeforeEach(func() { db, err = sqlx.Connect("postgres", pgConfig) db.MustExec("DELETE FROM transactions") db.MustExec("DELETE FROM blocks") }) It("implements the observer interface", func() { var observer core.BlockchainObserver = core.BlockchainDBObserver{Db: db} Expect(observer).NotTo(BeNil()) }) It("connects to the database", func() { Expect(err).Should(BeNil()) Expect(db).ShouldNot(BeNil()) }) It("starts with no blocks", func() { var count int queryError := db.Get(&count, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blocks") Expect(queryError).Should(BeNil()) Expect(count).Should(Equal(0)) }) It("inserts a block", func() { // setup a block in memory blockNumber := int64(123) gasLimit := int64(1000000) gasUsed := int64(10) blockTime := int64(1508981640) block := core.Block{Number: blockNumber, GasLimit: gasLimit, GasUsed: gasUsed, Time: blockTime} // save the block to the database observer := core.BlockchainDBObserver{Db: db} observer.NotifyBlockAdded(block) // find the saved block rows, err := db.Query("SELECT block_number, block_gaslimit, block_gasused, block_time FROM blocks") Expect(err).To(BeNil()) var savedBlocks []core.Block for rows.Next() { var blockNumber int64 var blockTime float64 var gasLimit float64 var gasUsed float64 rows.Scan(&blockNumber, &gasLimit, &gasUsed, &blockTime) savedBlock := core.Block{ GasLimit: int64(gasLimit), GasUsed: int64(gasUsed), Number: blockNumber, Time: int64(blockTime), } savedBlocks = append(savedBlocks, savedBlock) } // assert against the attributes Expect(len(savedBlocks)).To(Equal(1)) Expect(savedBlocks[0].Number).To(Equal(blockNumber)) Expect(savedBlocks[0].GasLimit).To(Equal(gasLimit)) Expect(savedBlocks[0].GasUsed).To(Equal(gasUsed)) Expect(savedBlocks[0].Time).To(Equal(blockTime)) }) var _ = Describe("Saving transactions to the database", func() { It("inserts a transaction", func() { gasLimit := int64(5000) gasPrice := int64(3) nonce := uint64(10000) to := "1234567890" value := int64(10) txRecord := core.Transaction{ Hash: "x1234", GasPrice: gasPrice, GasLimit: gasLimit, Nonce: nonce, To: to, Value: value, } block := core.Block{Transactions: []core.Transaction{txRecord}} observer := core.BlockchainDBObserver{Db: db} observer.NotifyBlockAdded(block) rows, err := db.Query("SELECT tx_hash, tx_nonce, tx_to, tx_gaslimit, tx_gasprice, tx_value FROM transactions") Expect(err).To(BeNil()) var savedTransactions []core.Transaction for rows.Next() { var dbHash string var dbNonce uint64 var dbTo string var dbGasLimit int64 var dbGasPrice int64 var dbValue int64 rows.Scan(&dbHash, &dbNonce, &dbTo, &dbGasLimit, &dbGasPrice, &dbValue) savedTransaction := core.Transaction{ Hash: dbHash, Nonce: dbNonce, To: dbTo, GasLimit: dbGasLimit, GasPrice: dbGasPrice, Value: dbValue, } savedTransactions = append(savedTransactions, savedTransaction) } Expect(len(savedTransactions)).To(Equal(1)) savedTransaction := savedTransactions[0] Expect(savedTransaction.Hash).To(Equal(txRecord.Hash)) Expect(savedTransaction.To).To(Equal(to)) Expect(savedTransaction.Nonce).To(Equal(nonce)) Expect(savedTransaction.GasLimit).To(Equal(gasLimit)) Expect(savedTransaction.GasPrice).To(Equal(gasPrice)) Expect(savedTransaction.Value).To(Equal(value)) }) It("associates the transaction with the block", func() { txRecord := core.Transaction{} block := core.Block{ Transactions: []core.Transaction{txRecord}, } observer := core.BlockchainDBObserver{Db: db} observer.NotifyBlockAdded(block) blockRows, err := db.Query("SELECT id FROM blocks") Expect(err).To(BeNil()) var actualBlockIds []int64 for blockRows.Next() { var actualBlockId int64 blockRows.Scan(&actualBlockId) actualBlockIds = append(actualBlockIds, actualBlockId) } transactionRows, err := db.Query("SELECT block_id FROM transactions") Expect(err).To(BeNil()) var transactionBlockIds []int64 for transactionRows.Next() { var transactionBlockId int64 transactionRows.Scan(&transactionBlockId) transactionBlockIds = append(transactionBlockIds, transactionBlockId) } Expect(len(actualBlockIds)).To(Equal(1)) Expect(len(transactionBlockIds)).To(Equal(1)) Expect(transactionBlockIds[0]).To(Equal(actualBlockIds[0])) }) }) })