# Vulcanize DB [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/8thlight/vulcanizedb.svg?token=GKv2Y33qsFnfYgejjvYx&branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/8thlight/vulcanizedb) ### Dependencies - Go 1.9+ - Postgres 10 - Go Ethereum - https://ethereum.github.io/go-ethereum/downloads/ ### Installation go get github.com/vulcanize/vulcanizedb ### Setting up the Databases 1. Install Postgres 2. Create a superuser for yourself and make sure `psql --list` works without prompting for a password. 3. `createdb vulcanize_private` 4. `cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/vulcanize/vulcanizedb` 5. Import the schema: `psql vulcanize_private < db/schema.sql` or run the migrations: `make migrate HOST_NAME=localhost NAME=vulcanize_public PORT=5432` * See below for configuring additional environments Adding a new migration: `./scripts/create_migration ` ## Start syncing with postgres 1. Start geth 2. In a separate terminal start vulcanize_db - `vulcanizedb sync --config --starting-block-number ` * see `environments` for example config ## Watch specific contract events 1. Start geth 2. In a separate terminal start vulcanize_db - `vulcanizedb sync --config --starting-block-number ` 3. Create event filter - `vulcanizedb addFilter --config --filter-filepath ` * see `filters` for example filter ## Development Setup ### Cloning the Repository (Private repo only) 1. `git config --global url."git@github.com:".insteadOf "https://github.com/"` - By default, `go get` does not work for private GitHub repos. This will fix that. 2. `go get github.com/vulcanize/vulcanizedb` 3. `cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/vulcanize/vulcanizedb` 4. `dep ensure` ### Creating/Using a test node Syncing the against the public network takes many hours for the initial sync and will download 20+ GB of data. Here are some instructions for creating a private test node that does not depend on having a network connection. 1. Run `./scripts/setup` to create a private blockchain with a new account. * This will result in a warning. 2. Run `./scripts/start_private_blockchain`. ### IPC File Paths The default location for Ethereum is: - `$HOME/Library/Ethereum` for Mac - `$HOME/.ethereum` for Ubuntu - `$GOPATH/src/gihub.com/vulcanize/vulcanizedb/test_data_dir/geth.ipc` for private blockchain. **Note the location of the ipc file is printed to the console when you start geth. It is needed to for configuration** ## Running the Tests ### Unit Tests 1. `go test ./pkg/...` ### Integration Test In order to run the integration tests, you will need to run them against a real blockchain. At the moment the integration tests require [Geth v1.7.2](https://ethereum.github.io/go-ethereum/downloads/) as they depend on the `--dev` mode, which changed in v1.7.3 1. Run `./scripts/start_private_blockchain` as a separate process. 2. `go test ./...` to run all tests.