package jen_test import ( "fmt" "go/format" "strings" "testing" . "" ) var o1 = Options{ Close: ")", Multi: true, Open: "(", Separator: ",", } var o2 = Options{ Close: "", Multi: false, Open: "", Separator: ",", } var cases = []tc{ { desc: `scientific notation`, code: Lit(1e3), expect: `1000.0`, }, { desc: `big float`, code: Lit(1000000.0), expect: `1e+06`, }, { desc: `lit float whole numbers`, code: Index().Float64().Values(Lit(-10.0), Lit(-2.0), Lit(-1.0), Lit(0.0), Lit(1.0), Lit(2.0), Lit(10.0)), expect: "[]float64{-10.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 10.0}", }, { desc: `custom func group`, code: ListFunc(func(g *Group) { g.CustomFunc(o2, func(g *Group) { g.Id("a") g.Id("b") g.Id("c") }) }).Op("=").Id("foo").Call(), expect: `a, b, c = foo()`, }, { desc: `custom group`, code: ListFunc(func(g *Group) { g.Custom(o2, Id("a"), Id("b"), Id("c")) }).Op("=").Id("foo").Call(), expect: `a, b, c = foo()`, }, { desc: `custom function`, code: Id("foo").Add(Custom(o1, Lit("a"), Lit("b"), Lit("c"))), expect: `foo( "a", "b", "c", )`, }, { desc: `custom function`, code: Id("foo").Add(Custom(o1, Lit("a"), Lit("b"), Lit("c"))), expect: `foo( "a", "b", "c", )`, }, { desc: `line statement`, code: Block(Lit(1).Line(), Lit(2)), expect: `{ 1 2 }`, }, { desc: `line func`, code: Block(Lit(1), Line(), Lit(2)), expect: `{ 1 2 }`, }, { desc: `line group`, code: BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { g.Id("a") g.Line() g.Id("b") }), expect: `{ a b }`, }, { desc: `op group`, code: BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { g.Op("*").Id("a") }), expect: `{*a}`, }, { desc: `empty group`, code: BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { g.Empty() }), expect: `{ }`, }, { desc: `null group`, code: BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { g.Null() }), expect: `{}`, }, { desc: `tag no backquote`, code: Tag(map[string]string{"a": "`b`"}), expect: "\"a:\\\"`b`\\\"\"", }, { desc: `tag null`, code: Tag(map[string]string{}), expect: ``, }, { desc: `litrunefunc group`, code: BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { g.LitByteFunc(func() byte { return byte(0xab) }) }), expect: `{byte(0xab)}`, }, { desc: `litbyte group`, code: BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { g.LitByte(byte(0xab)) }), expect: `{byte(0xab)}`, }, { desc: `litrunefunc group`, code: BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { g.LitRuneFunc(func() rune { return 'a' }) }), expect: `{'a'}`, }, { desc: `litrune group`, code: BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { g.LitRune('a') }), expect: `{'a'}`, }, { desc: `litfunc group`, code: BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { g.LitFunc(func() interface{} { return 1 + 1 }) }), expect: `{2}`, }, { desc: `litfunc func`, code: LitFunc(func() interface{} { return 1 + 1 }), expect: `2`, }, { desc: `group all null`, code: List(Null(), Null()), expect: ``, }, { desc: `do group`, code: BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { g.Do(func(s *Statement) { s.Lit(1) }) }), expect: `{1}`, }, { desc: `do func`, code: Do(func(s *Statement) { s.Lit(1) }), expect: `1`, }, { desc: `dict empty`, code: Values(Dict{}), expect: `{}`, }, { desc: `dict null`, code: Values(Dict{Null(): Null()}), expect: `{}`, }, { desc: `commentf group`, code: BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { g.Commentf("%d", 1) }), expect: `{ // 1 }`, }, { desc: `commentf func`, code: Commentf("%d", 1), expect: `// 1`, }, { desc: `add func`, code: Add(Lit(1)), expect: `1`, }, { desc: `add group`, code: BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { g.Add(Lit(1)) }), expect: `{1}`, }, { desc: `empty block`, code: Block(), expect: `{}`, }, { desc: `string literal`, code: Lit("a"), expect: `"a"`, }, { desc: `int literal`, code: Lit(1), expect: `1`, }, { desc: `simple id`, code: Id("a"), expect: `a`, }, { desc: `foreign id`, code: Qual("x.y/z", "a"), expect: `z.a`, expectImports: map[string]string{ "x.y/z": "z", }, }, { desc: `var decl`, code: Var().Id("a").Op("=").Lit("b"), expect: `var a = "b"`, }, { desc: `short var decl`, code: Id("a").Op(":=").Lit("b"), expect: `a := "b"`, }, { desc: `simple if`, code: If(Id("a").Op("==").Lit("b")).Block(), expect: `if a == "b" {}`, }, { desc: `simple if`, code: If(Id("a").Op("==").Lit("b")).Block( Id("a").Op("++"), ), expect: `if a == "b" { a++ }`, }, { desc: `pointer`, code: Op("*").Id("a"), expect: `*a`, }, { desc: `address`, code: Op("&").Id("a"), expect: `&a`, }, { desc: `simple call`, code: Id("a").Call( Lit("b"), Lit("c"), ), expect: `a("b", "c")`, }, { desc: `call fmt.Sprintf`, code: Qual("fmt", "Sprintf").Call( Lit("b"), Id("c"), ), expect: `fmt.Sprintf("b", c)`, }, { desc: `slices`, code: Id("a").Index( Lit(1), Empty(), ), expect: `a[1:]`, }, { desc: `return`, code: Return(Id("a")), expect: `return a`, }, { desc: `double return`, code: Return(Id("a"), Id("b")), expect: `return a, b`, }, { desc: `func`, code: Func().Id("a").Params( Id("a").String(), ).Block( Return(Id("a")), ), expect: `func a(a string){ return a }`, }, { desc: `built in func`, code: New(Id("a")), expect: `new(a)`, }, { desc: `multip`, code: Id("a").Op("*").Id("b"), expect: `a * b`, }, { desc: `multip ptr`, code: Id("a").Op("*").Op("*").Id("b"), expect: `a * *b`, }, { desc: `field`, code: Id("a").Dot("b"), expect: `a.b`, }, { desc: `method`, code: Id("a").Dot("b").Call(Id("c"), Id("d")), expect: `a.b(c, d)`, }, { desc: `if else`, code: If(Id("a").Op("==").Lit(1)).Block( Id("b").Op("=").Lit(1), ).Else().If(Id("a").Op("==").Lit(2)).Block( Id("b").Op("=").Lit(2), ).Else().Block( Id("b").Op("=").Lit(3), ), expect: `if a == 1 { b = 1 } else if a == 2 { b = 2 } else { b = 3 }`, }, { desc: `literal array`, code: Index().String().Values(Lit("a"), Lit("b")), expect: `[]string{"a", "b"}`, }, { desc: `comment`, code: Comment("a"), expect: `// a`, }, { desc: `null`, code: Id("a").Params(Id("b"), Null(), Id("c")), expect: `a(b, c)`, }, { desc: `map literal single`, code: Id("a").Values(Dict{ Id("b"): Id("c"), }), expect: `a{b: c}`, }, { desc: `map literal null`, code: Id("a").Values(Dict{ Null(): Id("c"), Id("b"): Null(), Id("b"): Id("c"), }), expect: `a{b: c}`, }, { desc: `map literal multiple`, code: Id("a").Values(Dict{ Id("b"): Id("c"), Id("d"): Id("e"), }), expect: `a{ b: c, d: e, }`, }, { desc: `map literal func single`, code: Id("a").Values(DictFunc(func(d Dict) { d[Id("b")] = Id("c") })), expect: `a{b: c}`, }, { desc: `map literal func single null`, code: Id("a").Values(DictFunc(func(d Dict) { d[Null()] = Id("c") d[Id("b")] = Null() d[Id("b")] = Id("c") })), expect: `a{b: c}`, }, { desc: `map literal func multiple`, code: Id("a").Values(DictFunc(func(d Dict) { d[Id("b")] = Id("c") d[Id("d")] = Id("e") })), expect: `a{ b: c, d: e, }`, }, { desc: `literal func`, code: Id("a").Op(":=").LitFunc(func() interface{} { return "b" }), expect: `a := "b"`, }, { desc: `dot`, code: Id("a").Dot("b").Dot("c"), expect: `a.b.c`, }, { desc: `do`, code: Id("a").Do(func(s *Statement) { s.Dot("b") }), expect: `a.b`, }, { desc: `tags should be ordered`, code: Tag(map[string]string{"z": "1", "a": "2"}), expect: "`a:\"2\" z:\"1\"`", }, { desc: `dict should be ordered`, code: Map(String()).Int().Values(Dict{Id("z"): Lit(1), Id("a"): Lit(2)}), expect: `map[string]int{ a:2, z:1, }`, }, } func TestJen(t *testing.T) { caseTester(t, cases) } func caseTester(t *testing.T, cases []tc) { for i, c := range cases { onlyTest := "" if onlyTest != "" && c.desc != onlyTest { continue } rendered := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", c.code) expected, err := format.Source([]byte(c.expect)) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error formatting expected source in test case %d. Description: %s\nError:\n%s", i, c.desc, err)) } if strings.TrimSpace(string(rendered)) != strings.TrimSpace(string(expected)) { t.Errorf("Test case %d failed. Description: %s\nExpected:\n%s\nOutput:\n%s", i, c.desc, expected, rendered) } //if c.expectImports != nil { // f := FromContext(ctx) // if !reflect.DeepEqual(f.Imports, c.expectImports) { // t.Errorf("Test case %d failed. Description: %s\nImports expected:\n%s\nOutput:\n%s", i, c.desc, c.expectImports, f.Imports) // } //} } } // a test case type tc struct { // path path string // description for locating the test case desc string // code to generate code Code // expected generated source expect string // expected imports expectImports map[string]string } func TestNilStatement(t *testing.T) { var s *Statement c := Func().Id("a").Params( s, ) got := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", c) expect := "func a()" if got != expect { t.Fatalf("Got: %s, expect: %s", got, expect) } } func TestNilGroup(t *testing.T) { var g *Group c := Func().Id("a").Params( g, ) got := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", c) expect := "func a()" if got != expect { t.Fatalf("Got: %s, expect: %s", got, expect) } } func TestGroup_GoString(t *testing.T) { BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { g.Lit(1) got := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", g) expect := "{\n\t1\n}" if got != expect { t.Fatalf("Got: %s, expect: %s", got, expect) } }) }