package query import ( "fmt" "" "io/ioutil" "sort" "strings" "testing" "time" ) type queryTestNode struct { value interface{} position toml.Position } func valueString(root interface{}) string { result := "" //fmt.Sprintf("%T:", root) switch node := root.(type) { case *Result: items := []string{} for i, v := range node.Values() { items = append(items, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", node.Positions()[i].String(), valueString(v))) } sort.Strings(items) result = "[" + strings.Join(items, ", ") + "]" case queryTestNode: result = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", node.position.String(), valueString(node.value)) case []interface{}: items := []string{} for _, v := range node { items = append(items, valueString(v)) } sort.Strings(items) result = "[" + strings.Join(items, ", ") + "]" case *toml.Tree: // workaround for unreliable map key ordering items := []string{} for _, k := range node.Keys() { v := node.GetPath([]string{k}) items = append(items, k+":"+valueString(v)) } sort.Strings(items) result = "{" + strings.Join(items, ", ") + "}" case map[string]interface{}: // workaround for unreliable map key ordering items := []string{} for k, v := range node { items = append(items, k+":"+valueString(v)) } sort.Strings(items) result = "{" + strings.Join(items, ", ") + "}" case int64: result += fmt.Sprintf("%d", node) case string: result += "'" + node + "'" case float64: result += fmt.Sprintf("%f", node) case bool: result += fmt.Sprintf("%t", node) case time.Time: result += fmt.Sprintf("'%v'", node) } return result } func assertValue(t *testing.T, result, ref interface{}) { pathStr := valueString(result) refStr := valueString(ref) if pathStr != refStr { t.Errorf("values do not match") t.Log("test:", pathStr) t.Log("ref: ", refStr) } } func assertQueryPositions(t *testing.T, tomlDoc string, query string, ref []interface{}) { tree, err := toml.Load(tomlDoc) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Non-nil toml parse error: %v", err) return } q, err := Compile(query) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } results := q.Execute(tree) assertValue(t, results, ref) } func TestQueryRoot(t *testing.T) { assertQueryPositions(t, "a = 42", "$", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(42), }, toml.Position{1, 1}, }, }) } func TestQueryKey(t *testing.T) { assertQueryPositions(t, "[foo]\na = 42", "$.foo.a", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ int64(42), toml.Position{2, 1}, }, }) } func TestQueryKeyString(t *testing.T) { assertQueryPositions(t, "[foo]\na = 42", "$.foo['a']", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ int64(42), toml.Position{2, 1}, }, }) } func TestQueryIndex(t *testing.T) { assertQueryPositions(t, "[foo]\na = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]", "$.foo.a[5]", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ int64(6), toml.Position{2, 1}, }, }) } func TestQuerySliceRange(t *testing.T) { assertQueryPositions(t, "[foo]\na = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]", "$.foo.a[0:5]", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ int64(1), toml.Position{2, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(2), toml.Position{2, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(3), toml.Position{2, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(4), toml.Position{2, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(5), toml.Position{2, 1}, }, }) } func TestQuerySliceStep(t *testing.T) { assertQueryPositions(t, "[foo]\na = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]", "$.foo.a[0:5:2]", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ int64(1), toml.Position{2, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(3), toml.Position{2, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(5), toml.Position{2, 1}, }, }) } func TestQueryAny(t *testing.T) { assertQueryPositions(t, "[]\na=1\nb=2\n[foo.baz]\na=3\nb=4", "$.foo.*", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(1), "b": int64(2), }, toml.Position{1, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(3), "b": int64(4), }, toml.Position{4, 1}, }, }) } func TestQueryUnionSimple(t *testing.T) { assertQueryPositions(t, "[]\na=1\nb=2\n[]\na=3\nb=4\n[]\na=5\nb=6", "$.*[bar,foo]", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(1), "b": int64(2), }, toml.Position{1, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(3), "b": int64(4), }, toml.Position{4, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(5), "b": int64(6), }, toml.Position{7, 1}, }, }) } func TestQueryRecursionAll(t *testing.T) { assertQueryPositions(t, "[]\na=1\nb=2\n[]\na=3\nb=4\n[]\na=5\nb=6", "$..*", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "foo": map[string]interface{}{ "bar": map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(1), "b": int64(2), }, }, "baz": map[string]interface{}{ "foo": map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(3), "b": int64(4), }, }, "gorf": map[string]interface{}{ "foo": map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(5), "b": int64(6), }, }, }, toml.Position{1, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "bar": map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(1), "b": int64(2), }, }, toml.Position{1, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(1), "b": int64(2), }, toml.Position{1, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(1), toml.Position{2, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(2), toml.Position{3, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "foo": map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(3), "b": int64(4), }, }, toml.Position{4, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(3), "b": int64(4), }, toml.Position{4, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(3), toml.Position{5, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(4), toml.Position{6, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "foo": map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(5), "b": int64(6), }, }, toml.Position{7, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(5), "b": int64(6), }, toml.Position{7, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(5), toml.Position{8, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(6), toml.Position{9, 1}, }, }) } func TestQueryRecursionUnionSimple(t *testing.T) { assertQueryPositions(t, "[]\na=1\nb=2\n[]\na=3\nb=4\n[]\na=5\nb=6", "$..['foo','bar']", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "bar": map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(1), "b": int64(2), }, }, toml.Position{1, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(3), "b": int64(4), }, toml.Position{4, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(1), "b": int64(2), }, toml.Position{1, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "a": int64(5), "b": int64(6), }, toml.Position{7, 1}, }, }) } func TestQueryFilterFn(t *testing.T) { buff, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../example.toml") if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } assertQueryPositions(t, string(buff), "$..[?(int)]", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ int64(8001), toml.Position{13, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(8001), toml.Position{13, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(8002), toml.Position{13, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ int64(5000), toml.Position{14, 1}, }, }) assertQueryPositions(t, string(buff), "$..[?(string)]", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ "TOML Example", toml.Position{3, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ "Tom Preston-Werner", toml.Position{6, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ "GitHub", toml.Position{7, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer.", toml.Position{8, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ "", toml.Position{12, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ "", toml.Position{21, 3}, }, queryTestNode{ "eqdc10", toml.Position{22, 3}, }, queryTestNode{ "", toml.Position{25, 3}, }, queryTestNode{ "eqdc10", toml.Position{26, 3}, }, }) assertQueryPositions(t, string(buff), "$..[?(float)]", []interface{}{ // no float values in document }) tv, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "1979-05-27T07:32:00Z") assertQueryPositions(t, string(buff), "$..[?(tree)]", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "name": "Tom Preston-Werner", "organization": "GitHub", "bio": "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer.", "dob": tv, }, toml.Position{5, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "server": "", "ports": []interface{}{int64(8001), int64(8001), int64(8002)}, "connection_max": int64(5000), "enabled": true, }, toml.Position{11, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "alpha": map[string]interface{}{ "ip": "", "dc": "eqdc10", }, "beta": map[string]interface{}{ "ip": "", "dc": "eqdc10", }, }, toml.Position{17, 1}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "ip": "", "dc": "eqdc10", }, toml.Position{20, 3}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "ip": "", "dc": "eqdc10", }, toml.Position{24, 3}, }, queryTestNode{ map[string]interface{}{ "data": []interface{}{ []interface{}{"gamma", "delta"}, []interface{}{int64(1), int64(2)}, }, }, toml.Position{28, 1}, }, }) assertQueryPositions(t, string(buff), "$..[?(time)]", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ tv, toml.Position{9, 1}, }, }) assertQueryPositions(t, string(buff), "$..[?(bool)]", []interface{}{ queryTestNode{ true, toml.Position{15, 1}, }, }) }