libraries/shared; adjust omni test_helpers to drop and recreate
checked_headers table to avoid reaching 1600 column limit after repeated
tests (dropping columns doesn't actually remove them from contributing
to that limit)
* update transformer to able to recheck headers
* put cap on rechecking header
* integration test for recheck headers
* use enum for recheck headers param; make recheck cap configurable
* update integration tests with new test config
* update omni pkg with new recheck header column type
* update migration with new migration tool and final tweaks needed to accommodate changes in omni pkg
execution cycles and fixing test db tear down so that it drops
checked_headers table instead of individual columns (droping columns
only hides them, they remain in memory and continue to contribute to the
1600 column limit which causes us to eventually exceed it)
collected from watched events; 'MissingMethodsCheckedEventsIntersection'
method to find headers which have been checked for each event of
interest but methods have not yet been polled at that header; tests for
new features; travis ci go version 1.9 -> 1.11 ; consolidate omniWatcher and lightOmniWatcher into single command with light as default
towards generic method polling and reposito;y; config settings to
filterevents/methods by account address; refactoring some stuff out of
repo and into converter; remove fetcher and instead call
blockchain's FetchContractData directly; finishing tests