update migrations; update go modules

This commit is contained in:
Ian Norden 2020-10-20 21:12:25 -05:00
parent 60bfc1c045
commit 5cad354eac
5 changed files with 152 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
-- +goose Up
-- +goose StatementBegin
CREATE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription() returns TRIGGER as $$
table_name text = TG_ARGV[0];
attribute text = TG_ARGV[1];
id text;
execute 'select $1.' || quote_ident(attribute)
using new
into id;
perform pg_notify('postgraphile:' || table_name,
'__node__', json_build_array(
return new;
$$ language plpgsql;
-- +goose StatementEnd
CREATE TRIGGER header_cids_ai
after INSERT ON eth.header_cids
for each row
execute procedure eth.graphql_subscription('header_cids', 'id');
CREATE TRIGGER receipt_cids_ai
after INSERT ON eth.receipt_cids
for each row
execute procedure eth.graphql_subscription('receipt_cids', 'id');
CREATE TRIGGER state_accounts_ai
after INSERT ON eth.state_accounts
for each row
execute procedure eth.graphql_subscription('state_accounts', 'id');
CREATE TRIGGER state_cids_ai
after INSERT ON eth.state_cids
for each row
execute procedure eth.graphql_subscription('state_cids', 'id');
CREATE TRIGGER storage_cids_ai
after INSERT ON eth.storage_cids
for each row
execute procedure eth.graphql_subscription('storage_cids', 'id');
CREATE TRIGGER transaction_cids_ai
after INSERT ON eth.transaction_cids
for each row
execute procedure eth.graphql_subscription('transaction_cids', 'id');
CREATE TRIGGER uncle_cids_ai
after INSERT ON eth.uncle_cids
for each row
execute procedure eth.graphql_subscription('uncle_cids', 'id');
-- +goose Down
DROP TRIGGER uncle_cids_ai ON eth.uncle_cids;
DROP TRIGGER transaction_cids_ai ON eth.transaction_cids;
DROP TRIGGER storage_cids_ai ON eth.storage_cids;
DROP TRIGGER state_cids_ai ON eth.state_cids;
DROP TRIGGER state_accounts_ai ON eth.state_accounts;
DROP TRIGGER receipt_cids_ai ON eth.receipt_cids;
DROP TRIGGER header_cids_ai ON eth.header_cids;
DROP FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription();

View File

@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ CREATE INDEX tx_dst_index ON eth.transaction_cids USING btree (dst);
CREATE INDEX tx_src_index ON eth.transaction_cids USING btree (src);
CREATE INDEX tx_data_index ON eth.transaction_cids USING btree (tx_data);
-- receipt indexes
CREATE INDEX rct_tx_id_index ON eth.receipt_cids USING btree (tx_id);
@ -107,7 +105,6 @@ DROP INDEX eth.rct_cid_index;
DROP INDEX eth.rct_tx_id_index;
-- transaction indexes
DROP INDEX eth.tx_data_index;
DROP INDEX eth.tx_src_index;
DROP INDEX eth.tx_dst_index;
DROP INDEX eth.tx_mh_index;

View File

@ -23,6 +23,34 @@ SET row_security = off;
-- Name: graphql_subscription(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription() RETURNS trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $_$
table_name text = TG_ARGV[0];
attribute text = TG_ARGV[1];
id text;
execute 'select $1.' || quote_ident(attribute)
using new
into id;
perform pg_notify('postgraphile:' || table_name,
'__node__', json_build_array(
return new;
-- Name: canonical_header(bigint); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: -
@ -858,13 +886,6 @@ CREATE INDEX timestamp_index ON eth.header_cids USING brin ("timestamp");
CREATE INDEX tx_cid_index ON eth.transaction_cids USING btree (cid);
-- Name: tx_data_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE INDEX tx_data_index ON eth.transaction_cids USING btree (tx_data);
-- Name: tx_dst_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: eth; Owner: -
@ -900,6 +921,55 @@ CREATE INDEX tx_mh_index ON eth.transaction_cids USING btree (mh_key);
CREATE INDEX tx_src_index ON eth.transaction_cids USING btree (src);
-- Name: header_cids header_cids_ai; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER header_cids_ai AFTER INSERT ON eth.header_cids FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription('header_cids', 'id');
-- Name: receipt_cids receipt_cids_ai; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER receipt_cids_ai AFTER INSERT ON eth.receipt_cids FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription('receipt_cids', 'id');
-- Name: state_accounts state_accounts_ai; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER state_accounts_ai AFTER INSERT ON eth.state_accounts FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription('state_accounts', 'id');
-- Name: state_cids state_cids_ai; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER state_cids_ai AFTER INSERT ON eth.state_cids FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription('state_cids', 'id');
-- Name: storage_cids storage_cids_ai; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER storage_cids_ai AFTER INSERT ON eth.storage_cids FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription('storage_cids', 'id');
-- Name: transaction_cids transaction_cids_ai; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER transaction_cids_ai AFTER INSERT ON eth.transaction_cids FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription('transaction_cids', 'id');
-- Name: uncle_cids uncle_cids_ai; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER uncle_cids_ai AFTER INSERT ON eth.uncle_cids FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription('uncle_cids', 'id');
-- Name: header_cids header_cids_mh_key_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: eth; Owner: -

View File

@ -17,10 +17,8 @@ require (
github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.6.0
github.com/spf13/cobra v1.0.0
github.com/spf13/viper v1.7.0
github.com/vulcanize/ipld-eth-indexer v0.4.0-alpha
github.com/vulcanize/ipld-eth-indexer v0.6.0-alpha
github.com/vulcanize/pg-ipfs-ethdb v0.0.1-alpha
replace github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum v1.9.11 => /Users/iannorden/go/src/github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum
replace github.com/vulcanize/ipld-eth-indexer v0.4.0-alpha => /Users/iannorden/go/src/github.com/vulcanize/ipld-eth-indexer
replace github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum v1.9.11 => github.com/vulcanize/go-ethereum v1.9.11-statediff-0.0.8

View File

@ -935,10 +935,14 @@ github.com/viant/assertly v0.4.8/go.mod h1:aGifi++jvCrUaklKEKT0BU95igDNaqkvz+49u
github.com/viant/toolbox v0.24.0/go.mod h1:OxMCG57V0PXuIP2HNQrtJf2CjqdmbrOx5EkMILuUhzM=
github.com/vulcanize/go-ethereum v1.9.11-statediff-0.0.5 h1:U+BqhjRLR22e9OEm8cgWC3Eq3bh8G6azjNpXeenfCG4=
github.com/vulcanize/go-ethereum v1.9.11-statediff-0.0.5/go.mod h1:7oC0Ni6dosMv5pxMigm6s0hN8g4haJMBnqmmo0D9YfQ=
github.com/vulcanize/go-ethereum v1.9.11-statediff-0.0.8 h1:7TK52k55uvSl+1SCKYYFelzH1NrpvEcDrpeU9nUDIpI=
github.com/vulcanize/go-ethereum v1.9.11-statediff-0.0.8/go.mod h1:7oC0Ni6dosMv5pxMigm6s0hN8g4haJMBnqmmo0D9YfQ=
github.com/vulcanize/ipld-eth-indexer v0.2.0-alpha h1:+XVaC7TsA0K278YWpfqdrNxwgC6hY6fBaN8w2/e1Lts=
github.com/vulcanize/ipld-eth-indexer v0.2.0-alpha/go.mod h1:SuMBscFfcBHYlQuzDDd4by+R0S3gaAFjrOU+uQfAefE=
github.com/vulcanize/ipld-eth-indexer v0.4.0-alpha h1:DXZ/hF65uegvh70YZTcPM6InMUxGkWxee6awyLcrhDg=
github.com/vulcanize/ipld-eth-indexer v0.4.0-alpha/go.mod h1:SuMBscFfcBHYlQuzDDd4by+R0S3gaAFjrOU+uQfAefE=
github.com/vulcanize/ipld-eth-indexer v0.6.0-alpha h1:CNZfwHokF3tcYKCsWKoyRqmyDh1quw0v/e5Jf2dD7uc=
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github.com/vulcanize/pg-ipfs-ethdb v0.0.1-alpha h1:Y7j0Hw1jgVVOg+eUGUr7OgH+gOBID0DwbsfZV1KoL7I=
github.com/vulcanize/pg-ipfs-ethdb v0.0.1-alpha/go.mod h1:OuqE4r2LGWAtDVx3s1yaAzDcwy+LEAqrWaE1L8UfrGY=
github.com/wangjia184/sortedset v0.0.0-20160527075905-f5d03557ba30/go.mod h1:YkocrP2K2tcw938x9gCOmT5G5eCD6jsTz0SZuyAqwIE=