`Dockerfile` will build an alpine image containing:
- vDB as a binary with runtime deps statically linked: `/app/vulcanizedb`
- The migration tool goose: `/app/goose`
- Two services for running `lightSync` and `continuousLogSync`, started with the default configuration `environments/staging.toml`.
By default, vDB is configured towards the Kovan deploy. The configuration values can be overridden using environment variables, using the same hierarchical naming pattern but in CAPS and using underscores. For example, the contract address for the `Pit` can be set with the variable `CONTRACT_ADDRESS_PIT="0x123..."`.
The steps above have been rolled into a script: `/app/startup_script.sh`, which just assumes the DB env variables have been set, and defaults the rest to Kovan according to `environments/staging.toml`. This can be called with something like: