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Using Vulcanize for the first time requires several steps be done in order to allow use of the software. The following instructions will offer a guide through the steps of the process:
Once fetched, dependencies can be installed via `go get` or (the preferred method) at specific versions via `golang/dep`, the prototype golang pakcage manager. Installation instructions are [here](https://golang.github.io/dep/docs/installation.html).
In order to install packages with `dep`, ensure you are in the project directory now within your `GOPATH` (default location is `~/go/src/github.com/vulcanize/vulcanizedb/`) and run:
`dep ensure`
After `dep` finishes, dependencies should be installed within your `GOPATH` at the versions specified in `Gopkg.toml`.
Lastly, ensure that `GOPATH` is defined in your shell. If necessary, `GOPATH` can be set in `~/.bashrc` or `~/.bash_profile`, depending upon your system. It can be additionally helpful to add `$GOPATH/bin` to your shell's `$PATH`.
- Copy `environments/local.toml.example` to `environments/local.toml` to configure commands to run against a local node such as [Ganache](https://truffleframework.com/ganache) or [ganache-cli](https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache-clihttps://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache-cli).
Syncs VulcanizeDB with the configured Ethereum node, populating only block headers.
This command is useful when you want a minimal baseline from which to track targeted data on the blockchain (e.g. individual smart contract storage values).
1. you will need to make sure you have ssh agent running and your ssh key added to it. instructions [here](https://developer.github.com/v3/guides/using-ssh-agent-forwarding/#your-key-must-be-available-to-ssh-agent)
Contract watchers work with a light or full sync vDB to fetch raw ethereum data and execute a set of transformations over them, persisting the output.
A watcher is composed of at least a fetcher and a transformer or set of transformers, where a fetcher is an interface for retrieving raw Ethereum data from some source (e.g. eth_jsonrpc, IPFS)
and a transformer is an interface for filtering through that raw Ethereum data to extract, process, and persist data for specific contracts or accounts.
### omniWatcher
The `omniWatcher` command is a built-in generic contract watcher. It can watch any and all events for a given contract provided the contract's ABI is available.
It also provides some state variable coverage by automating polling of public methods, with some restrictions.
This command requires a pre-synced (full or light) vulcanizeDB (see above sections) and currently requires the contract ABI be available on etherscan or provided by the user.
Transformed events and polled method results are committed to Postgres in schemas and tables generated according to the contract abi.
Schemas are created for each contract using the naming convention `<sync-type>_<lowercase contract-address>`
Under this schema, tables are generated for watched events as `<lowercase event name>_event` and for polled methods as `<lowercase method name>_method`
The 'method' and 'event' identifiers are tacked onto the end of the table names to prevent collisions between methods and events of the same lowercase name
Column ids and types for these tables are generated based on the event and method argument names and types and method return types, resulting in tables such as
The information provided in the .toml config is used to generate the plugin:
name = "vulcanize_public"
hostname = "localhost"
user = "vulcanize"
password = "vulcanize"
port = 5432
ipcPath = "http://kovan0.vulcanize.io:8545"
name = "eventTransformerExporter"
save = false
transformerNames = [
path = "path/to/transformer1"
type = "eth_event"
repository = "github.com/account/repo"
migrations = "db/migrations"
path = "path/to/transformer2"
type = "eth_event"
repository = "github.com/account/repo"
migrations = "db/migrations"
path = "path/to/transformer3"
type = "eth_event"
repository = "github.com/account/repo"
migrations = "db/migrations"
path = "path/to/transformer4"
type = "eth_storage"
repository = "github.com/account2/repo2"
migrations = "to/db/migrations"
-`name` is the name used for the plugin files (.so and .go)
-`save` indicates whether or not the user wants to save the .go file instead of removing it after .so compilation (useful for debugging)
-`transformerNames` is the list of the names of the transformers we are composing together, so we know how to access their submaps in the exporter map
-`exporter.<transformerName>`s are the sub-mappings containing config info for the transformers
-`repository` is the path for the repository which contains the transformer and its `TransformerInitializer`
-`path` is the relative path from `repository` to the transformer's `TransformerInitializer`
-`type` is the type of the transformer; indicating which type of watcher it works with (for now, there are only two options: "eth_event" and "eth_storage")
- "eth_storage" indicates the transformer works with the [storage watcher](https://github.com/vulcanize/maker-vulcanizedb/blob/compose_and_execute/libraries/shared/watcher/storage_watcher.go)
that fetches state and storage diffs from an ETH node (instead of, for example, from IPFS)
- "eth_event" indicates the transformer works with the [event watcher](https://github.com/vulcanize/maker-vulcanizedb/blob/compose_and_execute/libraries/shared/watcher/event_watcher.go)
that fetches event logs from an ETH node
-`migrations` is the relative path from `repository` to the db migrations for the transformer
Note: If any of the imported transformer need additional
config variables do not forget to include those as well
This information is used to write and build a go plugin with a transformer
set composed from the transformer imports specified in the config file
This plugin is loaded and the set of transformer initializers is exported
from it and loaded into and executed over by the appropriate watcher
Transformers of different types can be run together in the same command using a
single config file or in separate instances using different config files
The general structure of a plugin .go file, and what we would see with the above config is shown below
func (e exporter) Export() []interface1.TransformerInitializer, []interface1.StorageTransformerInitializer {
return []interface1.TransformerInitializer{
}, []interface1.StorageTransformerInitializer{
#### Preparing transformer(s) to work as pluggins for composeAndExecute
To plug in an external transformer we need to:
* create a [package](https://github.com/vulcanize/mcd_transformers/blob/staging/transformers/bite/initializer/initializer.go)
that exports a variable `TransformerInitializer` or `StorageTransformerInitializer` that are of type [TransformerInitializer](https://github.com/vulcanize/maker-vulcanizedb/blob/compose_and_execute/libraries/shared/transformer/event_transformer.go#L33)
and [StorageTransformerInitializer](https://github.com/vulcanize/maker-vulcanizedb/blob/compose_and_execute/libraries/shared/transformer/storage_transformer.go#L31), respectively
* design the transformers to work in the context of the [event](https://github.com/vulcanize/maker-vulcanizedb/blob/compose_and_execute/libraries/shared/watcher/event_watcher.go#L83)
or [storage](https://github.com/vulcanize/maker-vulcanizedb/blob/compose_and_execute/libraries/shared/watcher/storage_watcher.go#L53) watchers
* create db migrations to run against vulcanizeDB so that we can store the transformed data