"decodescriptresult-asm":"Disassembly of the script",
"decodescriptresult-reqSigs":"The number of required signatures",
"decodescriptresult-type":"The type of the script (e.g. 'pubkeyhash')",
"decodescriptresult-addresses":"The bitcoin addresses associated with this script",
"decodescriptresult-p2sh":"The script hash for use in pay-to-script-hash transactions (only present if the provided redeem script is not already a pay-to-script-hash script)",
// DecodeScriptCmd help.
"decodescript--synopsis":"Returns a JSON object with information about the provided hex-encoded script.",
"getblockheaderverboseresult-bits":"The bits which represent the block difficulty",
"getblockheaderverboseresult-difficulty":"The proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty",
"getblockheaderverboseresult-previousblockhash":"The hash of the previous block",
"getblockheaderverboseresult-nextblockhash":"The hash of the next block (only if there is one)",
// TemplateRequest help.
"templaterequest-mode":"This is 'template', 'proposal', or omitted",
"templaterequest-capabilities":"List of capabilities",
"templaterequest-longpollid":"The long poll ID of a job to monitor for expiration; required and valid only for long poll requests ",
"templaterequest-sigoplimit":"Number of signature operations allowed in blocks (this parameter is ignored)",
"templaterequest-sizelimit":"Number of bytes allowed in blocks (this parameter is ignored)",
"templaterequest-maxversion":"Highest supported block version number (this parameter is ignored)",
"templaterequest-target":"The desired target for the block template (this parameter is ignored)",
"templaterequest-data":"Hex-encoded block data (only for mode=proposal)",
"templaterequest-workid":"The server provided workid if provided in block template (not applicable)",
// GetBlockTemplateResultTx help.
"getblocktemplateresulttx-data":"Hex-encoded transaction data (byte-for-byte)",
"getblocktemplateresulttx-hash":"Hex-encoded transaction hash (little endian if treated as a 256-bit number)",
"getblocktemplateresulttx-depends":"Other transactions before this one (by 1-based index in the 'transactions' list) that must be present in the final block if this one is",
"getblocktemplateresulttx-fee":"Difference in value between transaction inputs and outputs (in Satoshi)",
"getblocktemplateresulttx-sigops":"Total number of signature operations as counted for purposes of block limits",
"getblocktemplateresulttx-weight":"The weight of the transaction",
// GetBlockTemplateResultAux help.
"getblocktemplateresultaux-flags":"Hex-encoded byte-for-byte data to include in the coinbase signature script",
"getblocktemplateresult-mutable":"List of mutations the server explicitly allows",
"getblocktemplateresult-noncerange":"Two concatenated hex-encoded big-endian 32-bit integers which represent the valid ranges of nonces the miner may scan",
"getblocktemplateresult-capabilities":"List of server capabilities including 'proposal' to indicate support for block proposals",
"getblocktemplateresult-reject-reason":"Reason the proposal was invalid as-is (only applies to proposal responses)",
"getblocktemplateresult-default_witness_commitment":"The witness commitment itself. Will be populated if the block has witness data",
"getblocktemplateresult-weightlimit":"The current limit on the max allowed weight of a block",
// GetBlockTemplateCmd help.
"getblocktemplate--synopsis":"Returns a JSON object with information necessary to construct a block to mine or accepts a proposal to validate.\n"+
"See BIP0022 and BIP0023 for the full specification.",
"getblocktemplate-request":"Request object which controls the mode and several parameters",
"infowalletresult-walletversion":"The version of the wallet server",
"infowalletresult-balance":"The total bitcoin balance of the wallet",
"infowalletresult-blocks":"The number of blocks processed",
"infowalletresult-timeoffset":"The time offset",
"infowalletresult-connections":"The number of connected peers",
"infowalletresult-proxy":"The proxy used by the server",
"infowalletresult-difficulty":"The current target difficulty",
"infowalletresult-testnet":"Whether or not server is using testnet",
"infowalletresult-keypoololdest":"Seconds since 1 Jan 1970 GMT of the oldest pre-generated key in the key pool",
"infowalletresult-keypoolsize":"The number of new keys that are pre-generated",
"infowalletresult-unlocked_until":"The timestamp in seconds since 1 Jan 1970 GMT that the wallet is unlocked for transfers, or 0 if the wallet is locked",
"infowalletresult-paytxfee":"The transaction fee set in BTC/KB",
"infowalletresult-relayfee":"The minimum relay fee for non-free transactions in BTC/KB",
"infowalletresult-errors":"Any current errors",
// GetHeadersCmd help.
"getheaders--synopsis":"Returns block headers starting with the first known block hash from the request",
"getheaders-blocklocators":"JSON array of hex-encoded hashes of blocks. Headers are returned starting from the first known hash in this list",
"getheaders-hashstop":"Block hash to stop including block headers for; if not found, all headers to the latest known block are returned.",
"getheaders--result0":"Serialized block headers of all located blocks, limited to some arbitrary maximum number of hashes (currently 2000, which matches the wire protocol headers message, but this is not guaranteed)",
// GetInfoCmd help.
"getinfo--synopsis":"Returns a JSON object containing various state info.",
// GetMempoolInfoCmd help.
"getmempoolinfo--synopsis":"Returns memory pool information",
// GetMempoolInfoResult help.
"getmempoolinforesult-bytes":"Size in bytes of the mempool",
"getmempoolinforesult-size":"Number of transactions in the mempool",
// GetMiningInfoResult help.
"getmininginforesult-blocks":"Height of the latest best block",
"getmininginforesult-currentblocksize":"Size of the latest best block",
"getmininginforesult-currentblockweight":"Weight of the latest best block",
"getmininginforesult-currentblocktx":"Number of transactions in the latest best block",
"gettxoutresult-coinbase":"Whether or not the transaction is a coinbase",
// GetTxOutCmd help.
"gettxout--synopsis":"Returns information about an unspent transaction output..",
"gettxout-txid":"The hash of the transaction",
"gettxout-vout":"The index of the output",
"gettxout-includemempool":"Include the mempool when true",
// HelpCmd help.
"help--synopsis":"Returns a list of all commands or help for a specified command.",
"help-command":"The command to retrieve help for",
"help--condition0":"no command provided",
"help--condition1":"command specified",
"help--result0":"List of commands",
"help--result1":"Help for specified command",
// PingCmd help.
"ping--synopsis":"Queues a ping to be sent to each connected peer.\n"+
"Ping times are provided by getpeerinfo via the pingtime and pingwait fields.",
// SearchRawTransactionsCmd help.
"searchrawtransactions--synopsis":"Returns raw data for transactions involving the passed address.\n"+
"Returned transactions are pulled from both the database, and transactions currently in the mempool.\n"+
"Transactions pulled from the mempool will have the 'confirmations' field set to 0.\n"+
"Usage of this RPC requires the optional --addrindex flag to be activated, otherwise all responses will simply return with an error stating the address index has not yet been built.\n"+
"Similarly, until the address index has caught up with the current best height, all requests will return an error response in order to avoid serving stale data.",
"searchrawtransactions-address":"The Bitcoin address to search for",
"searchrawtransactions-verbose":"Specifies the transaction is returned as a JSON object instead of hex-encoded string",
"searchrawtransactions-skip":"The number of leading transactions to leave out of the final response",
"searchrawtransactions-count":"The maximum number of transactions to return",
"searchrawtransactions-vinextra":"Specify that extra data from previous output will be returned in vin",
"searchrawtransactions-reverse":"Specifies that the transactions should be returned in reverse chronological order",
"searchrawtransactions-filteraddrs":"Address list. Only inputs or outputs with matching address will be returned",
"submitblock--result1":"The reason the block was rejected",
// ValidateAddressResult help.
"validateaddresschainresult-isvalid":"Whether or not the address is valid",
"validateaddresschainresult-address":"The bitcoin address (only when isvalid is true)",
// ValidateAddressCmd help.
"validateaddress--synopsis":"Verify an address is valid.",
"validateaddress-address":"Bitcoin address to validate",
// VerifyChainCmd help.
"verifychain--synopsis":"Verifies the block chain database.\n"+
"The actual checks performed by the checklevel parameter are implementation specific.\n"+
"For btcd this is:\n"+
"checklevel=0 - Look up each block and ensure it can be loaded from the database.\n"+
"checklevel=1 - Perform basic context-free sanity checks on each block.",
"verifychain-checklevel":"How thorough the block verification is",
"verifychain-checkdepth":"The number of blocks to check",
"verifychain--result0":"Whether or not the chain verified",
// VerifyMessageCmd help.
"verifymessage--synopsis":"Verify a signed message.",
"verifymessage-address":"The bitcoin address to use for the signature",
"verifymessage-signature":"The base-64 encoded signature provided by the signer",
"verifymessage-message":"The signed message",
"verifymessage--result0":"Whether or not the signature verified",
// -------- Websocket-specific help --------
// Session help.
"session--synopsis":"Return details regarding a websocket client's current connection session.",
"sessionresult-sessionid":"The unique session ID for a client's websocket connection.",
// NotifyBlocksCmd help.
"notifyblocks--synopsis":"Request notifications for whenever a block is connected or disconnected from the main (best) chain.",
// StopNotifyBlocksCmd help.
"stopnotifyblocks--synopsis":"Cancel registered notifications for whenever a block is connected or disconnected from the main (best) chain.",
// NotifyNewTransactionsCmd help.
"notifynewtransactions--synopsis":"Send either a txaccepted or a txacceptedverbose notification when a new transaction is accepted into the mempool.",
"notifynewtransactions-verbose":"Specifies which type of notification to receive. If verbose is true, then the caller receives txacceptedverbose, otherwise the caller receives txaccepted",
// StopNotifyNewTransactionsCmd help.
"stopnotifynewtransactions--synopsis":"Stop sending either a txaccepted or a txacceptedverbose notification when a new transaction is accepted into the mempool.",
// NotifyReceivedCmd help.
"notifyreceived--synopsis":"Send a recvtx notification when a transaction added to mempool or appears in a newly-attached block contains a txout pkScript sending to any of the passed addresses.\n"+
"Matching outpoints are automatically registered for redeemingtx notifications.",
"notifyreceived-addresses":"List of address to receive notifications about",
// StopNotifyReceivedCmd help.
"stopnotifyreceived--synopsis":"Cancel registered receive notifications for each passed address.",
"stopnotifyreceived-addresses":"List of address to cancel receive notifications for",
// OutPoint help.
"outpoint-hash":"The hex-encoded bytes of the outpoint hash",
"outpoint-index":"The index of the outpoint",
// NotifySpentCmd help.
"notifyspent--synopsis":"Send a redeemingtx notification when a transaction spending an outpoint appears in mempool (if relayed to this btcd instance) and when such a transaction first appears in a newly-attached block.",
"notifyspent-outpoints":"List of transaction outpoints to monitor.",
// StopNotifySpentCmd help.
"stopnotifyspent--synopsis":"Cancel registered spending notifications for each passed outpoint.",
"stopnotifyspent-outpoints":"List of transaction outpoints to stop monitoring.",
// LoadTxFilterCmd help.
"loadtxfilter--synopsis":"Load, add to, or reload a websocket client's transaction filter for mempool transactions, new blocks and rescanblocks.",
"loadtxfilter-reload":"Load a new filter instead of adding data to an existing one",
"loadtxfilter-addresses":"Array of addresses to add to the transaction filter",
"loadtxfilter-outpoints":"Array of outpoints to add to the transaction filter",
// Rescan help.
"rescan--synopsis":"Rescan block chain for transactions to addresses.\n"+
"When the endblock parameter is omitted, the rescan continues through the best block in the main chain.\n"+
"Rescan results are sent as recvtx and redeemingtx notifications.\n"+
"This call returns once the rescan completes.",
"rescan-beginblock":"Hash of the first block to begin rescanning",
"rescan-addresses":"List of addresses to include in the rescan",
"rescan-outpoints":"List of transaction outpoints to include in the rescan",
"rescan-endblock":"Hash of final block to rescan",
// RescanBlocks help.
"rescanblocks--synopsis":"Rescan blocks for transactions matching the loaded transaction filter.",
"rescanblocks-blockhashes":"List of hashes to rescan. Each next block must be a child of the previous.",
"rescanblocks--result0":"List of matching blocks.",
// RescannedBlock help.
"rescannedblock-hash":"Hash of the matching block.",
"rescannedblock-transactions":"List of matching transactions, serialized and hex-encoded.",
// Uptime help.
"uptime--synopsis":"Returns the total uptime of the server.",
"uptime--result0":"The number of seconds that the server has been running",
// Version help.
"version--synopsis":"Returns the JSON-RPC API version (semver)",
"version--result0--desc":"Version objects keyed by the program or API name",
"version--result0--key":"Program or API name",
"version--result0--value":"Object containing the semantic version",
// VersionResult help.
"versionresult-versionstring":"The JSON-RPC API version (semver)",
"versionresult-major":"The major component of the JSON-RPC API version",
"versionresult-minor":"The minor component of the JSON-RPC API version",
"versionresult-patch":"The patch component of the JSON-RPC API version",
"versionresult-prerelease":"Prerelease info about the current build",
"versionresult-buildmetadata":"Metadata about the current build",
// rpcResultTypes specifies the result types that each RPC command can return.
// This information is used to generate the help. Each result type must be a
// pointer to the type (or nil to indicate no return value).