-- +goose Up -- +goose StatementBegin -- returns if a state leaf node was removed within the provided block number CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION was_state_leaf_removed(key character varying, hash character varying) RETURNS boolean AS $$ SELECT state_cids.node_type = 3 FROM eth.state_cids INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (state_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash) WHERE state_leaf_key = key AND block_number <= (SELECT block_number FROM eth.header_cids WHERE block_hash = hash) ORDER BY block_number DESC LIMIT 1; $$ language sql; -- +goose StatementEnd -- +goose StatementBegin CREATE TYPE child_result AS ( has_child BOOLEAN, children eth.header_cids[] ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION has_child(hash VARCHAR(66), height BIGINT) RETURNS child_result AS $BODY$ DECLARE child_height INT; temp_child eth.header_cids; new_child_result child_result; BEGIN child_height = height + 1; -- short circuit if there are no children SELECT exists(SELECT 1 FROM eth.header_cids WHERE parent_hash = hash AND block_number = child_height LIMIT 1) INTO new_child_result.has_child; -- collect all the children for this header IF new_child_result.has_child THEN FOR temp_child IN SELECT * FROM eth.header_cids WHERE parent_hash = hash AND block_number = child_height LOOP new_child_result.children = array_append(new_child_result.children, temp_child); END LOOP; END IF; RETURN new_child_result; END $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- +goose StatementEnd -- +goose StatementBegin CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION canonical_header_from_array(headers eth.header_cids[]) RETURNS eth.header_cids AS $BODY$ DECLARE canonical_header eth.header_cids; canonical_child eth.header_cids; header eth.header_cids; current_child_result child_result; child_headers eth.header_cids[]; current_header_with_child eth.header_cids; has_children_count INT DEFAULT 0; BEGIN -- for each header in the provided set FOREACH header IN ARRAY headers LOOP -- check if it has any children current_child_result = has_child(header.block_hash, header.block_number); IF current_child_result.has_child THEN -- if it does, take note has_children_count = has_children_count + 1; current_header_with_child = header; -- and add the children to the growing set of child headers child_headers = array_cat(child_headers, current_child_result.children); END IF; END LOOP; -- if none of the headers had children, none is more canonical than the other IF has_children_count = 0 THEN -- return the first one selected SELECT * INTO canonical_header FROM unnest(headers) LIMIT 1; -- if only one header had children, it can be considered the heaviest/canonical header of the set ELSIF has_children_count = 1 THEN -- return the only header with a child canonical_header = current_header_with_child; -- if there are multiple headers with children ELSE -- find the canonical header from the child set canonical_child = canonical_header_from_array(child_headers); -- the header that is parent to this header, is the canonical header at this level SELECT * INTO canonical_header FROM unnest(headers) WHERE block_hash = canonical_child.parent_hash; END IF; RETURN canonical_header; END $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- +goose StatementEnd -- +goose StatementBegin CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION canonical_header_hash(height BIGINT) RETURNS character varying AS $BODY$ DECLARE canonical_header eth.header_cids; headers eth.header_cids[]; header_count INT; temp_header eth.header_cids; BEGIN -- collect all headers at this height FOR temp_header IN SELECT * FROM eth.header_cids WHERE block_number = height LOOP headers = array_append(headers, temp_header); END LOOP; -- count the number of headers collected header_count = array_length(headers, 1); -- if we have less than 1 header, return NULL IF header_count IS NULL OR header_count < 1 THEN RETURN NULL; -- if we have one header, return its hash ELSIF header_count = 1 THEN RETURN headers[1].block_hash; -- if we have multiple headers we need to determine which one is canonical ELSE canonical_header = canonical_header_from_array(headers); RETURN canonical_header.block_hash; END IF; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- +goose StatementEnd -- +goose Down DROP FUNCTION was_state_leaf_removed; DROP FUNCTION canonical_header_hash; DROP FUNCTION canonical_header_from_array; DROP FUNCTION has_child; DROP TYPE child_result;