BIN = $(GOPATH)/bin # Tools ## Migration tool GOOSE = $(BIN)/goose $(BIN)/goose: go get -u .PHONY: installtools installtools: | $(GOOSE) echo "Installing tools" #Database HOST_NAME = localhost PORT = 5432 NAME = USER = postgres PASSWORD = password CONNECT_STRING=postgresql://$(USER):$(PASSWORD)@$(HOST_NAME):$(PORT)/$(NAME)?sslmode=disable # Parameter checks ## Check that DB variables are provided .PHONY: checkdbvars checkdbvars: test -n "$(HOST_NAME)" # $$HOST_NAME test -n "$(PORT)" # $$PORT test -n "$(NAME)" # $$NAME @echo $(CONNECT_STRING) ## Check that the migration variable (id/timestamp) is provided .PHONY: checkmigration checkmigration: test -n "$(MIGRATION)" # $$MIGRATION # Check that the migration name is provided .PHONY: checkmigname checkmigname: test -n "$(NAME)" # $$NAME # Migration operations ## Rollback the last migration .PHONY: rollback rollback: $(GOOSE) checkdbvars $(GOOSE) -dir db/migrations postgres "$(CONNECT_STRING)" down pg_dump -O -s $(CONNECT_STRING) > schema.sql ## Rollback to a select migration (id/timestamp) .PHONY: rollback_to rollback_to: $(GOOSE) checkmigration checkdbvars $(GOOSE) -dir db/migrations postgres "$(CONNECT_STRING)" down-to "$(MIGRATION)" ## Apply the next up migration .PHONY: migrate_up_by_one migrate_up_by_one: $(GOOSE) checkdbvars $(GOOSE) -dir db/migrations postgres "$(CONNECT_STRING)" up-by-one ## Apply all migrations not already run .PHONY: migrate migrate: $(GOOSE) checkdbvars $(GOOSE) -dir db/migrations postgres "$(CONNECT_STRING)" up pg_dump -O -s $(CONNECT_STRING) > schema.sql ## Apply migrations to be ran before a batch processing .PHONY: migrate_pre_batch_set migrate_pre_batch_set: $(GOOSE) checkdbvars $(GOOSE) -dir db/pre_batch_processing_migrations postgres "$(CONNECT_STRING)" up ## Apply migrations to be ran after a batch processing, one-by-one .PHONY: migrate_post_batch_set_up_by_one migrate_post_batch_set_up_by_one: $(GOOSE) checkdbvars $(GOOSE) -dir db/post_batch_processing_migrations postgres "$(CONNECT_STRING)" up-by-one ## Apply migrations to be ran after a batch processing .PHONY: migrate_post_batch_set migrate_post_batch_set: $(GOOSE) checkdbvars $(GOOSE) -dir db/post_batch_processing_migrations postgres "$(CONNECT_STRING)" up ## Create a new migration file .PHONY: new_migration new_migration: $(GOOSE) checkmigname $(GOOSE) -dir db/migrations create $(NAME) sql ## Check which migrations are applied at the moment .PHONY: migration_status migration_status: $(GOOSE) checkdbvars $(GOOSE) -dir db/migrations postgres "$(CONNECT_STRING)" status # Convert timestamped migrations to versioned (to be run in CI); # merge timestamped files to prevent conflict .PHONY: version_migrations version_migrations: $(GOOSE) -dir db/migrations fix # Import a psql schema to the database .PHONY: import import: test -n "$(NAME)" # $$NAME psql $(NAME) < schema.sql ## Build docker image with schema .PHONY: docker-build docker-build: docker-compose build ## Build docker image for migration .PHONY: docker-concise-migration-build docker-concise-migration-build: docker build -t vulcanize/concise-migration-build -f ./db/Dockerfile . .PHONY: test-migrations test-migrations: $(GOOSE) ./scripts/