#!/bin/bash # Guards if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] || [ -z "$3" ] || [ -z "$4" ] || [ -z "$5" ] then echo "Env variables not provided" echo "Usage: ./add_nodes.sh " echo "Only is optional" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$6" ] then echo "EXECUTE_SQL not set, will not run statements against an access server" else echo "EXECUTE_SQL is set, will run stataments against an access server" echo "Note: this mode is not recommended except in the case when the migration has already been applied with previous nodes and we need/want to add more while still recording them in the existing migration (and adding their Down statements to said migration)" echo "Expected environment variables:" echo "DATABASE_HOSTNAME, DATABASE_NAME, DATABASE_PORT, DATABASE_USER" echo "For now, DATABASE_PASSWORD will be prompted for on each psql call" fi # Remote DB node info export MIGRATION_FILE_PATH=$1 export NODE_NAME=$2 export NODE_HOST=$3 export NODE_PORT=$4 export NODE_DATABASE=$5 printf "Enter the ${NODE_HOST} database password:\n" stty -echo read NODE_PASSWORD stty echo export NODE_PASSWORD if ! [ -z "$6" ] then # Access DB info echo "heeeeey" export DATABASE_HOSTNAME=localhost export DATABASE_PORT=5432 export DATABASE_USER=vdbm export DATABASE_NAME=vulcanize_db fi # Array of distributed hypertable names declare -a tables_names=("public.blocks" "eth.header_cid" "eth.uncle_cids" "eth.transaction_cids" "eth.receipt_cids" "eth.state_cid" "eth.storage_cids" "eth.state_accounts" "eth.access_list_elements" "eth.log_cids" ) # Array to append Up statements to for later (optional) execution declare -a up_stmts=() echo "Writing Up and Down statements to provided migration file at ${migration_file_path}" # Create add node statement up_add_pg_str="SELECT add_data_node('${NODE_NAME}', host => '${NODE_HOST}', port => ${NODE_PORT}, database => '${NODE_DATABASE}', password => '${NODE_PASSWORD}');" up_stmts+=(${up_add_pg_str}) # Insert at the 3rd line of the file sed -i.bak '3 i\ '"${up_add_pg_str}"' ' "${MIGRATION_FILE_PATH}" # Check for error if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Wrote Up add node statement ${up_add_pg_str}" else echo "Could not write Up add node statement ${up_add_pg_str}. Is the migration file path correct?" exit 1 fi # Create attach node statements for table_name in "${tables_names[@]}" do up_attach_pg_str="SELECT attach_data_node('${NODE_NAME}', '${table_name}', if_not_attached => true);" up_stmts+=(${up_attach_pg_str}) # Insert at the 4th line of the file sed -i.bak '4 i\ '"${up_attach_pg_str}"' ' "${MIGRATION_FILE_PATH}" # Check for error if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Wrote Up attach node statement ${up_attach_pg_str}" else echo "Could not write Up attach node statement ${up_attach_pg_str}. Is the migration file path correct?" exit 1 fi done ## Create detach and remove node statement down_attach_pg_str="SELECT detach_data_node('${NODE_NAME}', force => true, if_attached = true);" down_add_pg_str="SELECT delete_data_node('${NODE_NAME}', force => true, if_attached => true);" # Append them at the last line in the file sed -i.bak '$ a\ '"${down_attach_pg_str}"' ' "${MIGRATION_FILE_PATH}" # Check for error if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Wrote Down attach node statement ${down_attach_pg_str}" else echo "Could not write Down attach node statement ${down_attach_pg_str}. Is the migration file path correct?" exit 1 fi # Append them at the last line in the file sed -i.bak '$ a\ '"${down_add_pg_str}"' ' "${MIGRATION_FILE_PATH}" # Check for error if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Wrote Down add node statement ${down_add_pg_str}" else echo "Could not write Down add node statement ${down_add_pg_str}. Is the migration file path correct?" exit 1 fi # Execute Up statements on the server if we are in that mode if [ -z "$6" ] then echo "Done!" exit 0 fi echo "Executing Up statements against provided server" for up_stmt in "${up_stmts[@]}" do psql -c '\x' -c "${up_stmt}" -h $DATABASE_HOSTNAME -p $DATABASE_PORT -U $DATABASE_USER -d $DATABASE_NAME -W # Check for error if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Executed Up statement ${up_stmt}}" else echo "Could not execute Up statement ${up_stmt}. Is the migration file path correct?" exit 1 fi done echo "Done!" exit 0