updated schema

This commit is contained in:
i-norden 2023-02-17 14:26:30 -06:00
parent 802cfe7180
commit 5e153c601f

View File

@ -101,69 +101,6 @@ CREATE TYPE public.child_result AS (
-- Name: graphql_subscription(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription() RETURNS trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
obj jsonb;
IF (TG_TABLE_NAME = 'state_cids') THEN
obj := json_build_array(
ELSIF (TG_TABLE_NAME = 'storage_cids') THEN
obj := json_build_array(
obj := json_build_array(
ELSIF (TG_TABLE_NAME = 'receipt_cids') THEN
obj := json_build_array(
ELSIF (TG_TABLE_NAME = 'transaction_cids') THEN
obj := json_build_array(
ELSIF (TG_TABLE_NAME = 'access_list_elements') THEN
obj := json_build_array(
ELSIF (TG_TABLE_NAME = 'uncle_cids') OR (TG_TABLE_NAME = 'header_cids') THEN
obj := json_build_array(
perform pg_notify('postgraphile:' || TG_RELNAME , json_build_object(
'__node__', obj
-- Name: canonical_header_from_array(eth.header_cids[]); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: -
@ -332,18 +269,6 @@ CREATE TABLE eth.log_cids (
-- Name: pending_txs; Type: TABLE; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE eth.pending_txs (
tx_hash character varying(66) NOT NULL,
block_hash character varying(66) NOT NULL,
"timestamp" bigint NOT NULL,
raw bytea NOT NULL
-- Name: receipt_cids; Type: TABLE; Schema: eth; Owner: -
@ -354,7 +279,6 @@ CREATE TABLE eth.receipt_cids (
tx_id character varying(66) NOT NULL,
cid text NOT NULL,
contract character varying(66),
contract_hash character varying(66),
post_state character varying(66),
post_status smallint
@ -369,7 +293,6 @@ CREATE TABLE eth.state_cids (
header_id character varying(66) NOT NULL,
state_leaf_key character varying(66) NOT NULL,
cid text NOT NULL,
partial_path bytea NOT NULL,
diff boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
balance numeric,
nonce bigint,
@ -389,7 +312,6 @@ CREATE TABLE eth.storage_cids (
state_leaf_key character varying(66) NOT NULL,
storage_leaf_key character varying(66) NOT NULL,
cid text NOT NULL,
partial_path bytea NOT NULL,
diff boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
val bytea,
removed boolean NOT NULL
@ -435,135 +357,6 @@ CREATE TABLE eth.uncle_cids (
-- Name: asn; Type: TABLE; Schema: eth_meta; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE eth_meta.asn (
id bigint NOT NULL,
asn integer NOT NULL,
registry text NOT NULL,
country_code text NOT NULL,
name text NOT NULL
-- Name: peer; Type: TABLE; Schema: eth_meta; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE eth_meta.peer (
asn_id bigint NOT NULL,
prefix cidr NOT NULL,
rdns text,
raw_dht_peer_id bigint,
city text,
country text,
coords jsonb
-- Name: peer_dht; Type: TABLE; Schema: eth_meta; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE eth_meta.peer_dht (
dht_peer_id bigint NOT NULL,
neighbor_id bigint NOT NULL,
seen timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
seen_by_probe integer NOT NULL
-- Name: peer_seen; Type: TABLE; Schema: eth_meta; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE eth_meta.peer_seen (
raw_peer_id bytea NOT NULL,
first_seen timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
probe_id integer NOT NULL
-- Name: peer_tx; Type: TABLE; Schema: eth_meta; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE eth_meta.peer_tx (
raw_peer_id bytea NOT NULL,
tx_hash character varying(66) NOT NULL,
received timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
received_by_probe integer NOT NULL
-- Name: probe; Type: TABLE; Schema: eth_meta; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE eth_meta.probe (
id integer NOT NULL,
ip inet NOT NULL,
deployed timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
-- Name: raw_dht_peer; Type: TABLE; Schema: eth_meta; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE eth_meta.raw_dht_peer (
id bigint NOT NULL,
pubkey bytea NOT NULL,
ip inet NOT NULL,
port integer NOT NULL,
client_id text,
network_id bytea,
genesis_hash bytea,
forks jsonb,
created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
-- Name: raw_peer; Type: TABLE; Schema: eth_meta; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE eth_meta.raw_peer (
id bytea NOT NULL,
ip inet NOT NULL,
port integer NOT NULL,
client_id text NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
-- Name: site; Type: TABLE; Schema: eth_meta; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE eth_meta.site (
id integer NOT NULL,
provider text NOT NULL,
az text NOT NULL,
probe_id integer NOT NULL,
privkey bytea NOT NULL
-- Name: tx_chain; Type: TABLE; Schema: eth_meta; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE eth_meta.tx_chain (
id bytea NOT NULL,
height integer NOT NULL,
ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
-- Name: watched_addresses; Type: TABLE; Schema: eth_meta; Owner: -
@ -689,14 +482,6 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY eth.log_cids
ADD CONSTRAINT log_cids_pkey PRIMARY KEY (rct_id, index, header_id, block_number);
-- Name: pending_txs pending_txs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: eth; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY eth.pending_txs
ADD CONSTRAINT pending_txs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (tx_hash);
-- Name: receipt_cids receipt_cids_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: eth; Owner: -
@ -882,13 +667,6 @@ CREATE INDEX rct_block_number_index ON eth.receipt_cids USING brin (block_number
CREATE INDEX rct_cid_block_number_index ON eth.receipt_cids USING btree (cid, block_number);
-- Name: rct_contract_hash_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE INDEX rct_contract_hash_index ON eth.receipt_cids USING btree (contract_hash);
-- Name: rct_contract_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: eth; Owner: -
@ -938,13 +716,6 @@ CREATE INDEX state_header_id_index ON eth.state_cids USING btree (header_id);
CREATE INDEX state_leaf_key_block_number_index ON eth.state_cids USING btree (state_leaf_key, block_number DESC);
-- Name: state_partial_path_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE INDEX state_partial_path_index ON eth.state_cids USING btree (partial_path);
-- Name: state_removed_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: eth; Owner: -
@ -987,13 +758,6 @@ CREATE INDEX storage_header_id_index ON eth.storage_cids USING btree (header_id)
CREATE INDEX storage_leaf_key_block_number_index ON eth.storage_cids USING btree (storage_leaf_key, block_number DESC);
-- Name: storage_partial_path_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE INDEX storage_partial_path_index ON eth.storage_cids USING btree (partial_path);
-- Name: storage_removed_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: eth; Owner: -
@ -1078,62 +842,6 @@ CREATE INDEX uncle_header_id_index ON eth.uncle_cids USING btree (header_id);
CREATE INDEX blocks_block_number_idx ON ipld.blocks USING btree (block_number DESC);
-- Name: access_list_elements trg_eth_access_list_elements; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER trg_eth_access_list_elements AFTER INSERT ON eth.access_list_elements FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription();
-- Name: header_cids trg_eth_header_cids; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER trg_eth_header_cids AFTER INSERT ON eth.header_cids FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription();
-- Name: log_cids trg_eth_log_cids; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER trg_eth_log_cids AFTER INSERT ON eth.log_cids FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription();
-- Name: receipt_cids trg_eth_receipt_cids; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER trg_eth_receipt_cids AFTER INSERT ON eth.receipt_cids FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription();
-- Name: state_cids trg_eth_state_cids; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER trg_eth_state_cids AFTER INSERT ON eth.state_cids FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription();
-- Name: storage_cids trg_eth_storage_cids; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER trg_eth_storage_cids AFTER INSERT ON eth.storage_cids FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription();
-- Name: transaction_cids trg_eth_transaction_cids; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER trg_eth_transaction_cids AFTER INSERT ON eth.transaction_cids FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription();
-- Name: uncle_cids trg_eth_uncle_cids; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -
CREATE TRIGGER trg_eth_uncle_cids AFTER INSERT ON eth.uncle_cids FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION eth.graphql_subscription();
-- Name: access_list_elements ts_insert_blocker; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: eth; Owner: -