#!/bin/bash # Builds and deploys a stack with only what we need. # This script assumes we are running in the project root. set -e CONFIG_DIR=$(readlink -f "${CONFIG_DIR:-$(mktemp -d)}") # Point stack-orchestrator to the multi-project root export CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR="${CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR:-..}" # v5 migrations only go up to version 18 echo CERC_STATEDIFF_DB_GOOSE_MIN_VER=18 >> $CONFIG_DIR/stack.env laconic_so="${LACONIC_SO:-laconic-so} --stack fixturenet-plugeth-tx --verbose" set -x if [[ -z $SKIP_BUILD ]]; then $laconic_so setup-repositories \ --exclude github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server,github.com/cerc-io/tx-spammer,github.com/dboreham/foundry \ --branches-file ./test/stack-refs.txt $laconic_so build-containers \ --exclude cerc/ipld-eth-server,cerc/keycloak,cerc/tx-spammer,cerc/foundry fi $laconic_so deploy \ --include fixturenet-plugeth,ipld-eth-db \ --env-file $CONFIG_DIR/stack.env \ --cluster test up set +x bootnode_endpoint=localhost:$(docker port test-fixturenet-eth-bootnode-geth-1 9898 | head -1 | cut -d':' -f2) geth_endpoint=localhost:$(docker port test-fixturenet-eth-geth-1-1 8545 | head -1 | cut -d':' -f2) # Extract the chain config and ID from genesis file curl -s $bootnode_endpoint/geth.json | jq '.config' > "$CONFIG_DIR/chain.json" # Output vars if we are running on Github if [[ -n "$GITHUB_ENV" ]]; then echo ETH_CHAIN_ID="$(jq '.chainId' $CONFIG_DIR/chain.json)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" echo ETH_CHAIN_CONFIG="$CONFIG_DIR/chain.json" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" echo ETH_HTTP_PATH=$geth_endpoint >> "$GITHUB_ENV" # Read a private key so we can send from a funded account echo DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY="$(curl -s $bootnode_endpoint/accounts.csv | head -1 | cut -d',' -f3)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" fi export PGPASSWORD=password query_blocks_exist='SELECT exists(SELECT block_number FROM ipld.blocks LIMIT 1);' echo "Waiting until we have some data written..." until [[ "$(psql -qtA cerc_testing -h localhost -U vdbm -p 8077 -c "$query_blocks_exist")" -eq 't' ]]; do sleep 2 done