set -e set -o xtrace export ETH_FORWARD_ETH_CALLS=false export DB_WRITE=true export ETH_HTTP_PATH="" export ETH_PROXY_ON_ERROR=false # Clear up existing docker images and volume. docker-compose down --remove-orphans --volumes # Build and start the containers. docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d ipld-eth-db dapptools contract export PGPASSWORD=password export DATABASE_USER=vdbm export DATABASE_PORT=8077 export DATABASE_PASSWORD=password export DATABASE_HOSTNAME= # Wait for containers to be up and execute the integration test. while [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' localhost:8545)" != "200" ]; do echo "waiting for geth-statediff..." && sleep 5; done && \ make integrationtest_blockchain