* Use a transaction for writing, knowngaps, and reorgs * Checkpoint - Check the DB before writing * Ensure an error exists when writing a transaction to knowngaps * Update unneccesary parameter
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// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2022 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// This file will call all the functions to start and stop capturing the head of the beacon chain.
package beaconclient
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// This function will perform all the heavy lifting for tracking the head of the chain.
func (bc *BeaconClient) CaptureHistoric(maxWorkers int) []error {
log.Info("We are starting the historical processing service.")
bc.HistoricalProcess = historicProcessing{db: bc.Db, metrics: bc.Metrics}
errs := handleBatchProcess(maxWorkers, bc.HistoricalProcess, bc.HistoricalProcess.finishProcessing, bc.HistoricalProcess.db, bc.ServerEndpoint, bc.Metrics, bc.CheckDb)
log.Debug("Exiting Historical")
return errs
// This function will perform all the necessary clean up tasks for stopping historical processing.
func (bc *BeaconClient) StopHistoric() error {
log.Info("We are stopping the historical processing service.")
err := bc.HistoricalProcess.releaseDbLocks()
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogError(err).WithField("uniqueIdentifier", bc.UniqueNodeIdentifier).Error("We were unable to remove the locks from the ethcl.historic_processing table. Manual Intervention is needed!")
return nil
// An interface to enforce any batch processing. Currently there are two use cases for this.
// 1. Historic Processing
// 2. Known Gaps Processing
type BatchProcessing interface {
getSlotRange(chan<- slotsToProcess) []error // Write the slots to process in a channel, return an error if you cant get the next slots to write.
handleProcessingErrors(<-chan batchHistoricError) // Custom logic to handle errors.
removeTableEntry(<-chan slotsToProcess) error // With the provided start and end slot, remove the entry from the database.
releaseDbLocks() error // Update the checked_out column to false for whatever table is being updated.
/// ^^^
// Might be better to remove the interface and create a single struct that historicalProcessing
// and knownGapsProcessing can use. The struct would contain all the SQL strings that they need.
// And the only difference in logic for processing would be within the error handling.
// Which can be a function we pass into handleBatchProcess()
// A struct to pass around indicating a table entry for slots to process.
type slotsToProcess struct {
startSlot int // The start slot
endSlot int // The end slot
type batchHistoricError struct {
err error // The error that occurred when attempting to a slot
errProcess string // The process that caused the error.
slot int // The slot which the error is for.
// Wrapper function for the BatchProcessing interface.
// This function will take the structure that needs batch processing.
// It follows a generic format.
// Get new entries from any given table.
// 1. Add it to the slotsCh.
// 2. Run the maximum specified workers to handle individual slots. We need a maximum because we don't want
// To store too many SSZ objects in memory.
// 3. Process the slots and send the err to the ErrCh. Each structure can define how it wants its own errors handled.
// 4. Remove the slot entry from the DB.
// 5. Handle any errors.
func handleBatchProcess(maxWorkers int, bp BatchProcessing, finishCh chan int, db sql.Database, serverEndpoint string, metrics *BeaconClientMetrics, checkDb bool) []error {
slotsCh := make(chan slotsToProcess)
workCh := make(chan int)
processedCh := make(chan slotsToProcess)
errCh := make(chan batchHistoricError)
finalErrCh := make(chan []error, 1)
// Start workers
for w := 1; w <= maxWorkers; w++ {
log.WithFields(log.Fields{"maxWorkers": maxWorkers}).Debug("Starting batch processing workers")
go processSlotRangeWorker(workCh, errCh, db, serverEndpoint, metrics, checkDb)
// Process all ranges and send each individual slot to the worker.
go func() {
for slots := range slotsCh {
if slots.startSlot > slots.endSlot {
log.Error("We received a batch process request where the startSlot is greater than the end slot.")
errCh <- batchHistoricError{
err: fmt.Errorf("We received a startSlot where the start was greater than the end."),
errProcess: "RangeOrder",
slot: slots.startSlot,
errCh <- batchHistoricError{
err: fmt.Errorf("We received a endSlot where the start was greater than the end."),
errProcess: "RangeOrder",
slot: slots.endSlot,
} else {
for i := slots.startSlot; i <= slots.endSlot; i++ {
workCh <- i
processedCh <- slots
// Remove entries, end the application if a row cannot be removed..
go func() {
errG := new(errgroup.Group)
errG.Go(func() error {
return bp.removeTableEntry(processedCh)
if err := errG.Wait(); err != nil {
finalErrCh <- []error{err}
// Process errors from slot processing.
go bp.handleProcessingErrors(errCh)
// Get slots from the DB.
go func() {
errs := bp.getSlotRange(slotsCh) // Periodically adds new entries....
if errs != nil {
finalErrCh <- errs
finalErrCh <- nil
log.Debug("Waiting for shutdown signal from channel")
select {
case <-finishCh:
log.Debug("Received shutdown signal from channel")
return nil
case errs := <-finalErrCh:
log.Debug("Finishing the batchProcess")
return errs