1. Updates or replaces outdated dependencies (eg, replacing a version of the Prysm client with the latest zrnt). 2. Add support for parsing Bellatrix-era BeaconState and BeaconBlocks 3. Adds flags for toggling the processing of BeaconBlocks and BeaconState. This is particularly important because processing and storing the BeaconState at this time would be too expensive to really do (see: Temporarily disable BeaconState indexing #75 and [Feature] Reduce the Amount of DB Space the Beacon Chain Needs #71) 4. Fixes flaky event handling. The previous code would not reconnect in the case of errors with the SSE connection. This enables automatic reconnection in the case of error (default in the updated v2 SSE library dependency), and also adds a timeout so that if no event is received in 2.5x the block time, the SSE connection is closed and re-established. 5. Other refactoring and cleanup (eg, changing the type of slot from int to Slot (uint64)).
180 lines
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180 lines
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// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2022 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// This file will call all the functions to start and stop capturing the head of the beacon chain.
package beaconclient
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// This function will perform all the heavy lifting for tracking the head of the chain.
func (bc *BeaconClient) CaptureHistoric(ctx context.Context, maxWorkers int, minimumSlot Slot) []error {
log.Info("We are starting the historical processing service.")
bc.HistoricalProcess = HistoricProcessing{db: bc.Db, metrics: bc.Metrics, uniqueNodeIdentifier: bc.UniqueNodeIdentifier}
errs := handleBatchProcess(ctx, maxWorkers, bc.HistoricalProcess, bc.SlotProcessingDetails(), bc.Metrics.IncrementHistoricSlotProcessed, minimumSlot)
log.Debug("Exiting Historical")
return errs
// This function will perform all the necessary clean up tasks for stopping historical processing.
func (bc *BeaconClient) StopHistoric(cancel context.CancelFunc) error {
log.Info("We are stopping the historical processing service.")
err := bc.HistoricalProcess.releaseDbLocks()
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogError(err).WithField("uniqueIdentifier", bc.UniqueNodeIdentifier).Error("We were unable to remove the locks from the eth_beacon.historic_processing table. Manual Intervention is needed!")
return nil
// An interface to enforce any batch processing. Currently there are two use cases for this.
// 1. Historic Processing
// 2. Known Gaps Processing
type BatchProcessing interface {
getSlotRange(context.Context, chan<- slotsToProcess, Slot) []error // Write the slots to process in a channel, return an error if you cant get the next slots to write.
handleProcessingErrors(context.Context, <-chan batchHistoricError) // Custom logic to handle errors.
removeTableEntry(context.Context, <-chan slotsToProcess) error // With the provided start and end slot, remove the entry from the database.
releaseDbLocks() error // Update the checked_out column to false for whatever table is being updated.
/// ^^^
// Might be better to remove the interface and create a single struct that historicalProcessing
// and knownGapsProcessing can use. The struct would contain all the SQL strings that they need.
// And the only difference in logic for processing would be within the error handling.
// Which can be a function we pass into handleBatchProcess()
// A struct to pass around indicating a table entry for slots to process.
type slotsToProcess struct {
startSlot Slot // The start slot
endSlot Slot // The end slot
type batchHistoricError struct {
err error // The error that occurred when attempting to a slot
errProcess string // The process that caused the error.
slot Slot // The slot which the error is for.
// Wrapper function for the BatchProcessing interface.
// This function will take the structure that needs batch processing.
// It follows a generic format.
// Get new entries from any given table.
// 1. Add it to the slotsCh.
// 2. Run the maximum specified workers to handle individual slots. We need a maximum because we don't want
// To store too many SSZ objects in memory.
// 3. Process the slots and send the err to the ErrCh. Each structure can define how it wants its own errors handled.
// 4. Remove the slot entry from the DB.
// 5. Handle any errors.
func handleBatchProcess(ctx context.Context, maxWorkers int, bp BatchProcessing, spd SlotProcessingDetails, incrementTracker func(uint64), minimumSlot Slot) []error {
slotsCh := make(chan slotsToProcess)
workCh := make(chan Slot)
processedCh := make(chan slotsToProcess)
errCh := make(chan batchHistoricError)
finalErrCh := make(chan []error, 1)
// Checkout Rows with same node Identifier.
err := bp.releaseDbLocks()
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogError(err).Error(("We are unable to un-checkout entries at the start!"))
// Start workers
for w := 1; w <= maxWorkers; w++ {
log.WithFields(log.Fields{"maxWorkers": maxWorkers}).Debug("Starting batch processing workers")
go processSlotRangeWorker(ctx, workCh, errCh, spd, incrementTracker)
// Process all ranges and send each individual slot to the worker.
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case slots := <-slotsCh:
if slots.startSlot > slots.endSlot {
log.Error("We received a batch process request where the startSlot is greater than the end slot.")
errCh <- batchHistoricError{
err: fmt.Errorf("We received a startSlot where the start was greater than the end."),
errProcess: "RangeOrder",
slot: slots.startSlot,
errCh <- batchHistoricError{
err: fmt.Errorf("We received a endSlot where the start was greater than the end."),
errProcess: "RangeOrder",
slot: slots.endSlot,
} else if slots.startSlot == slots.endSlot {
log.WithField("slot", slots.startSlot).Debug("Added new slot to workCh")
workCh <- slots.startSlot
processedCh <- slots
} else {
for i := slots.startSlot; i <= slots.endSlot; i++ {
workCh <- i
log.WithField("slot", i).Debug("Added new slot to workCh")
processedCh <- slots
// Remove entries, end the application if a row cannot be removed..
go func() {
errG := new(errgroup.Group)
errG.Go(func() error {
return bp.removeTableEntry(ctx, processedCh)
if err := errG.Wait(); err != nil {
finalErrCh <- []error{err}
// Process errors from slot processing.
go bp.handleProcessingErrors(ctx, errCh)
// Get slots from the DB.
go func() {
errs := bp.getSlotRange(ctx, slotsCh, minimumSlot) // Periodically adds new entries....
if errs != nil {
finalErrCh <- errs
finalErrCh <- nil
log.Debug("We are stopping the processing of adding new entries")
log.Debug("Waiting for shutdown signal from channel")
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Debug("Received shutdown signal from channel")
return nil
case errs := <-finalErrCh:
log.Debug("Finishing the batchProcess")
return errs