there is a main thread that tracks incoming messages, but then it spawns goroutines to actually process each slot so that they can happen concurrently.
393 lines
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393 lines
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package beaconclient
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
var (
// Statement to upsert to the ethcl.slots table.
UpsertSlotsStmt string = `
INSERT INTO ethcl.slots (epoch, slot, block_root, state_root, status)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) ON CONFLICT (slot, block_root) DO NOTHING`
// Statement to upsert to the ethcl.signed_beacon_blocks table.
UpsertSignedBeaconBlockStmt string = `
INSERT INTO ethcl.signed_beacon_block (slot, block_root, parent_block_root, eth1_block_hash, mh_key)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) ON CONFLICT (slot, block_root) DO NOTHING`
// Statement to upsert to the ethcl.beacon_state table.
UpsertBeaconState string = `
INSERT INTO ethcl.beacon_state (slot, state_root, mh_key)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3) ON CONFLICT (slot, state_root) DO NOTHING`
// Statement to upsert to the public.blocks table.
UpsertBlocksStmt string = `
INSERT INTO public.blocks (key, data)
UpdateForkedStmt string = `UPDATE ethcl.slots
SET status='forked'
WHERE slot=$1 AND block_root<>$2
RETURNING block_root;`
UpdateProposedStmt string = `UPDATE ethcl.slots
SET status='proposed'
WHERE slot=$1 AND block_root=$2
RETURNING block_root;`
CheckProposedStmt string = `SELECT slot, block_root
FROM ethcl.slots
WHERE slot=$1 AND block_root=$2;`
// Statement to insert known_gaps. We don't pass in timestamp, we let the server take care of that one.
UpsertKnownGapsStmt string = `
INSERT INTO ethcl.known_gaps (start_slot, end_slot, checked_out, reprocessing_error, entry_error, entry_process)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) on CONFLICT (start_slot, end_slot) DO NOTHING`
QueryHighestSlotStmt string = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(slot), 0) FROM ethcl.slots"
// Put all functionality to prepare the write object
// And write it in this file.
// Remove any of it from the processslot file.
type DatabaseWriter struct {
Db sql.Database
Metrics *BeaconClientMetrics
DbSlots *DbSlots
DbSignedBeaconBlock *DbSignedBeaconBlock
DbBeaconState *DbBeaconState
rawBeaconState []byte
rawSignedBeaconBlock []byte
func CreateDatabaseWrite(db sql.Database, slot int, stateRoot string, blockRoot string, parentBlockRoot string,
eth1BlockHash string, status string, rawSignedBeaconBlock []byte, rawBeaconState []byte, metrics *BeaconClientMetrics) (*DatabaseWriter, error) {
dw := &DatabaseWriter{
Db: db,
rawBeaconState: rawBeaconState,
rawSignedBeaconBlock: rawSignedBeaconBlock,
Metrics: metrics,
dw.prepareSlotsModel(slot, stateRoot, blockRoot, status)
err := dw.prepareSignedBeaconBlockModel(slot, blockRoot, parentBlockRoot, eth1BlockHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = dw.prepareBeaconStateModel(slot, stateRoot)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dw, err
// Write functions to write each all together...
// Should I do one atomic write?
// Create the model for the ethcl.slots table
func (dw *DatabaseWriter) prepareSlotsModel(slot int, stateRoot string, blockRoot string, status string) {
dw.DbSlots = &DbSlots{
Epoch: calculateEpoch(slot, bcSlotsPerEpoch),
Slot: strconv.Itoa(slot),
StateRoot: stateRoot,
BlockRoot: blockRoot,
Status: status,
log.Debug("dw.DbSlots: ", dw.DbSlots)
// Create the model for the ethcl.signed_beacon_block table.
func (dw *DatabaseWriter) prepareSignedBeaconBlockModel(slot int, blockRoot string, parentBlockRoot string, eth1BlockHash string) error {
mhKey, err := MultihashKeyFromSSZRoot([]byte(dw.DbSlots.BlockRoot))
if err != nil {
return err
dw.DbSignedBeaconBlock = &DbSignedBeaconBlock{
Slot: strconv.Itoa(slot),
BlockRoot: blockRoot,
ParentBlock: parentBlockRoot,
Eth1BlockHash: eth1BlockHash,
MhKey: mhKey,
log.Debug("dw.DbSignedBeaconBlock: ", dw.DbSignedBeaconBlock)
return nil
// Create the model for the ethcl.beacon_state table.
func (dw *DatabaseWriter) prepareBeaconStateModel(slot int, stateRoot string) error {
mhKey, err := MultihashKeyFromSSZRoot([]byte(dw.DbSlots.StateRoot))
if err != nil {
return err
dw.DbBeaconState = &DbBeaconState{
Slot: strconv.Itoa(slot),
StateRoot: stateRoot,
MhKey: mhKey,
log.Debug("dw.DbBeaconState: ", dw.DbBeaconState)
return nil
// Write all the data for a given slot.
func (dw *DatabaseWriter) writeFullSlot() error {
// Add errors for each function call
// If an error occurs, write to knownGaps table.
err := dw.writeSlots()
if err != nil {
return err
if dw.DbSlots.Status != "skipped" {
err = dw.writeSignedBeaconBlocks()
if err != nil {
return err
err = dw.writeBeaconState()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Write the information for the generic slots table. For now this is only one function.
// But in the future if we need to incorporate any FK's or perform any actions to write to the
// slots table we can do it all here.
func (dw *DatabaseWriter) writeSlots() error {
return dw.upsertSlots()
// Upsert to the ethcl.slots table.
func (dw *DatabaseWriter) upsertSlots() error {
_, err := dw.Db.Exec(context.Background(), UpsertSlotsStmt, dw.DbSlots.Epoch, dw.DbSlots.Slot, dw.DbSlots.BlockRoot, dw.DbSlots.StateRoot, dw.DbSlots.Status)
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogSlotError(dw.DbSlots.Slot, err).Error("Unable to write to the slot to the ethcl.slots table")
return err
return nil
// Write the information for the signed_beacon_block.
func (dw *DatabaseWriter) writeSignedBeaconBlocks() error {
err := dw.upsertPublicBlocks(dw.DbSignedBeaconBlock.MhKey, dw.rawSignedBeaconBlock)
if err != nil {
return err
err = dw.upsertSignedBeaconBlock()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Upsert to public.blocks.
func (dw *DatabaseWriter) upsertPublicBlocks(key string, data []byte) error {
_, err := dw.Db.Exec(context.Background(), UpsertBlocksStmt, key, data)
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogSlotError(dw.DbSlots.Slot, err).Error("Unable to write to the slot to the public.blocks table")
return err
return nil
// Upsert to the ethcl.signed_beacon_block table.
func (dw *DatabaseWriter) upsertSignedBeaconBlock() error {
_, err := dw.Db.Exec(context.Background(), UpsertSignedBeaconBlockStmt, dw.DbSignedBeaconBlock.Slot, dw.DbSignedBeaconBlock.BlockRoot, dw.DbSignedBeaconBlock.ParentBlock, dw.DbSignedBeaconBlock.Eth1BlockHash, dw.DbSignedBeaconBlock.MhKey)
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogSlotError(dw.DbSlots.Slot, err).WithFields(log.Fields{"block_root": dw.DbSignedBeaconBlock.BlockRoot}).Error("Unable to write to the slot to the ethcl.signed_beacon_block table")
return err
return nil
// Write the information for the beacon_state.
func (dw *DatabaseWriter) writeBeaconState() error {
err := dw.upsertPublicBlocks(dw.DbBeaconState.MhKey, dw.rawBeaconState)
if err != nil {
return err
err = dw.upsertBeaconState()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Upsert to the ethcl.beacon_state table.
func (dw *DatabaseWriter) upsertBeaconState() error {
_, err := dw.Db.Exec(context.Background(), UpsertBeaconState, dw.DbBeaconState.Slot, dw.DbBeaconState.StateRoot, dw.DbBeaconState.MhKey)
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogSlotError(dw.DbSlots.Slot, err).Error("Unable to write to the slot to the ethcl.beacon_state table")
return err
return nil
// Update a given slot to be marked as forked. Provide the slot and the latest latestBlockRoot.
// We will mark all entries for the given slot that don't match the provided latestBlockRoot as forked.
func writeReorgs(db sql.Database, slot string, latestBlockRoot string, metrics *BeaconClientMetrics) {
slotNum, strErr := strconv.Atoi(slot)
if strErr != nil {
loghelper.LogReorgError(slot, latestBlockRoot, strErr).Error("We can't convert the slot to an int...")
forkCount, err := updateForked(db, slot, latestBlockRoot)
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogReorgError(slot, latestBlockRoot, err).Error("We ran into some trouble while updating all forks.")
writeKnownGaps(db, 1, slotNum, slotNum, err, "reorg")
proposedCount, err := updateProposed(db, slot, latestBlockRoot)
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogReorgError(slot, latestBlockRoot, err).Error("We ran into some trouble while trying to update the proposed slot.")
writeKnownGaps(db, 1, slotNum, slotNum, err, "reorg")
if forkCount > 0 {
loghelper.LogReorg(slot, latestBlockRoot).WithFields(log.Fields{
"forkCount": forkCount,
}).Info("Updated rows that were forked.")
} else {
loghelper.LogReorg(slot, latestBlockRoot).WithFields(log.Fields{
"forkCount": forkCount,
}).Warn("There were no forked rows to update.")
if proposedCount == 1 {
loghelper.LogReorg(slot, latestBlockRoot).WithFields(log.Fields{
"proposedCount": proposedCount,
}).Info("Updated the row that should have been marked as proposed.")
} else if proposedCount > 1 {
loghelper.LogReorg(slot, latestBlockRoot).WithFields(log.Fields{
"proposedCount": proposedCount,
}).Error("Too many rows were marked as proposed!")
writeKnownGaps(db, 1, slotNum, slotNum, err, "reorg")
} else if proposedCount == 0 {
var count int
err := db.QueryRow(context.Background(), CheckProposedStmt, slot, latestBlockRoot).Scan(count)
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogReorgError(slot, latestBlockRoot, err).Error("Unable to query proposed rows after reorg.")
writeKnownGaps(db, 1, slotNum, slotNum, err, "reorg")
if count != 1 {
loghelper.LogReorg(slot, latestBlockRoot).WithFields(log.Fields{
"proposedCount": count,
}).Warn("The proposed block was not marked as proposed...")
writeKnownGaps(db, 1, slotNum, slotNum, err, "reorg")
} else {
loghelper.LogReorg(slot, latestBlockRoot).Info("Updated the row that should have been marked as proposed.")
// Update the slots table by marking the old slot's as forked.
func updateForked(db sql.Database, slot string, latestBlockRoot string) (int64, error) {
res, err := db.Exec(context.Background(), UpdateForkedStmt, slot, latestBlockRoot)
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogReorgError(slot, latestBlockRoot, err).Error("We are unable to update the ethcl.slots table with the forked slots")
return 0, err
count, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogReorgError(slot, latestBlockRoot, err).Error("Unable to figure out how many entries were marked as forked.")
return 0, err
return count, err
func updateProposed(db sql.Database, slot string, latestBlockRoot string) (int64, error) {
res, err := db.Exec(context.Background(), UpdateProposedStmt, slot, latestBlockRoot)
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogReorgError(slot, latestBlockRoot, err).Error("We are unable to update the ethcl.slots table with the proposed slot.")
return 0, err
count, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogReorgError(slot, latestBlockRoot, err).Error("Unable to figure out how many entries were marked as proposed")
return 0, err
return count, err
// A wrapper function to call upsertKnownGaps. This function will break down the range of known_gaos into
// smaller chunks. For example, instead of having an entry of 1-101, if we increment the entries by 10 slots, we would
// have 10 entries as follows: 1-10, 11-20, etc...
func writeKnownGaps(db sql.Database, tableIncrement int, startSlot int, endSlot int, entryError error, entryProcess string) {
if endSlot-startSlot <= tableIncrement {
kgModel := DbKnownGaps{
StartSlot: strconv.Itoa(startSlot),
EndSlot: strconv.Itoa(endSlot),
CheckedOut: false,
ReprocessingError: "",
EntryError: entryError.Error(),
EntryProcess: entryProcess,
upsertKnownGaps(db, kgModel)
} else {
totalSlots := endSlot - startSlot
var chunks int
chunks = totalSlots / tableIncrement
if totalSlots%tableIncrement != 0 {
chunks = chunks + 1
for i := 0; i < chunks; i++ {
var tempStart, tempEnd int
tempStart = startSlot + (i * tableIncrement)
if i+1 == chunks {
tempEnd = endSlot
} else {
tempEnd = startSlot + ((i + 1) * tableIncrement)
kgModel := DbKnownGaps{
StartSlot: strconv.Itoa(tempStart),
EndSlot: strconv.Itoa(tempEnd),
CheckedOut: false,
ReprocessingError: "",
EntryError: entryError.Error(),
EntryProcess: entryProcess,
upsertKnownGaps(db, kgModel)
// A function to upsert a single entry to the ethcl.known_gaps table.
func upsertKnownGaps(db sql.Database, knModel DbKnownGaps) {
_, err := db.Exec(context.Background(), UpsertKnownGapsStmt, knModel.StartSlot, knModel.EndSlot,
knModel.CheckedOut, knModel.ReprocessingError, knModel.EntryError, knModel.EntryProcess)
if err != nil {
"err": err,
"startSlot": knModel.StartSlot,
"endSlot": knModel.EndSlot,
}).Fatal("We are unable to write to the ethcl.known_gaps table!!! We will stop the application because of that.")
"startSlot": knModel.StartSlot,
"endSlot": knModel.EndSlot,
}).Warn("A new gap has been added to the ethcl.known_gaps table.")
// A function to write the gap between the highest slot in the DB and the first processed slot.
func writeStartUpGaps(db sql.Database, tableIncrement int, firstSlot int) {
var maxSlot int
err := db.QueryRow(context.Background(), QueryHighestSlotStmt).Scan(&maxSlot)
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogError(err).Fatal("Unable to get the max block from the DB. We must close the application or we might have undetected gaps.")
if err != nil {
"maxSlot": maxSlot,
}).Fatal("Unable to get convert max block from DB to int. We must close the application or we might have undetected gaps.")
writeKnownGaps(db, tableIncrement, maxSlot, firstSlot, fmt.Errorf(""), "startup")
// A quick helper function to calculate the epoch.
func calculateEpoch(slot int, slotPerEpoch int) string {
epoch := slot / slotPerEpoch
return strconv.Itoa(epoch)