* multihash key gen func * go mod updates * Added test to ensure the application shuts down gracefully or within a timeframe. * Disregard race condition since its with the test not the application itself * Capture the head block in the DB entirely. (#27) * -- Intermediary Commit -- Just want to commit my code over the weekend, in case I spill coffee on my workstation. * Create DB models ready for write. * Handle SSE events * Update ref for stack-orchestrator * Use env in one place only. * Boot Application on PR * Update syntax * Update syntax * Correct command * Use bash instead of sh * Use until instead of while * Make linter happy and check sse subscription err * Handle Reorgs - Untested * Feature/22 test handling incoming events - Intermediary Commit (#28) * Checkpoint before the weekend * Update location for SetupPostgresDB * Feature/22 test handling incoming events (#30) * Checkpoint before the weekend * Update location for SetupPostgresDB * Include first functioning tests for processing head * Fix gitignore * Test CaptureHead | Add Metrics | Handle Test Race Conditions This Commit allows us to: * Test the `CaptureHead` function. * Test parsing a single Head message. * Test a Reorg condition. * Add Metrics. This is primarily used for testing but can have future use cases. * Rearrange the test due to race conditions introduced by reusing a variable. `BeforeEach` can't be used to update `BC`. * Update and finalize testing at this stage * Update code and CI/CD * Fix lint errors * Update CICD and fail when file not found. * Update test to have failed as expected. * Remove Test file * Add KnownGaps Errors (#33) * Handle Skipped Slots (#34) * Ensure that the node is synced at boot time * Update test + add logic for checking skipped slots * Update boot check * Add skip_sync to config. * Update a test so it fails * go mod updates * Integrate MHKey into existing code base. * Update go.mod and go.sum * Utilize the MHkey * Stop tests from running forever on failure. * Use sszRoot instead of sszObj for MhKey * Update entrypoint script * Update config parameter Co-authored-by: Abdul Rabbani <abdulrabbani00@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Abdul Rabbani <58230246+abdulrabbani00@users.noreply.github.com>
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module github.com/vulcanize/ipld-ethcl-indexer
go 1.18
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