2022-06-23 14:10:14 -04:00

1049 lines
47 KiB

// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2022 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package beaconclient_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
si "github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/consensus-types/interfaces"
types "github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/consensus-types/primitives"
dt "github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/encoding/ssz/detect"
st "github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/proto/prysm/v1alpha1"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var (
address string = "localhost"
port int = 8080
protocol string = "http"
dbHost string = "localhost"
dbPort int = 8076
dbName string = "vulcanize_testing"
dbUser string = "vdbm"
dbPassword string = "password"
dbDriver string = "pgx"
bcUniqueIdentifier int = 100
dummyParentRoot string = "46f98c08b54a71dfda4d56e29ec3952b8300cd8d6b67a9b6c562ae96a7a25a42"
knownGapsTableIncrement int = 100000
maxRetry int = 160
TestEvents = map[string]Message{
"0": {
HeadMessage: beaconclient.Head{
Slot: "0",
Block: "0x4d611d5b93fdab69013a7f0a2f961caca0c853f87cfe9595fe50038163079360",
State: "0x7e76880eb67bbdc86250aa578958e9d0675e64e714337855204fb5abaaf82c2b",
CurrentDutyDependentRoot: "",
PreviousDutyDependentRoot: "",
EpochTransition: false,
ExecutionOptimistic: false,
SignedBeaconBlock: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "0", "signed-beacon-block.ssz"),
BeaconState: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "0", "beacon-state.ssz"),
CorrectParentRoot: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
CorrectEth1BlockHash: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"100-dummy": {
HeadMessage: beaconclient.Head{
Slot: "100",
Block: "04955400371347e26f61d7a4bbda5b23fa0b25d5fc465160f2a92d52a63b919b",
State: "36d5c9a129979b4502bd9a06e57a742810ecbc3fa55a0361c0723c92c1782bfa",
CurrentDutyDependentRoot: "",
PreviousDutyDependentRoot: "",
EpochTransition: false,
ExecutionOptimistic: false,
TestNotes: "A block that is supposed to replicate slot 100, but contains some dummy test information.",
MimicConfig: &MimicConfig{
ForkVersion: "phase0",
SignedBeaconBlock: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "100", "signed-beacon-block.ssz"),
BeaconState: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "100", "beacon-state.ssz"),
"100-dummy-2": {
HeadMessage: beaconclient.Head{
Slot: "100",
Block: "04955400371347e26f61d7a4bbda5b23fa0b25d5fc465160f2a9aaaaaaaaaaaa",
State: "36d5c9a129979b4502bd9a06e57a742810ecbc3fa55a0361c072bbbbbbbbbbbb",
CurrentDutyDependentRoot: "",
PreviousDutyDependentRoot: "",
EpochTransition: false,
ExecutionOptimistic: false,
TestNotes: "A block that is supposed to replicate slot 100, but contains some dummy test information.",
MimicConfig: &MimicConfig{
ForkVersion: "phase0",
SignedBeaconBlock: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "100", "signed-beacon-block.ssz"),
BeaconState: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "100", "beacon-state.ssz"),
"102-wrong-ssz-1": {
HeadMessage: beaconclient.Head{
Slot: "102",
Block: "0x46f98c08b54a71dfda4d56e29ec3952b8300cd8d6b67a9b6c562ae96a7a25a42",
State: "0x9b20b114c613c1aa462e02d590b3da902b0a1377e938ed0f94dd3491d763ef67",
CurrentDutyDependentRoot: "",
PreviousDutyDependentRoot: "",
EpochTransition: false,
ExecutionOptimistic: false,
TestNotes: "A bad block that returns the wrong ssz objects, used for testing incorrect SSZ decoding.",
BeaconState: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "102", "signed-beacon-block.ssz"),
SignedBeaconBlock: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "102", "beacon-state.ssz"),
"100": {
HeadMessage: beaconclient.Head{
Slot: "100",
Block: "0x582187e97f7520bb69eea014c3834c964c45259372a0eaaea3f032013797996b",
State: "0xf286a0379c0386a3c7be28d05d829f8eb7b280cc9ede15449af20ebcd06a7a56",
CurrentDutyDependentRoot: "",
PreviousDutyDependentRoot: "",
EpochTransition: false,
ExecutionOptimistic: false,
TestNotes: "An easy to process Phase 0 block",
SignedBeaconBlock: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "100", "signed-beacon-block.ssz"),
BeaconState: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "100", "beacon-state.ssz"),
CorrectParentRoot: "0x629ae1587895043076500f4f5dcb202a47c2fc95d5b5c548cb83bc97bd2dbfe1",
CorrectEth1BlockHash: "0x8d3f027beef5cbd4f8b29fc831aba67a5d74768edca529f5596f07fd207865e1",
"101": {
HeadMessage: beaconclient.Head{
Slot: "101",
Block: "0xabe1a972e512182d04f0d4a5c9c25f9ee57c2e9d0ff3f4c4c82fd42d13d31083",
State: "0xcb04aa2edbf13c7bb7e7bd9b621ced6832e0075e89147352eac3019a824ce847",
CurrentDutyDependentRoot: "",
PreviousDutyDependentRoot: "",
EpochTransition: false,
ExecutionOptimistic: false,
TestNotes: "An easy to process Phase 0 block",
SignedBeaconBlock: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "101", "signed-beacon-block.ssz"),
BeaconState: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "101", "beacon-state.ssz"),
CorrectEth1BlockHash: "0x8d3f027beef5cbd4f8b29fc831aba67a5d74768edca529f5596f07fd207865e1",
"2375703-dummy": {
HeadMessage: beaconclient.Head{
Slot: "2375703",
Block: "c9fb337b62e2a0dae4f27ab49913132570f7f2cab3f23ad99f4d07508a8e648e",
State: "0299a145bcda2c8f5e7d2e068ee101861edbee2ec1db2d5e1d850b0d265aef5f",
CurrentDutyDependentRoot: "",
PreviousDutyDependentRoot: "",
EpochTransition: false,
ExecutionOptimistic: false,
TestNotes: "This is a dummy message that is used for reorgs",
MimicConfig: &MimicConfig{
ForkVersion: "altair",
SignedBeaconBlock: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "2375703", "signed-beacon-block.ssz"),
BeaconState: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "2375703", "beacon-state.ssz"),
"2375703-dummy-2": {
HeadMessage: beaconclient.Head{
Slot: "2375703",
Block: "c9fb337b62e2a0dae4f27ab49913132570f7f2cab3f23ad99f4d07508aaaaaaa",
State: "0299a145bcda2c8f5e7d2e068ee101861edbee2ec1db2d5e1d850b0d2bbbbbbb",
CurrentDutyDependentRoot: "",
PreviousDutyDependentRoot: "",
EpochTransition: false,
ExecutionOptimistic: false,
TestNotes: "This is a dummy message that is used for reorgs",
MimicConfig: &MimicConfig{
ForkVersion: "altair",
SignedBeaconBlock: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "2375703", "signed-beacon-block.ssz"),
BeaconState: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "2375703", "beacon-state.ssz"),
"2375703": {
HeadMessage: beaconclient.Head{
Slot: "2375703",
Block: "0x4392372c5f6e39499e31bf924388b5815639103149f0f54f8a453773b1802301",
State: "0xb6215b560273af63ec7e011572b60ec1ca0b0232f8ff44fcd4ed55c7526e964e",
CurrentDutyDependentRoot: "", PreviousDutyDependentRoot: "", EpochTransition: false, ExecutionOptimistic: false},
TestNotes: "An easy to process Altair Block",
SignedBeaconBlock: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "2375703", "signed-beacon-block.ssz"),
BeaconState: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "2375703", "beacon-state.ssz"),
CorrectEth1BlockHash: "0xd74b1c60423651624de6bb301ac25808951c167ba6ecdd9b2e79b4315aee8202",
CorrectParentRoot: "0x08736ddc20b77f65d1aa6301f7e6e856a820ff3ce6430ed2c3694ae35580e740",
"3797056": {
HeadMessage: beaconclient.Head{
Slot: "3797056",
Block: "",
State: "",
CurrentDutyDependentRoot: "", PreviousDutyDependentRoot: "", EpochTransition: false, ExecutionOptimistic: false},
TestNotes: "An easy to process Altair Block",
// The file below should not exist, this will trigger an error message and 404 response from the mock.
SignedBeaconBlock: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "3797056", "should-not-exist.txt"),
BeaconState: filepath.Join("ssz-data", "3797056", "beacon-state.ssz"),
TestConfig = Config{
protocol: protocol,
address: address,
port: port,
dummyParentRoot: dummyParentRoot,
dbHost: dbHost,
dbPort: dbPort,
dbName: dbName,
dbUser: dbUser,
dbPassword: dbPassword,
dbDriver: dbDriver,
knownGapsTableIncrement: knownGapsTableIncrement,
bcUniqueIdentifier: bcUniqueIdentifier,
checkDb: true,
BeaconNodeTester = TestBeaconNode{
TestEvents: TestEvents,
TestConfig: TestConfig,
type Message struct {
HeadMessage beaconclient.Head // The head messsage that will be streamed to the BeaconClient
TestNotes string // A small explanation of the purpose this structure plays in the testing landscape.
MimicConfig *MimicConfig // A configuration of parameters that you are trying to
SignedBeaconBlock string // The file path output of an SSZ encoded SignedBeaconBlock.
BeaconState string // The file path output of an SSZ encoded BeaconState.
CorrectSignedBeaconBlockMhKey string // The correct MhKey for the signedBeaconBlock
CorrectBeaconStateMhKey string // The correct MhKey beaconState
CorrectParentRoot string // The correct parent root
CorrectEth1BlockHash string // The correct eth1blockHash
// A structure that can be utilized to mimic and existing SSZ object but change it ever so slightly.
// This is used because creating your own SSZ object is a headache.
type MimicConfig struct {
ParentRoot string // The parent root, leave it empty if you want a to use the universal
ForkVersion string // Specify the fork version. This is needed as a workaround to create dummy SignedBeaconBlocks.
var _ = Describe("Capturehead", Label("head"), func() {
Describe("Receiving New Head SSE messages", Label("unit", "behavioral"), func() {
Context("Correctly formatted Phase0 Block", func() {
It("Should process it successfully.", func() {
BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
bc := setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "99")
BeaconNodeTester.testProcessBlock(bc, 3, maxRetry, 1, 0, 0, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100"].HeadMessage)
validateSignedBeaconBlock(bc, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100"].HeadMessage, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100"].CorrectParentRoot, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100"].CorrectEth1BlockHash, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100"].CorrectSignedBeaconBlockMhKey)
validateBeaconState(bc, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100"].HeadMessage, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100"].CorrectBeaconStateMhKey)
Context("Correctly formatted Altair Block", Label("leak-head"), func() {
It("Should process it successfully.", func() {
BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
bc := setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "2375702")
BeaconNodeTester.testProcessBlock(bc, 74240, maxRetry, 1, 0, 0, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["2375703"].HeadMessage)
validateSignedBeaconBlock(bc, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["2375703"].HeadMessage, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["2375703"].CorrectParentRoot, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["2375703"].CorrectEth1BlockHash, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["2375703"].CorrectSignedBeaconBlockMhKey)
validateBeaconState(bc, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["2375703"].HeadMessage, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["2375703"].CorrectBeaconStateMhKey)
Context("Correctly formatted Altair Test Blocks", Label("correct-test-altairs"), func() {
It("Should turn it into a struct successfully.", func() {
BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
bc := setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "2375702")
BeaconNodeTester.testProcessBlock(bc, 74240, maxRetry, 1, 0, 0, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["2375703-dummy"].HeadMessage)
bc = setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "2375702")
BeaconNodeTester.testProcessBlock(bc, 74240, maxRetry, 1, 0, 0, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["2375703-dummy-2"].HeadMessage)
Context("Correctly formatted Phase0 Test Blocks", Label("correct-test-phase0"), func() {
It("Should turn it into a struct successfully.", func() {
BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
bc := setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "99")
BeaconNodeTester.testProcessBlock(bc, 3, maxRetry, 1, 0, 0, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100-dummy"].HeadMessage)
bc = setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "99")
BeaconNodeTester.testProcessBlock(bc, 3, maxRetry, 1, 0, 0, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100-dummy-2"].HeadMessage)
//bc = setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "99")
//BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
//defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
//BeaconNodeTester.testProcessBlock(bc, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100-dummy-2"].HeadMessage, 3, maxRetry, 1, 0, 0)
Context("Two consecutive correct blocks", Label("bug"), func() {
It("Should handle both blocks correctly, without any reorgs or known_gaps", func() {
BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
bc := setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "99")
BeaconNodeTester.testProcessBlock(bc, 3, maxRetry, 2, 0, 0, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100"].HeadMessage, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["101"].HeadMessage)
Context("Two consecutive blocks with a bad parent", func() {
It("Should add the previous block to the knownGaps table.", func() {
BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
bc := setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "99")
BeaconNodeTester.testProcessBlock(bc, 3, maxRetry, 2, 1, 1, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100-dummy"].HeadMessage, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["101"].HeadMessage)
Context("Phase 0: We have a correctly formated SSZ SignedBeaconBlock and BeaconState", func() {
It("Should be able to get each objects root hash.", func() {
Context("Altair: We have a correctly formated SSZ SignedBeaconBlock and BeaconState", func() {
It("Should be able to get each objects root hash.", func() {
//Context("When there is a skipped slot", func() {
// It("Should indicate that the slot was skipped", func() {
// })
Context("When the proper SSZ objects are not served", func() {
It("Should return an error, and add the slot to the knownGaps table.", func() {
BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
bc := setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "101")
BeaconNodeTester.testProcessBlock(bc, 3, maxRetry, 0, 1, 0, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["102-wrong-ssz-1"].HeadMessage)
knownGapCount := countKnownGapsTable(bc.Db)
start, end := queryKnownGaps(bc.Db, "102", "102")
Describe("Known Gaps Scenario", Label("unit", "behavioral"), func() {
Context("There is a gap at start up within one incrementing range.", func() {
It("Should add only a single entry to the knownGaps table.", func() {
BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
bc := setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "10")
BeaconNodeTester.testKnownGapsMessages(bc, 100, 1, maxRetry, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100"].HeadMessage)
start, end := queryKnownGaps(bc.Db, "11", "99")
Context("There is a gap at start up spanning multiple incrementing range.", func() {
It("Should add multiple entries to the knownGaps table.", func() {
BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
bc := setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "5")
BeaconNodeTester.testKnownGapsMessages(bc, 10, 10, maxRetry, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100"].HeadMessage)
start, end := queryKnownGaps(bc.Db, "6", "16")
start, end = queryKnownGaps(bc.Db, "96", "99")
Context("Gaps between two head messages", Label("gap-head"), func() {
It("Should add the slots in-between", func() {
BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
bc := setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "99")
BeaconNodeTester.testKnownGapsMessages(bc, 1000000, 3, maxRetry, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["100"].HeadMessage, BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents["2375703"].HeadMessage)
start, end := queryKnownGaps(bc.Db, "101", "1000101")
start, end = queryKnownGaps(bc.Db, "2000101", "2375702")
Describe("ReOrg Scenario", Label("unit", "behavioral"), func() {
Context("Altair: Multiple head messages for the same slot.", func() {
It("The previous block should be marked as 'forked', the new block should be the only one marked as 'proposed'.", func() {
BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
bc := setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "2375702")
BeaconNodeTester.testMultipleHead(bc, TestEvents["2375703"].HeadMessage, TestEvents["2375703-dummy"].HeadMessage, 74240, maxRetry)
Context("Phase0: Multiple head messages for the same slot.", func() {
It("The previous block should be marked as 'forked', the new block should be the only one marked as 'proposed'.", func() {
BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
bc := setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "99")
BeaconNodeTester.testMultipleHead(bc, TestEvents["100-dummy"].HeadMessage, TestEvents["100"].HeadMessage, 3, maxRetry)
Context("Phase 0: Multiple reorgs have occurred on this slot", func() {
It("The previous blocks should be marked as 'forked', the new block should be the only one marked as 'proposed'.", func() {
BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
bc := setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "99")
BeaconNodeTester.testMultipleReorgs(bc, TestEvents["100-dummy"].HeadMessage, TestEvents["100-dummy-2"].HeadMessage, TestEvents["100"].HeadMessage, 3, maxRetry)
Context("Altair: Multiple reorgs have occurred on this slot", func() {
It("The previous blocks should be marked as 'forked', the new block should be the only one marked as 'proposed'.", func() {
BeaconNodeTester.SetupBeaconNodeMock(BeaconNodeTester.TestEvents, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.protocol, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.address, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.port, BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig.dummyParentRoot)
defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
bc := setUpTest(BeaconNodeTester.TestConfig, "2375702")
BeaconNodeTester.testMultipleReorgs(bc, TestEvents["2375703-dummy"].HeadMessage, TestEvents["2375703-dummy-2"].HeadMessage, TestEvents["2375703"].HeadMessage, 74240, maxRetry)
type Config struct {
protocol string
address string
port int
dummyParentRoot string
dbHost string
dbPort int
dbName string
dbUser string
dbPassword string
dbDriver string
knownGapsTableIncrement int
bcUniqueIdentifier int
checkDb bool
// Helper functions
// Must run before each test. We can't use the beforeEach because of the way
// Gingko treats race conditions.
func setUpTest(config Config, maxSlot string) *beaconclient.BeaconClient {
bc, err := beaconclient.CreateBeaconClient(context.Background(), config.protocol, config.address, config.port, config.knownGapsTableIncrement, config.bcUniqueIdentifier, config.checkDb)
db, err := postgres.SetupPostgresDb(config.dbHost, config.dbPort, config.dbName, config.dbUser, config.dbPassword, config.dbDriver)
// Drop all records from the DB.
// Add an slot to the eth_beacon.slots table so it we can control how known_gaps are handled.
writeSlot(db, maxSlot)
bc.Db = db
return bc
// A helper function to validate the expected output from the eth_beacon.slots table.
func validateSlot(bc *beaconclient.BeaconClient, headMessage beaconclient.Head, correctEpoch int, correctStatus string) {
epoch, dbSlot, blockRoot, stateRoot, status := queryDbSlotAndBlock(bc.Db, headMessage.Slot, headMessage.Block)
log.Info("validateSlot: ", headMessage)
baseSlot, err := strconv.Atoi(headMessage.Slot)
// A helper function to validate the expected output from the eth_beacon.signed_block table.
func validateSignedBeaconBlock(bc *beaconclient.BeaconClient, headMessage beaconclient.Head, correctParentRoot string, correctEth1BlockHash string, correctMhKey string) {
dbSlot, blockRoot, parentRoot, eth1BlockHash, mhKey := queryDbSignedBeaconBlock(bc.Db, headMessage.Slot, headMessage.Block)
log.Info("validateSignedBeaconBlock: ", headMessage)
baseSlot, err := strconv.Atoi(headMessage.Slot)
// A helper function to validate the expected output from the eth_beacon.state table.
func validateBeaconState(bc *beaconclient.BeaconClient, headMessage beaconclient.Head, correctMhKey string) {
dbSlot, stateRoot, mhKey := queryDbBeaconState(bc.Db, headMessage.Slot, headMessage.State)
log.Info("validateBeaconState: ", headMessage)
baseSlot, err := strconv.Atoi(headMessage.Slot)
// Wrapper function to send a head message to the beaconclient
func sendHeadMessage(bc *beaconclient.BeaconClient, maxRetry int, expectedSuccessfulInserts uint64, head ...beaconclient.Head) {
var (
data []byte
err error
startInserts := atomic.LoadUint64(&bc.Metrics.SlotInserts)
for _, ms := range head {
data, err = json.Marshal(ms)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
bc.HeadTracking.MessagesCh <- &sse.Event{
ID: []byte{},
Data: data,
Event: []byte{},
Retry: []byte{},
curRetry := 0
for atomic.LoadUint64(&bc.Metrics.SlotInserts) != startInserts+expectedSuccessfulInserts {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
curRetry = curRetry + 1
if curRetry == maxRetry {
"startInsert": startInserts,
"expectedSuccessfulInserts": expectedSuccessfulInserts,
"currentValue": atomic.LoadUint64(&bc.Metrics.SlotInserts),
}).Error("HeadTracking Insert wasn't incremented properly.")
Fail("Too many retries have occurred.")
// A helper function to query the eth_beacon.slots table based on the slot and block_root
func queryDbSlotAndBlock(db sql.Database, querySlot string, queryBlockRoot string) (int, int, string, string, string) {
sqlStatement := `SELECT epoch, slot, block_root, state_root, status FROM eth_beacon.slots WHERE slot=$1 AND block_root=$2;`
var epoch, slot int
var blockRoot, stateRoot, status string
log.Debug("Starting to query the eth_beacon.slots table, ", querySlot, " ", queryBlockRoot)
err := db.QueryRow(context.Background(), sqlStatement, querySlot, queryBlockRoot).Scan(&epoch, &slot, &blockRoot, &stateRoot, &status)
log.Debug("Querying the eth_beacon.slots table complete")
return epoch, slot, blockRoot, stateRoot, status
// A helper function to query the eth_beacon.signed_block table based on the slot and block_root.
func queryDbSignedBeaconBlock(db sql.Database, querySlot string, queryBlockRoot string) (int, string, string, string, string) {
sqlStatement := `SELECT slot, block_root, parent_block_root, eth1_block_hash, mh_key FROM eth_beacon.signed_block WHERE slot=$1 AND block_root=$2;`
var slot int
var blockRoot, parent_block_root, eth1_block_hash, mh_key string
row := db.QueryRow(context.Background(), sqlStatement, querySlot, queryBlockRoot)
err := row.Scan(&slot, &blockRoot, &parent_block_root, &eth1_block_hash, &mh_key)
return slot, blockRoot, parent_block_root, eth1_block_hash, mh_key
// A helper function to query the eth_beacon.signed_block table based on the slot and block_root.
func queryDbBeaconState(db sql.Database, querySlot string, queryStateRoot string) (int, string, string) {
sqlStatement := `SELECT slot, state_root, mh_key FROM eth_beacon.state WHERE slot=$1 AND state_root=$2;`
var slot int
var stateRoot, mh_key string
row := db.QueryRow(context.Background(), sqlStatement, querySlot, queryStateRoot)
err := row.Scan(&slot, &stateRoot, &mh_key)
return slot, stateRoot, mh_key
// Count the entries in the knownGaps table.
func countKnownGapsTable(db sql.Database) int {
var count int
sqlStatement := "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM eth_beacon.known_gaps"
err := db.QueryRow(context.Background(), sqlStatement).Scan(&count)
return count
// Return the start and end slot
func queryKnownGaps(db sql.Database, queryStartGap string, QueryEndGap string) (int, int) {
sqlStatement := `SELECT start_slot, end_slot FROM eth_beacon.known_gaps WHERE start_slot=$1 AND end_slot=$2;`
var startGap, endGap int
row := db.QueryRow(context.Background(), sqlStatement, queryStartGap, QueryEndGap)
err := row.Scan(&startGap, &endGap)
return startGap, endGap
// A function that will remove all entries from the eth_beacon tables for you.
func clearEthBeaconDbTables(db sql.Database) {
deleteQueries := []string{"DELETE FROM eth_beacon.slots;", "DELETE FROM eth_beacon.signed_block;", "DELETE FROM eth_beacon.state;", "DELETE FROM eth_beacon.known_gaps;", "DELETE FROM eth_beacon.historic_process;", "DELETE FROM public.blocks;"}
for _, queries := range deleteQueries {
_, err := db.Exec(context.Background(), queries)
// Write an entry to the eth_beacon.slots table with just a slot number
func writeSlot(db sql.Database, slot string) {
_, err := db.Exec(context.Background(), beaconclient.UpsertSlotsStmt, "0", slot, "", "", "")
// Read a file with the SignedBeaconBlock in SSZ and return the SSZ object. This is used for testing only.
// We can't use the readSignedBeaconBlockInterface to update struct fields so this is the workaround.
func readSignedBeaconBlock(slotFile string) (*st.SignedBeaconBlock, error) {
dat, err := os.ReadFile(slotFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Can't find the slot file, %s", slotFile)
block := &st.SignedBeaconBlock{}
err = block.UnmarshalSSZ(dat)
return block, nil
// Read a file with the SignedBeaconBlock in SSZ and return the SSZ object. This is used for testing only.
// We can't use the readSignedBeaconBlockInterface to update struct fields so this is the workaround.
func readSignedBeaconBlockAltair(slotFile string) (*st.SignedBeaconBlockAltair, error) {
dat, err := os.ReadFile(slotFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Can't find the slot file, %s", slotFile)
block := &st.SignedBeaconBlockAltair{}
err = block.UnmarshalSSZ(dat)
return block, nil
// Read a file with the SignedBeaconBlock in SSZ and return the SSZ objects interface. This is production like.
// It will provide the correct struct for the given fork.
func readSignedBeaconBlockInterface(slotFile string, vm *dt.VersionedUnmarshaler) (si.SignedBeaconBlock, error) {
dat, err := os.ReadFile(slotFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Can't find the slot file, %s", slotFile)
block, err := vm.UnmarshalBeaconBlock(dat)
return block, nil
// Read a file with the BeaconState in SSZ and return the SSZ object
func readBeaconState(slotFile string) (state.BeaconState, *dt.VersionedUnmarshaler, error) {
dat, err := os.ReadFile(slotFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Can't find the slot file, %s", slotFile)
versionedUnmarshaler, err := dt.FromState(dat)
state, err := versionedUnmarshaler.UnmarshalBeaconState(dat)
return state, versionedUnmarshaler, nil
// An object that is used to aggregate test functions. Test functions are needed because we need to
// run the same tests on multiple blocks for multiple forks. So they save us time.
type TestBeaconNode struct {
TestEvents map[string]Message
TestConfig Config
// Create a new new mock for the beacon node.
func (tbc TestBeaconNode) SetupBeaconNodeMock(TestEvents map[string]Message, protocol string, address string, port int, dummyParentRoot string) {
stateUrl := `=~^` + protocol + "://" + address + ":" + strconv.Itoa(port) + beaconclient.BcStateQueryEndpoint + `([^/]+)\z`
httpmock.RegisterResponder("GET", stateUrl,
func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
// Get ID from request
id := httpmock.MustGetSubmatch(req, 1)
dat, err := tbc.provideSsz(id, "state", dummyParentRoot)
if err != nil {
return httpmock.NewStringResponse(404, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to find file for %s", id)), nil
return httpmock.NewBytesResponse(200, dat), nil
blockUrl := `=~^` + protocol + "://" + address + ":" + strconv.Itoa(port) + beaconclient.BcBlockQueryEndpoint + `([^/]+)\z`
httpmock.RegisterResponder("GET", blockUrl,
func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
// Get ID from request
id := httpmock.MustGetSubmatch(req, 1)
dat, err := tbc.provideSsz(id, "block", dummyParentRoot)
if err != nil {
return httpmock.NewStringResponse(404, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to find file for %s", id)), nil
return httpmock.NewBytesResponse(200, dat), nil
// Not needed but could be useful to have.
blockRootUrl := `=~^` + protocol + "://" + address + ":" + strconv.Itoa(port) + "/eth/v1/beacon/blocks/" + `([^/]+)` + "/root"
httpmock.RegisterResponder("GET", blockRootUrl,
func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
// Get ID from request
slot := httpmock.MustGetSubmatch(req, 1)
dat, err := tbc.provideBlockRoot(slot)
if err != nil {
return httpmock.NewStringResponse(404, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to find block root for %s", slot)), err
return httpmock.NewBytesResponse(200, dat), nil
// Provide the Block root
func (tbc TestBeaconNode) provideBlockRoot(slot string) ([]byte, error) {
for _, val := range tbc.TestEvents {
if val.HeadMessage.Slot == slot && val.MimicConfig == nil {
block, err := hex.DecodeString(val.HeadMessage.Block[2:])
return block, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to find the Blockroot in test object.")
// A function to mimic querying the state from the beacon node. We simply get the SSZ file are return it.
func (tbc TestBeaconNode) provideSsz(slotIdentifier string, sszIdentifier string, dummyParentRoot string) ([]byte, error) {
var slotFile string
var Message Message
for _, val := range tbc.TestEvents {
if sszIdentifier == "state" {
if (val.HeadMessage.Slot == slotIdentifier && val.MimicConfig == nil) || val.HeadMessage.State == slotIdentifier {
slotFile = val.BeaconState
Message = val
} else if sszIdentifier == "block" {
if (val.HeadMessage.Slot == slotIdentifier && val.MimicConfig == nil) || val.HeadMessage.Block == slotIdentifier {
slotFile = val.SignedBeaconBlock
Message = val
if Message.MimicConfig != nil {
log.Info("We are going to create a custom SSZ object for testing purposes.")
if sszIdentifier == "block" {
// A dirty solution to handle different Block Types.
// * I was unsuccessful in implementing generics.
// * I can't use the interfaces.SignedBeaconBlock
// * I was short on time.
// * This solution allows us to hardcode the version and create the write block type for it when we
// Are mimicing an existing block.
switch Message.MimicConfig.ForkVersion {
case "phase0":
block, err := readSignedBeaconBlock(slotFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
slot, err := strconv.ParseUint(Message.HeadMessage.Slot, 10, 64)
block.Block.Slot = types.Slot(slot)
block.Block.StateRoot, err = hex.DecodeString(Message.HeadMessage.State)
if Message.MimicConfig.ParentRoot == "" {
block.Block.ParentRoot, err = hex.DecodeString(dummyParentRoot)
} else {
block.Block.ParentRoot, err = hex.DecodeString(Message.MimicConfig.ParentRoot)
return block.MarshalSSZ()
case "altair":
block, err := readSignedBeaconBlockAltair(slotFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
slot, err := strconv.ParseUint(Message.HeadMessage.Slot, 10, 64)
block.Block.Slot = types.Slot(slot)
block.Block.StateRoot, err = hex.DecodeString(Message.HeadMessage.State)
if Message.MimicConfig.ParentRoot == "" {
block.Block.ParentRoot, err = hex.DecodeString(dummyParentRoot)
} else {
block.Block.ParentRoot, err = hex.DecodeString(Message.MimicConfig.ParentRoot)
return block.MarshalSSZ()
if sszIdentifier == "state" {
state, _, err := readBeaconState(slotFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
slot, err := strconv.ParseUint(Message.HeadMessage.Slot, 10, 64)
err = state.SetSlot(types.Slot(slot))
return state.MarshalSSZ()
if slotFile == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("We couldn't find the slot file for %s", slotIdentifier)
dat, err := os.ReadFile(slotFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Can't find the slot file, %s", slotFile)
return dat, nil
// Helper function to test three reorg messages. There are going to be many functions like this,
// Because we need to test the same logic for multiple phases.
func (tbc TestBeaconNode) testMultipleReorgs(bc *beaconclient.BeaconClient, firstHead beaconclient.Head, secondHead beaconclient.Head, thirdHead beaconclient.Head, epoch int, maxRetry int) {
startGoRoutines := runtime.NumGoroutine()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go bc.CaptureHead(ctx, 2, true)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
log.Info("Sending Messages to BeaconClient")
sendHeadMessage(bc, maxRetry, 3, firstHead, secondHead, thirdHead)
curRetry := 0
for atomic.LoadUint64(&bc.Metrics.ReorgInserts) != 2 {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
curRetry = curRetry + 1
if curRetry == maxRetry {
Fail(" Too many retries have occurred.")
log.Info("Checking to make sure the fork was marked properly.")
validateSlot(bc, firstHead, epoch, "forked")
validateSlot(bc, secondHead, epoch, "forked")
validateSlot(bc, thirdHead, epoch, "proposed")
log.Info("Send the reorg message.")
data, err := json.Marshal(&beaconclient.ChainReorg{
Slot: firstHead.Slot,
Depth: "1",
OldHeadBlock: thirdHead.Block,
NewHeadBlock: secondHead.Block,
OldHeadState: thirdHead.State,
NewHeadState: secondHead.State,
Epoch: strconv.Itoa(epoch),
ExecutionOptimistic: false,
bc.ReOrgTracking.MessagesCh <- &sse.Event{
Data: data,
curRetry = 0
for atomic.LoadUint64(&bc.Metrics.ReorgInserts) != 3 {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
curRetry = curRetry + 1
if curRetry == maxRetry {
Fail("Too many retries have occurred.")
if bc.Metrics.KnownGapsInserts != 0 {
Fail("We found gaps when processing a single block")
log.Info("Make sure the forks were properly updated!")
validateSlot(bc, firstHead, epoch, "forked")
validateSlot(bc, secondHead, epoch, "proposed")
validateSlot(bc, thirdHead, epoch, "forked")
testStopHeadTracking(ctx, bc, startGoRoutines, true)
// A test to validate a single block was processed correctly
func (tbc TestBeaconNode) testProcessBlock(bc *beaconclient.BeaconClient, epoch int, maxRetry int, expectedSuccessInsert uint64, expectedKnownGaps uint64, expectedReorgs uint64, head ...beaconclient.Head) {
//pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(os.Stdout, 1)
startGoRoutines := runtime.NumGoroutine()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go bc.CaptureHead(ctx, 2, true)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
sendHeadMessage(bc, maxRetry, expectedSuccessInsert, head...)
curRetry := 0
for atomic.LoadUint64(&bc.Metrics.KnownGapsInserts) != expectedKnownGaps {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
curRetry = curRetry + 1
if curRetry == maxRetry {
Fail(fmt.Sprintf("Wrong gap metrics, got: %d, wanted %d", bc.Metrics.KnownGapsInserts, expectedKnownGaps))
curRetry = 0
for atomic.LoadUint64(&bc.Metrics.ReorgInserts) != expectedReorgs {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
curRetry = curRetry + 1
if curRetry == maxRetry {
Fail(fmt.Sprintf("Wrong reorg metrics, got: %d, wanted %d", bc.Metrics.ReorgInserts, expectedReorgs))
if expectedSuccessInsert > 0 {
for _, msg := range head {
validateSlot(bc, msg, epoch, "proposed")
testStopHeadTracking(ctx, bc, startGoRoutines, true)
// A test that ensures that if two HeadMessages occur for a single slot they are marked
// as proposed and forked correctly.
func (tbc TestBeaconNode) testMultipleHead(bc *beaconclient.BeaconClient, firstHead beaconclient.Head, secondHead beaconclient.Head, epoch int, maxRetry int) {
startGoRoutines := runtime.NumGoroutine()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go bc.CaptureHead(ctx, 2, true)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
sendHeadMessage(bc, maxRetry, 2, firstHead, secondHead)
curRetry := 0
for atomic.LoadUint64(&bc.Metrics.ReorgInserts) != 1 {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
curRetry = curRetry + 1
if curRetry == maxRetry {
Fail(" Too many retries have occurred.")
if bc.Metrics.KnownGapsInserts != 0 {
Fail("We found gaps when processing a single block")
log.Info("Checking Altair to make sure the fork was marked properly.")
validateSlot(bc, firstHead, epoch, "forked")
validateSlot(bc, secondHead, epoch, "proposed")
testStopHeadTracking(ctx, bc, startGoRoutines, true)
// A test that ensures that if two HeadMessages occur for a single slot they are marked
// as proposed and forked correctly.
func (tbc TestBeaconNode) testKnownGapsMessages(bc *beaconclient.BeaconClient, tableIncrement int, expectedEntries uint64, maxRetry int, msg ...beaconclient.Head) {
bc.KnownGapTableIncrement = tableIncrement
//pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(os.Stdout, 1)
startGoRoutines := runtime.NumGoroutine()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go bc.CaptureHead(ctx, 2, true)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
sendHeadMessage(bc, maxRetry, 1, msg...)
curRetry := 0
for atomic.LoadUint64(&bc.Metrics.KnownGapsInserts) != expectedEntries {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
curRetry = curRetry + 1
if curRetry == maxRetry {
Fail("Too many retries have occurred.")
log.Info("Checking to make sure we have the expected number of entries in the knownGaps table.")
knownGapCount := countKnownGapsTable(bc.Db)
if atomic.LoadUint64(&bc.Metrics.ReorgInserts) != 0 {
Fail("We found reorgs when we didn't expect it")
testStopHeadTracking(ctx, bc, startGoRoutines, true)
// This function will make sure we are properly able to get the SszRoot of the SignedBeaconBlock and the BeaconState.
func testSszRoot(msg Message) {
state, vm, err := readBeaconState(msg.BeaconState)
stateRoot, err := state.HashTreeRoot(context.Background())
Expect(msg.HeadMessage.State).To(Equal("0x" + hex.EncodeToString(stateRoot[:])))
block, err := readSignedBeaconBlockInterface(msg.SignedBeaconBlock, vm)
blockRoot, err := block.Block().HashTreeRoot()
Expect(msg.HeadMessage.Block).To(Equal("0x" + hex.EncodeToString(blockRoot[:])))
// A make shift function to stop head tracking and insure we dont have any goroutine leaks
func testStopHeadTracking(ctx context.Context, bc *beaconclient.BeaconClient, startGoRoutines int, skipSse bool) {
bc.StopHeadTracking(ctx, skipSse)
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
endNum := runtime.NumGoroutine()
//pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(os.Stdout, 1)
log.WithField("startNum", startGoRoutines).Info("Start Go routine number")
log.WithField("endNum", endNum).Info("End Go routine number")
//Expect(endNum <= startGoRoutines).To(BeTrue())