1. Updates or replaces outdated dependencies (eg, replacing a version of the Prysm client with the latest zrnt). 2. Add support for parsing Bellatrix-era BeaconState and BeaconBlocks 3. Adds flags for toggling the processing of BeaconBlocks and BeaconState. This is particularly important because processing and storing the BeaconState at this time would be too expensive to really do (see: Temporarily disable BeaconState indexing #75 and [Feature] Reduce the Amount of DB Space the Beacon Chain Needs #71) 4. Fixes flaky event handling. The previous code would not reconnect in the case of errors with the SSE connection. This enables automatic reconnection in the case of error (default in the updated v2 SSE library dependency), and also adds a timeout so that if no event is received in 2.5x the block time, the SSE connection is closed and re-established. 5. Other refactoring and cleanup (eg, changing the type of slot from int to Slot (uint64)).
499 lines
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499 lines
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// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2022 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// This file will keep track of all the code needed to process a slot.
// To process a slot, it should have all the necessary data needed to write it to the DB.
// But not actually write it.
package beaconclient
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
type SlotProcessingDetails struct {
Context context.Context // A context generic context with multiple uses.
ServerEndpoint string // What is the endpoint of the beacon server.
Db sql.Database // Database object used for reads and writes.
Metrics *BeaconClientMetrics // An object used to keep track of certain BeaconClient Metrics.
KnownGapTableIncrement int // The max number of slots within a single known_gaps table entry.
CheckDb bool // Should we check the DB to see if the slot exists before processing it?
PerformBeaconStateProcessing bool // Should we process BeaconStates?
PerformBeaconBlockProcessing bool // Should we process BeaconBlocks?
StartingSlot Slot // If we're performing head tracking. What is the first slot we processed.
PreviousSlot Slot // Whats the previous slot we processed
PreviousBlockRoot string // Whats the previous block root, used to check the next blocks parent.
func (bc *BeaconClient) SlotProcessingDetails() SlotProcessingDetails {
return SlotProcessingDetails{
Context: bc.Context,
ServerEndpoint: bc.ServerEndpoint,
Db: bc.Db,
Metrics: bc.Metrics,
CheckDb: bc.CheckDb,
PerformBeaconBlockProcessing: bc.PerformBeaconBlockProcessing,
PerformBeaconStateProcessing: bc.PerformBeaconStateProcessing,
KnownGapTableIncrement: bc.KnownGapTableIncrement,
StartingSlot: bc.StartingSlot,
PreviousSlot: bc.PreviousSlot,
PreviousBlockRoot: bc.PreviousBlockRoot,
type ProcessSlot struct {
// Generic
Slot Slot // The slot number.
Epoch Epoch // The epoch number.
BlockRoot string // The hex encoded string of the BlockRoot.
StateRoot string // The hex encoded string of the StateRoot.
ParentBlockRoot string // The hex encoded string of the parent block.
Status string // The status of the block
HeadOrHistoric string // Is this the head or a historic slot. This is critical when trying to analyze errors and skipped slots.
Db sql.Database // The DB object used to write to the DB.
Metrics *BeaconClientMetrics // An object to keep track of the beaconclient metrics
PerformanceMetrics PerformanceMetrics // An object to keep track of performance metrics.
// BeaconBlock
SszSignedBeaconBlock []byte // The entire SSZ encoded SignedBeaconBlock
FullSignedBeaconBlock *SignedBeaconBlock // The unmarshaled BeaconState object, the unmarshalling could have errors.
// BeaconState
FullBeaconState *BeaconState // The unmarshaled BeaconState object, the unmarshalling could have errors.
SszBeaconState []byte // The entire SSZ encoded BeaconState
// DB Write objects
DbSlotsModel *DbSlots // The model being written to the slots table.
DbSignedBeaconBlockModel *DbSignedBeaconBlock // The model being written to the signed_block table.
DbBeaconState *DbBeaconState // The model being written to the state table.
type PerformanceMetrics struct {
BeaconNodeBlockRetrievalTime time.Duration // How long it took to get the BeaconBlock from the Beacon Node.
BeaconNodeStateRetrievalTime time.Duration // How long it took to get the BeaconState from the Beacon Node.
ParseBeaconObjectForHash time.Duration // How long it took to get some information from the beacon objects.
CheckDbPreProcessing time.Duration // How long it takes to check the DB before processing a block.
CreateDbWriteObject time.Duration // How long it takes to create a DB write object.
TransactSlotOnly time.Duration // How long it takes to transact the slot information only.
CheckReorg time.Duration // How long it takes to check for Reorgs
CommitTransaction time.Duration // How long it takes to commit the final transaction.
TotalDbTransaction time.Duration // How long it takes from start to committing the entire DB transaction.
TotalProcessing time.Duration // How long it took to process the entire slot.
// This function will do all the work to process the slot and write it to the DB.
// It will return the error and error process. The error process is used for providing reach detail to the
// known_gaps table.
func processFullSlot(
ctx context.Context,
slot Slot,
blockRoot string,
stateRoot string,
previousSlot Slot,
previousBlockRoot string,
knownGapsTableIncrement int,
headOrHistoric string,
spd *SlotProcessingDetails) (error, string) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ""
totalStart := time.Now()
ps := &ProcessSlot{
Slot: slot,
BlockRoot: blockRoot,
StateRoot: stateRoot,
HeadOrHistoric: headOrHistoric,
Db: spd.Db,
Metrics: spd.Metrics,
PerformanceMetrics: PerformanceMetrics{
BeaconNodeBlockRetrievalTime: 0,
BeaconNodeStateRetrievalTime: 0,
ParseBeaconObjectForHash: 0,
CheckDbPreProcessing: 0,
CreateDbWriteObject: 0,
TransactSlotOnly: 0,
CheckReorg: 0,
CommitTransaction: 0,
TotalDbTransaction: 0,
TotalProcessing: 0,
g, _ := errgroup.WithContext(context.Background())
if spd.PerformBeaconStateProcessing {
// Get the BeaconState.
g.Go(func() error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
start := time.Now()
err := ps.getBeaconState(spd.ServerEndpoint)
if err != nil {
return err
ps.PerformanceMetrics.BeaconNodeStateRetrievalTime = time.Since(start)
return nil
if spd.PerformBeaconBlockProcessing {
// Get the SignedBeaconBlock.
g.Go(func() error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
start := time.Now()
err := ps.getSignedBeaconBlock(spd.ServerEndpoint)
if err != nil {
return err
ps.PerformanceMetrics.BeaconNodeBlockRetrievalTime = time.Since(start)
return nil
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
return err, "processSlot"
parseBeaconTime := time.Now()
finalBlockRoot, finalStateRoot, _, err := ps.provideFinalHash()
if err != nil {
return err, "CalculateBlockRoot"
ps.PerformanceMetrics.ParseBeaconObjectForHash = time.Since(parseBeaconTime)
if spd.CheckDb {
checkDbTime := time.Now()
var blockRequired bool
if spd.PerformBeaconBlockProcessing {
blockExists, err := checkSlotAndRoot(ps.Db, CheckSignedBeaconBlockStmt, ps.Slot, finalBlockRoot)
if err != nil {
return err, "checkDb"
blockRequired = !blockExists
var stateRequired bool
if spd.PerformBeaconStateProcessing {
stateExists, err := checkSlotAndRoot(ps.Db, CheckBeaconStateStmt, ps.Slot, finalStateRoot)
if err != nil {
return err, "checkDb"
stateRequired = !stateExists
if !blockRequired && !stateRequired {
log.WithField("slot", slot).Info("Slot already in the DB.")
return nil, ""
ps.PerformanceMetrics.CheckDbPreProcessing = time.Since(checkDbTime)
// Get this object ready to write
createDbWriteTime := time.Now()
dw, err := ps.createWriteObjects()
if err != nil {
return err, "blockRoot"
ps.PerformanceMetrics.CreateDbWriteObject = time.Since(createDbWriteTime)
// Write the object to the DB.
dbFullTransactionTime := time.Now()
defer func() {
err := dw.Tx.Rollback(dw.Ctx)
if err != nil && err != pgx.ErrTxClosed {
loghelper.LogError(err).Error("We were unable to Rollback a transaction")
transactionTime := time.Now()
err = dw.transactFullSlot()
if err != nil {
return err, "processSlot"
ps.PerformanceMetrics.TransactSlotOnly = time.Since(transactionTime)
// Handle any reorgs or skipped slots.
reorgTime := time.Now()
headOrHistoric = strings.ToLower(headOrHistoric)
if headOrHistoric != "head" && headOrHistoric != "historic" {
return fmt.Errorf("headOrHistoric must be either historic or head"), ""
if ps.HeadOrHistoric == "head" && previousSlot != 0 && previousBlockRoot != "" && ps.Status != "skipped" {
ps.checkPreviousSlot(dw.Tx, dw.Ctx, previousSlot, previousBlockRoot, knownGapsTableIncrement)
ps.PerformanceMetrics.CheckReorg = time.Since(reorgTime)
// Commit the transaction
commitTime := time.Now()
if err = dw.Tx.Commit(dw.Ctx); err != nil {
return err, "transactionCommit"
ps.PerformanceMetrics.CommitTransaction = time.Since(commitTime)
// Total metric capture time.
ps.PerformanceMetrics.TotalDbTransaction = time.Since(dbFullTransactionTime)
ps.PerformanceMetrics.TotalProcessing = time.Since(totalStart)
"slot": slot,
"performanceMetrics": fmt.Sprintf("%+v\n", ps.PerformanceMetrics),
}).Debug("Performance Metric output!")
return nil, ""
// Handle a slot that is at head. A wrapper function for calling `handleFullSlot`.
func processHeadSlot(slot Slot, blockRoot string, stateRoot string, spd SlotProcessingDetails) {
// Get the knownGaps at startUp
if spd.PreviousSlot == 0 && spd.PreviousBlockRoot == "" {
writeStartUpGaps(spd.Db, spd.KnownGapTableIncrement, slot, spd.Metrics)
// TODO(telackey): Why context.Background()?
err, errReason := processFullSlot(context.Background(), slot, blockRoot, stateRoot,
spd.PreviousSlot, spd.PreviousBlockRoot, spd.KnownGapTableIncrement, "head", &spd)
if err != nil {
writeKnownGaps(spd.Db, spd.KnownGapTableIncrement, slot, slot, err, errReason, spd.Metrics)
// Handle a historic slot. A wrapper function for calling `handleFullSlot`.
func handleHistoricSlot(ctx context.Context, slot Slot, spd SlotProcessingDetails) (error, string) {
return processFullSlot(ctx, slot, "", "", 0, "",
1, "historic", &spd)
// Update the SszSignedBeaconBlock and FullSignedBeaconBlock object with their respective values.
func (ps *ProcessSlot) getSignedBeaconBlock(serverAddress string) error {
var blockIdentifier string // Used to query the block
if ps.BlockRoot != "" {
blockIdentifier = ps.BlockRoot
} else {
blockIdentifier = ps.Slot.Format()
blockEndpoint := serverAddress + BcBlockQueryEndpoint + blockIdentifier
sszSignedBeaconBlock, rc, err := querySsz(blockEndpoint, ps.Slot)
if err != nil || rc != 200 {
loghelper.LogSlotError(ps.Slot.Number(), err).Error("Unable to properly query the slot.")
ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock = nil
ps.SszSignedBeaconBlock = []byte{}
ps.ParentBlockRoot = ""
ps.Status = "skipped"
// A 404 is normal in the case of a "skipped" slot.
if rc == 404 {
return nil
return err
var signedBeaconBlock SignedBeaconBlock
err = signedBeaconBlock.UnmarshalSSZ(sszSignedBeaconBlock)
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogSlotError(ps.Slot.Number(), err).Error("Unable to unmarshal SignedBeaconBlock for slot.")
ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock = nil
ps.SszSignedBeaconBlock = []byte{}
ps.ParentBlockRoot = ""
ps.Status = "skipped"
return err
ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock = &signedBeaconBlock
ps.SszSignedBeaconBlock = sszSignedBeaconBlock
ps.ParentBlockRoot = toHex(ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock.Block().ParentRoot())
return nil
// Update the SszBeaconState and FullBeaconState object with their respective values.
func (ps *ProcessSlot) getBeaconState(serverEndpoint string) error {
var stateIdentifier string // Used to query the state
if ps.StateRoot != "" {
stateIdentifier = ps.StateRoot
} else {
stateIdentifier = ps.Slot.Format()
stateEndpoint := serverEndpoint + BcStateQueryEndpoint + stateIdentifier
sszBeaconState, _, err := querySsz(stateEndpoint, ps.Slot)
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogSlotError(ps.Slot.Number(), err).Error("Unable to properly query the BeaconState.")
return err
var beaconState BeaconState
err = beaconState.UnmarshalSSZ(sszBeaconState)
if err != nil {
loghelper.LogSlotError(ps.Slot.Number(), err).Error("Unable to unmarshal the BeaconState.")
return err
ps.FullBeaconState = &beaconState
ps.SszBeaconState = sszBeaconState
return nil
// Check to make sure that the previous block we processed is the parent of the current block.
func (ps *ProcessSlot) checkPreviousSlot(tx sql.Tx, ctx context.Context, previousSlot Slot, previousBlockRoot string, knownGapsTableIncrement int) {
if nil == ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock {
log.Debug("Can't check block root, no current block.")
parentRoot := toHex(ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock.Block().ParentRoot())
slot := ps.Slot
if previousSlot == slot {
"slot": slot,
"fork": true,
}).Warn("A fork occurred! The previous slot and current slot match.")
transactReorgs(tx, ctx, ps.Slot, ps.BlockRoot, ps.Metrics)
} else if previousSlot > slot {
"previousSlot": previousSlot,
"curSlot": slot,
}).Warn("We noticed the previous slot is greater than the current slot.")
} else if previousSlot+1 != slot {
"previousSlot": previousSlot,
"currentSlot": slot,
}).Error("We skipped a few slots.")
transactKnownGaps(tx, ctx, knownGapsTableIncrement, previousSlot+1, slot-1, fmt.Errorf("gaps during head processing"), "headGaps", ps.Metrics)
} else if previousBlockRoot != parentRoot {
"previousBlockRoot": previousBlockRoot,
"currentBlockParent": parentRoot,
}).Error("The previousBlockRoot does not match the current blocks parent, an unprocessed fork might have occurred.")
transactReorgs(tx, ctx, previousSlot, parentRoot, ps.Metrics)
} else {
log.Debug("Previous Slot and Current Slot are one distance from each other.")
// Transforms all the raw data into DB models that can be written to the DB.
func (ps *ProcessSlot) createWriteObjects() (*DatabaseWriter, error) {
var status string
if ps.Status != "" {
status = ps.Status
} else {
status = "proposed"
parseBeaconTime := time.Now()
// These will normally be pre-calculated by this point.
blockRoot, stateRoot, eth1DataBlockHash, err := ps.provideFinalHash()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ps.PerformanceMetrics.ParseBeaconObjectForHash = time.Since(parseBeaconTime)
payloadHeader := ps.provideExecutionPayloadDetails()
dw, err := CreateDatabaseWrite(ps.Db, ps.Slot, stateRoot, blockRoot, ps.ParentBlockRoot, eth1DataBlockHash,
payloadHeader, status, &ps.SszSignedBeaconBlock, &ps.SszBeaconState, ps.Metrics)
if err != nil {
return dw, err
return dw, nil
// This function will return the final blockRoot, stateRoot, and eth1DataBlockHash that will be
// used to write to a DB
func (ps *ProcessSlot) provideFinalHash() (string, string, string, error) {
var (
stateRoot string
blockRoot string
eth1DataBlockHash string
if ps.Status == "skipped" {
stateRoot = ""
blockRoot = ""
eth1DataBlockHash = ""
} else {
if ps.StateRoot != "" {
stateRoot = ps.StateRoot
} else {
if nil != ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock {
stateRoot = toHex(ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock.Block().StateRoot())
log.Debug("BeaconBlock StateRoot: ", stateRoot)
} else {
log.Debug("BeaconBlock StateRoot: <nil beacon block>")
if ps.BlockRoot != "" {
blockRoot = ps.BlockRoot
} else {
if nil != ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock {
rawBlockRoot := ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock.Block().HashTreeRoot()
blockRoot = toHex(rawBlockRoot)
log.WithFields(log.Fields{"blockRoot": blockRoot}).Debug("Block Root from ssz")
} else {
log.Debug("BeaconBlock HashTreeRoot: <nil beacon block>")
if nil != ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock {
eth1DataBlockHash = toHex(ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock.Block().Body().Eth1Data().BlockHash)
return blockRoot, stateRoot, eth1DataBlockHash, nil
func (ps *ProcessSlot) provideExecutionPayloadDetails() *ExecutionPayloadHeader {
if nil == ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock || !ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock.IsBellatrix() {
return nil
payload := ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock.Block().Body().ExecutionPayloadHeader()
blockNumber := uint64(payload.BlockNumber)
// The earliest blocks on the Bellatrix fork, pre-Merge, have zeroed ExecutionPayloads.
// There is nothing useful to to store in that case, even though the structure exists.
if blockNumber == 0 {
return nil
return payload
func toHex(r [32]byte) string {
return "0x" + hex.EncodeToString(r[:])