name: Test Application On PR on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: stack-orchestrator-ref: description: "The branch, commit or sha from stack-orchestrator to checkout" required: false default: "main" ipld-eth-beacon-db-ref: description: "The branch, commit or sha from ipld-eth-beacon-db to checkout" required: false default: "main" ssz-data-ref: description: "The branch, commit or sha from ssz-data to checkout" required: false default: "main" pull_request: paths: - "!**.md" - "!.gitignore" - "!LICENSE" - "!.github/workflows/**" - ".github/workflows/on-pr.yml" - ".github/workflows/tests.yml" - "**" schedule: - cron: "0 13 * * *" # Must be single quotes!! jobs: trigger-tests: uses: ./.github/workflows/generic-testing.yml with: stack-orchestrator-ref: ${{ github.event.inputs.stack-orchestrator-ref }} ipld-eth-beacon-db-ref: ${{ github.event.inputs.ipld-eth-beacon-db-ref }} ssz-data-ref: ${{ github.event.inputs.ssz-data-ref }} secrets: GHA_KEY: ${{secrets.GHA_KEY}} system-testing: uses: ./.github/workflows/system-tests.yml with: stack-orchestrator-ref: ${{ github.event.inputs.stack-orchestrator-ref }} ipld-eth-beacon-db-ref: ${{ github.event.inputs.ipld-eth-beacon-db-ref }} secrets: GHA_KEY: ${{secrets.GHA_KEY}} BC_ADDRESS: ${{secrets.BC_ADDRESS}}