- [Overview](#overview) - [Components](#components) - [Boot](#boot) Table of contents generated with markdown-toc # Overview This document will go through various application components # Components ## `internal/boot` The boot package in `internal` is utilized to start the application. Everything in the boot process must complete successfully for the application to start. If it does not, the application will not start. ## `pkg/database` The `database` package allows us to interact with a postgres DB. We utilize the interface to ensure we can interact with any `sql` database as well. I copied most of the code here from `vulcanize/go-ethereum`. Down the road, internal teams should be able to reference the package instead of copy pasting it and re-implementing it. ## `pkg/beaconclient` This package will contain code to interact with the beacon client. ## `pkg/version` A generic package which can be utilized to easily version our applications. ## `pkg/gracefulshutdown` A generic package that can be used to shutdown various services within an application. ## `pkg/loghelper` This package contains useful functions for logging. ## `internal/shutdown` This package is used to shutdown the `ipld-ethcl-indexer`. It calls the `pkg/gracefulshutdown` package.