2022-05-06 15:03:15 +00:00
// This file will keep track of all the code needed to process a slot.
// To process a slot, it should have all the necessary data needed to write it to the DB.
// But not actually write it.
package beaconclient
import (
// The below is temporary, once https://github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/issues/10006 has been resolved we wont need it.
// pb "github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/proto/prysm/v2"
st "github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/proto/prysm/v1alpha1"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
var (
SlotUnmarshalError = func ( obj string ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "Unable to properly unmarshal the Slot field in the %s." , obj )
ParentRootUnmarshalError = "Unable to properly unmarshal the ParentRoot field in the SignedBeaconBlock."
MissingIdentifiedError = "Can't query state without a set slot or block_root"
type ProcessSlot struct {
// Generic
Slot int // The slot number.
Epoch int // The epoch number.
BlockRoot string // The hex encoded string of the BlockRoot.
StateRoot string // The hex encoded string of the StateRoot.
ParentBlockRoot string // The hex encoded string of the parent block.
Status string // The status of the block
HeadOrHistoric string // Is this the head or a historic slot. This is critical when trying to analyze errors and missed slots.
Db sql . Database // The DB object used to write to the DB.
// BeaconBlock
SszSignedBeaconBlock [ ] byte // The entire SSZ encoded SignedBeaconBlock
FullSignedBeaconBlock * st . SignedBeaconBlock // The unmarshaled BeaconState object, the unmarshalling could have errors.
// BeaconState
FullBeaconState * st . BeaconState // The unmarshaled BeaconState object, the unmarshalling could have errors.
SszBeaconState [ ] byte // The entire SSZ encoded BeaconState
// DB Write objects
DbSlotsModel * DbSlots // The model being written to the slots table.
DbSignedBeaconBlockModel * DbSignedBeaconBlock // The model being written to the signed_beacon_block table.
DbBeaconState * DbBeaconState // The model being written to the beacon_state table.
// This function will do all the work to process the slot and write it to the DB.
func processFullSlot ( db sql . Database , serverAddress string , slot int , blockRoot string , stateRoot string , previousSlot int , previousBlockRoot string , headOrHistoric string ) error {
headOrHistoric = strings . ToLower ( headOrHistoric )
if headOrHistoric != "head" && headOrHistoric != "historic" {
return fmt . Errorf ( "headOrBatch must be either historic or head!" )
ps := & ProcessSlot {
Slot : slot ,
BlockRoot : blockRoot ,
StateRoot : stateRoot ,
HeadOrHistoric : headOrHistoric ,
// Get the SignedBeaconBlock.
err := ps . getSignedBeaconBlock ( serverAddress )
if err != nil {
return err
// Get the BeaconState.
err = ps . getBeaconState ( serverAddress )
if err != nil {
return err
// Handle any reorgs or skipped slots.
if ps . HeadOrHistoric == "head" {
if previousSlot != 0 && previousBlockRoot != "" {
ps . checkPreviousSlot ( previousSlot , previousBlockRoot )
// Get this object ready to write
dw := ps . createWriteObjects ( db )
// Write the object to the DB.
dw . writeFullSlot ( )
return nil
// Handle a slot that is at head. A wrapper function for calling `handleFullSlot`.
func processHeadSlot ( db sql . Database , serverAddress string , slot int , blockRoot string , stateRoot string , previousSlot int , previousBlockRoot string ) error {
return processFullSlot ( db , serverAddress , slot , blockRoot , stateRoot , previousSlot , previousBlockRoot , "head" )
// Handle a historic slot. A wrapper function for calling `handleFullSlot`.
// Commented because of the linter...... LOL
//func handleHistoricSlot(db sql.Database, serverAddress string, slot int) error {
// return handleFullSlot(db, serverAddress, slot, "", "", 0, "", "historic")
// Update the SszSignedBeaconBlock and FullSignedBeaconBlock object with their respective values.
func ( ps * ProcessSlot ) getSignedBeaconBlock ( serverAddress string ) error {
var blockIdentifier string // Used to query the block
if ps . BlockRoot != "" {
blockIdentifier = ps . BlockRoot
} else if ps . Slot != 0 {
blockIdentifier = strconv . Itoa ( ps . Slot )
} else {
log . Error ( MissingIdentifiedError )
return fmt . Errorf ( MissingIdentifiedError )
2022-05-06 21:35:13 +00:00
blockEndpoint := serverAddress + BcBlockQueryEndpoint + blockIdentifier
2022-05-06 15:03:15 +00:00
var err error
var rc int
ps . SszSignedBeaconBlock , rc , err = querySsz ( blockEndpoint , strconv . Itoa ( ps . Slot ) )
if err != nil {
loghelper . LogSlotError ( strconv . Itoa ( ps . Slot ) , err ) . Error ( "Unable to properly query the slot." )
return err
if rc != 200 {
ps . checkMissedSlot ( )
ps . FullSignedBeaconBlock = & st . SignedBeaconBlock { }
err = ps . FullSignedBeaconBlock . UnmarshalSSZ ( ps . SszSignedBeaconBlock )
if err != nil {
if ps . FullSignedBeaconBlock . Block . Slot == 0 {
loghelper . LogSlotError ( strconv . Itoa ( ps . Slot ) , err ) . Error ( SlotUnmarshalError ( "SignedBeaconBlock" ) )
return fmt . Errorf ( SlotUnmarshalError ( "SignedBeaconBlock" ) )
} else if ps . FullSignedBeaconBlock . Block . ParentRoot == nil {
loghelper . LogSlotError ( strconv . Itoa ( ps . Slot ) , err ) . Error ( ParentRootUnmarshalError )
return fmt . Errorf ( ParentRootUnmarshalError )
ps . ParentBlockRoot = "0x" + hex . EncodeToString ( ps . FullSignedBeaconBlock . Block . ParentRoot )
return nil
// Update the SszBeaconState and FullBeaconState object with their respective values.
func ( ps * ProcessSlot ) getBeaconState ( serverEndpoint string ) error {
var stateIdentifier string // Used to query the state
if ps . StateRoot != "" {
stateIdentifier = ps . StateRoot
} else if ps . Slot != 0 {
stateIdentifier = strconv . Itoa ( ps . Slot )
} else {
log . Error ( MissingIdentifiedError )
return fmt . Errorf ( MissingIdentifiedError )
2022-05-06 21:35:13 +00:00
stateEndpoint := serverEndpoint + BcStateQueryEndpoint + stateIdentifier
2022-05-06 15:03:15 +00:00
ps . SszBeaconState , _ , _ = querySsz ( stateEndpoint , strconv . Itoa ( ps . Slot ) )
ps . FullBeaconState = new ( st . BeaconState )
err := ps . FullBeaconState . UnmarshalSSZ ( ps . SszBeaconState )
if err != nil {
if ps . FullBeaconState . Slot == 0 {
loghelper . LogSlotError ( strconv . Itoa ( ps . Slot ) , err ) . Error ( SlotUnmarshalError ( "BeaconState" ) )
return fmt . Errorf ( SlotUnmarshalError ( "BeaconState" ) )
return nil
// Check to make sure that the previous block we processed is the parent of the current block.
func ( ps * ProcessSlot ) checkPreviousSlot ( previousSlot int , previousBlockRoot string ) {
parentRoot := "0x" + hex . EncodeToString ( ps . FullSignedBeaconBlock . Block . ParentRoot )
if previousSlot == int ( ps . FullBeaconState . Slot ) {
log . WithFields ( log . Fields {
"slot" : ps . FullBeaconState . Slot ,
"fork" : true ,
} ) . Warn ( "A fork occurred! The previous slot and current slot match." )
processReorg ( ps . Db , strconv . Itoa ( ps . Slot ) , ps . BlockRoot )
} else if previousSlot - 1 != int ( ps . FullBeaconState . Slot ) {
log . WithFields ( log . Fields {
"previousSlot" : previousSlot ,
"currentSlot" : ps . FullBeaconState . Slot ,
} ) . Error ( "We skipped a few slots." )
// Check to see if the slot was skipped.
// Call our batch processing function.
} else if previousBlockRoot != parentRoot {
log . WithFields ( log . Fields {
"previousBlockRoot" : previousBlockRoot ,
"currentBlockParent" : parentRoot ,
} ) . Error ( "The previousBlockRoot does not match the current blocks parent, an unprocessed fork might have occurred." )
processReorg ( ps . Db , strconv . Itoa ( previousSlot ) , parentRoot )
// Call our batch processing function.
// Continue with this slot.
} else {
log . Debug ( "Previous Slot and Current Slot are one distance from each other." )
// Add logic for checking a missed Slot
// IF the state is present but block is not, then it was skipped???
// If the state and block are both absent, then the block might be missing??
// IF state is absent but block is not, there might be an issue with the LH client.
// Check the previous and following slot?
// Check if head or historic.
// 1. BeaconBlock is 404.
// 2. check heck /lighthouse/database/info to make sure the oldest_block_slot == 0 and anchor == null. This indicates that I don't have any gaps in the DB.
// 3. I query BeaconState for slot X, and get a BeaconState.
// 4. Although for good measure you should also check that the head is at a slot >= X using something like /eth/v1/node/syncing/ or /eth/v1/beacon/headers/head
func ( ps * ProcessSlot ) checkMissedSlot ( ) {
// Transforms all the raw data into DB models that can be written to the DB.
func ( ps * ProcessSlot ) createWriteObjects ( db sql . Database ) * DatabaseWriter {
var (
stateRoot string
blockRoot string
status string
if ps . StateRoot != "" {
stateRoot = ps . StateRoot
} else {
stateRoot = "0x" + hex . EncodeToString ( ps . FullSignedBeaconBlock . Block . StateRoot )
log . Debug ( "StateRoot: " , stateRoot )
if ps . BlockRoot != "" {
blockRoot = ps . BlockRoot
} else {
// We need to get the state of Slot + 1, then we can run the below.
// WE can query it for each run, or we can leave it blank, and update it.
// I just want to avoid getting the same state twice, especially since the state can get heavy.
// blockRoot = "0x" + hex.EncodeToString(ps.FullBeaconState.GetBlockRoots()[ps.Slot%bcSlotPerHistoricalVector][:])
// log.Debug("Block Root: ", blockRoot)
// log.Debug("ps.Slott: ", ps.Slot)
// Maybe we can use the helper down the road.
//blockRootRaw, _ := helper.BlockRootAtSlot(ps.FullBeaconState, ps.FullSignedBeaconBlock.Block.Slot)
//blockRoot = string(blockRootRaw)
if ps . Status != "" {
status = ps . Status
} else {
status = "proposed"
dw := CreateDatabaseWrite ( db , ps . Slot , stateRoot , blockRoot , ps . ParentBlockRoot , status )
dw . rawSignedBeaconBlock = ps . SszSignedBeaconBlock
dw . rawBeaconState = ps . SszBeaconState
return dw