This application will capture all the `BeaconState`'s and `SignedBeaconBlock`'s from the consensus chain on Ethereum. This application is going to connect to the lighthouse client, but hypothetically speaking, it should be interchangeable with any eth2 beacon node.
- The `TestEvents` map contains several events for testers to leverage when testing.
- Any object ending in `-dummy` is not a real object. You will also notice it has a present field called `MimicConfig`. This object will use an existing SSZ object, and update the parameters from the `Head` and `MimicConfig`.
- This is done because creating an empty or minimal `SignedBeaconBlock` and `BeaconState` is fairly challenging.
- By slightly modifying an existing object, we can test re-org, malformed objects, and other negative conditions.
The branching structure is as follows: `main`<--`develop`<--`your-branch`.
It is adviced that `your-branch` follows the following structure: `{type}/{issue-number}-{description}`.
-`type` - This can be anything identifying the reason for this PR, for example: `bug`, `feature`, `release`.
-`issue-number` - This is the issue number of the GitHub issue. It will help users easily find a full description of the issue you are trying to solve.
-`description` - A few words to identify your issue.