#!/usr/bin/env bash # Run this script once after bringing up gitea in docker compose # TODO: add a check to detect that gitea has not fully initialized yet (no user relation error) GITEA_USER=gitea_admin GITEA_PASSWORD=admin1234 GITEA_USER_EMAIL=${GITEA_USER}@example.com GITEA_NEW_ORGANIZATION=cerc-io GITEA_URL_PREFIX=http://localhost:3000 CERC_GITEA_TOKEN_NAME=laconic-so-publication-token if [[ -n "$CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]]; then set -x fi # Create admin user # First check if it already exists if [[ -z ${CERC_SO_COMPOSE_PROJECT} ]] ; then compose_command="docker compose" else compose_command="docker compose -p ${CERC_SO_COMPOSE_PROJECT}" fi # HACK: sleep a bit because gitea may not be up yet (container reports it has started before service is available) sleep 5 ${compose_command} exec --user git server gitea admin user list --admin | grep -v -e "^ID" | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep ${GITEA_USER} > /dev/null if [[ $? == 1 ]] ; then # Then create if it wasn't found ${compose_command} exec --user git server gitea admin user create --admin --username ${GITEA_USER} --password ${GITEA_PASSWORD} --email ${GITEA_USER_EMAIL} fi # HACK: sleep a bit because if we don't gitea will return empty responses sleep 5 # Check if the token already exists token_response=$( curl -s "${GITEA_URL_PREFIX}/api/v1/users/${GITEA_USER}/tokens" \ -u ${GITEA_USER}:${GITEA_PASSWORD} \ -H "Content-Type: application/json") if [[ -n ${token_response} ]] ; then echo ${token_response} | jq --exit-status -r 'to_entries[] | select(.value.name == "'${CERC_GITEA_TOKEN_NAME}'")' if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then token_found=1 fi fi if [[ ${token_found} != 1 ]] ; then # Create access token if not found # Note that we either create the token here, or we needed to be passed # the token by the caller. This is because gitea won't release the token # plaintext post-creation. new_gitea_token=$( curl -s -X POST "${GITEA_URL_PREFIX}/api/v1/users/${GITEA_USER}/tokens" \ -u ${GITEA_USER}:${GITEA_PASSWORD} \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"name":"'${CERC_GITEA_TOKEN_NAME}'"}' \ | jq -r .sha1 ) echo "This is your gitea access token: ${new_gitea_token}. Keep it safe and secure, it can not be fetched again from gitea." CERC_GITEA_AUTH_TOKEN=${new_gitea_token} else # If the token exists, then we must have been passed its value. # If we were not, then we fail hard here. if [[ -z ${CERC_GITEA_AUTH_TOKEN} ]] ; then echo "FATAL error: gitea auth token \"${CERC_GITEA_TOKEN_NAME}\" already exists but no CERC_GITEA_AUTH_TOKEN was provided" exit 1 fi fi # Now that we're sure the token exists and is set in CERC_GITEA_AUTH_TOKEN, # we can proceed with token-authenticated API requests below # Create org # First check if it already exists curl -s "${GITEA_URL_PREFIX}/api/v1/admin/users/${GITEA_USER}/orgs" \ -H "Authorization: token ${CERC_GITEA_AUTH_TOKEN}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ | jq --exit-status -r 'to_entries[] | select(.value.name == "'${GITEA_NEW_ORGANIZATION}'")' > /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then # If it doesn't exist, create it # See: https://discourse.gitea.io/t/create-remove-organization-through-api/478 curl -s -X POST "${GITEA_URL_PREFIX}/api/v1/admin/users/${GITEA_USER}/orgs" \ -H "Authorization: token ${CERC_GITEA_AUTH_TOKEN}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -d '{"username": "'${GITEA_NEW_ORGANIZATION}'"}' > /dev/null echo "Created the organization ${GITEA_NEW_ORGANIZATION}" fi echo "Success, gitea is properly initialized"