296 lines
6.4 KiB
296 lines
6.4 KiB
package ipld
import (
func init() {
if os.Getenv("MODE") != "statediff" {
fmt.Println("Skipping statediff test")
func TestAccountSnapshotBlockElements(t *testing.T) {
eas := prepareEthAccountSnapshot(t)
if fmt.Sprintf("%x", eas.RawData())[:10] != "f84e808a03" {
t.Fatal("Wrong Data")
if eas.Cid().String() !=
"baglqcgzasckx2alxk43cksshnztjvhfyvbbh6bkp376gtcndm5cg4fkrkhsa" {
t.Fatal("Wrong Cid")
func TestAccountSnapshotString(t *testing.T) {
eas := prepareEthAccountSnapshot(t)
if eas.String() !=
"<EthereumAccountSnapshot baglqcgzasckx2alxk43cksshnztjvhfyvbbh6bkp376gtcndm5cg4fkrkhsa>" {
t.Fatalf("Wrong String()")
func TestAccountSnapshotLoggable(t *testing.T) {
eas := prepareEthAccountSnapshot(t)
l := eas.Loggable()
if _, ok := l["type"]; !ok {
t.Fatal("Loggable map expected the field 'type'")
if l["type"] != "eth-account-snapshot" {
t.Fatalf("Wrong Loggable 'type' value\r\nexpected %s\r\ngot %s", "eth-account-snapshot", l["type"])
func TestAccountSnapshotResolve(t *testing.T) {
eas := prepareEthAccountSnapshot(t)
// Empty path
obj, rest, err := eas.Resolve([]string{})
reas, ok := obj.(*EthAccountSnapshot)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Wrong type of returned object\r\nexpected %T\r\ngot %T", &EthAccountSnapshot{}, reas)
if reas.Cid() != eas.Cid() {
t.Fatalf("wrong returned CID\r\nexpected %s\r\ngot %s", eas.Cid().String(), reas.Cid().String())
if rest != nil {
t.Fatal("rest should be nil")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("err should be nil")
// len(p) > 1
badCases := [][]string{
{"two", "elements"},
{"here", "three", "elements"},
{"and", "here", "four", "elements"},
for _, bc := range badCases {
obj, rest, err = eas.Resolve(bc)
if obj != nil {
t.Fatal("obj should be nil")
if rest != nil {
t.Fatal("rest should be nil")
if err.Error() != fmt.Sprintf("unexpected path elements past %s", bc[0]) {
t.Fatal("wrong error")
moreBadCases := []string{
for _, mbc := range moreBadCases {
obj, rest, err = eas.Resolve([]string{mbc})
if obj != nil {
t.Fatal("obj should be nil")
if rest != nil {
t.Fatal("rest should be nil")
if err != ErrInvalidLink {
t.Fatal("wrong error")
goodCases := []string{
for _, gc := range goodCases {
_, _, err = eas.Resolve([]string{gc})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error should be nil %v", gc)
func TestAccountSnapshotTree(t *testing.T) {
eas := prepareEthAccountSnapshot(t)
// Bad cases
tree := eas.Tree("non-empty-string", 0)
if tree != nil {
t.Fatal("Expected nil to be returned")
tree = eas.Tree("non-empty-string", 1)
if tree != nil {
t.Fatal("Expected nil to be returned")
tree = eas.Tree("", 0)
if tree != nil {
t.Fatal("Expected nil to be returned")
// Good cases
tree = eas.Tree("", 1)
lookupElements := map[string]interface{}{
"balance": nil,
"codeHash": nil,
"nonce": nil,
"root": nil,
if len(tree) != len(lookupElements) {
t.Fatalf("Wrong number of elements\r\nexpected %d\r\ngot %d", len(lookupElements), len(tree))
for _, te := range tree {
if _, ok := lookupElements[te]; !ok {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected Element: %v", te)
func TestAccountSnapshotResolveLink(t *testing.T) {
eas := prepareEthAccountSnapshot(t)
// bad case
obj, rest, err := eas.ResolveLink([]string{"supercalifragilist"})
if obj != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected obj to be nil")
if rest != nil {
t.Fatal("Expected rest to be nil")
if err != ErrInvalidLink {
t.Fatal("Wrong error")
// good case
obj, rest, err = eas.ResolveLink([]string{"nonce"})
if obj != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected obj to be nil")
if rest != nil {
t.Fatal("Expected rest to be nil")
if err.Error() != "resolved item was not a link" {
t.Fatal("Wrong error")
func TestAccountSnapshotCopy(t *testing.T) {
eas := prepareEthAccountSnapshot(t)
defer func() {
r := recover()
if r == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected panic")
if r != "implement me" {
t.Fatalf("Wrong panic message\r\n expected %s\r\ngot %s", "'implement me'", r)
_ = eas.Copy()
func TestAccountSnapshotLinks(t *testing.T) {
eas := prepareEthAccountSnapshot(t)
if eas.Links() != nil {
t.Fatal("Links() expected to return nil")
func TestAccountSnapshotStat(t *testing.T) {
eas := prepareEthAccountSnapshot(t)
obj, err := eas.Stat()
if obj == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected a not null object node.NodeStat")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Expected a nil error")
func TestAccountSnapshotSize(t *testing.T) {
eas := prepareEthAccountSnapshot(t)
size, err := eas.Size()
if size != uint64(0) {
t.Fatalf("Wrong size\r\nexpected %d\r\ngot %d", 0, size)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Expected a nil error")
EthAccountSnapshot functions
func TestAccountSnapshotMarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
eas := prepareEthAccountSnapshot(t)
jsonOutput, err := eas.MarshalJSON()
checkError(err, t)
var data map[string]interface{}
err = json.Unmarshal(jsonOutput, &data)
checkError(err, t)
balanceExpression := regexp.MustCompile(`{"balance":16011846000000000000000,`)
if !balanceExpression.MatchString(string(jsonOutput)) {
t.Fatal("Balance expression not found")
code, _ := data["codeHash"].(map[string]interface{})
if fmt.Sprintf("%s", code["/"]) !=
"bafkrwigf2jdadbxxem6je7t5wlomoa6a4ualmu6kqittw6723acf3bneoa" {
t.Fatalf("Wrong Marshaled Value\r\nexpected %s\r\ngot %s", "bafkrwigf2jdadbxxem6je7t5wlomoa6a4ualmu6kqittw6723acf3bneoa", fmt.Sprintf("%s", code["/"]))
if fmt.Sprintf("%v", data["nonce"]) != "0" {
t.Fatalf("Wrong Marshaled Value\r\nexpected %s\r\ngot %s", "0", fmt.Sprintf("%v", data["nonce"]))
root, _ := data["root"].(map[string]interface{})
if fmt.Sprintf("%s", root["/"]) !=
"bagmacgzak3ub6fy3zrk2n74dixtjfqhynznurya3tfwk3qabmix3ly3dwqqq" {
t.Fatalf("Wrong Marshaled Value\r\nexpected %s\r\ngot %s", "bagmacgzak3ub6fy3zrk2n74dixtjfqhynznurya3tfwk3qabmix3ly3dwqqq", fmt.Sprintf("%s", root["/"]))
func prepareEthAccountSnapshot(t *testing.T) *EthAccountSnapshot {
fi, err := os.Open("test_data/eth-state-trie-rlp-c9070d")
checkError(err, t)
output, err := FromStateTrieRLPFile(fi)
checkError(err, t)
return output.elements[1].(*EthAccountSnapshot)