Felföldi Zsolt 7a800f98f6
les/utils: UDP rate limiter ()
* les/utils: Limiter

* les/utils: dropped prior weight vs variable cost logic, using fixed weights

* les/utils: always create node selector in addressGroup

* les/utils: renamed request weight to request cost

* les/utils: simplified and improved the DoS penalty mechanism

* les/utils: minor fixes

* les/utils: made selection weight calculation nicer

* les/utils: fixed linter warning

* les/utils: more precise and reliable probabilistic test

* les/utils: fixed linter warning
2021-01-28 22:47:15 +01:00

184 lines
5.5 KiB

// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package utils
import (
type (
// WeightedRandomSelect is capable of weighted random selection from a set of items
WeightedRandomSelect struct {
root *wrsNode
idx map[WrsItem]int
wfn WeightFn
WrsItem interface{}
WeightFn func(interface{}) uint64
// NewWeightedRandomSelect returns a new WeightedRandomSelect structure
func NewWeightedRandomSelect(wfn WeightFn) *WeightedRandomSelect {
return &WeightedRandomSelect{root: &wrsNode{maxItems: wrsBranches}, idx: make(map[WrsItem]int), wfn: wfn}
// Update updates an item's weight, adds it if it was non-existent or removes it if
// the new weight is zero. Note that explicitly updating decreasing weights is not necessary.
func (w *WeightedRandomSelect) Update(item WrsItem) {
w.setWeight(item, w.wfn(item))
// Remove removes an item from the set
func (w *WeightedRandomSelect) Remove(item WrsItem) {
w.setWeight(item, 0)
// IsEmpty returns true if the set is empty
func (w *WeightedRandomSelect) IsEmpty() bool {
return w.root.sumCost == 0
// setWeight sets an item's weight to a specific value (removes it if zero)
func (w *WeightedRandomSelect) setWeight(item WrsItem, weight uint64) {
if weight > math.MaxInt64-w.root.sumCost {
// old weight is still included in sumCost, remove and check again
w.setWeight(item, 0)
if weight > math.MaxInt64-w.root.sumCost {
log.Error("WeightedRandomSelect overflow", "sumCost", w.root.sumCost, "new weight", weight)
weight = math.MaxInt64 - w.root.sumCost
idx, ok := w.idx[item]
if ok {
w.root.setWeight(idx, weight)
if weight == 0 {
delete(w.idx, item)
} else {
if weight != 0 {
if w.root.itemCnt == w.root.maxItems {
// add a new level
newRoot := &wrsNode{sumCost: w.root.sumCost, itemCnt: w.root.itemCnt, level: w.root.level + 1, maxItems: w.root.maxItems * wrsBranches}
newRoot.items[0] = w.root
newRoot.weights[0] = w.root.sumCost
w.root = newRoot
w.idx[item] = w.root.insert(item, weight)
// Choose randomly selects an item from the set, with a chance proportional to its
// current weight. If the weight of the chosen element has been decreased since the
// last stored value, returns it with a newWeight/oldWeight chance, otherwise just
// updates its weight and selects another one
func (w *WeightedRandomSelect) Choose() WrsItem {
for {
if w.root.sumCost == 0 {
return nil
val := uint64(rand.Int63n(int64(w.root.sumCost)))
choice, lastWeight := w.root.choose(val)
weight := w.wfn(choice)
if weight != lastWeight {
w.setWeight(choice, weight)
if weight >= lastWeight || uint64(rand.Int63n(int64(lastWeight))) < weight {
return choice
const wrsBranches = 8 // max number of branches in the wrsNode tree
// wrsNode is a node of a tree structure that can store WrsItems or further wrsNodes.
type wrsNode struct {
items [wrsBranches]interface{}
weights [wrsBranches]uint64
sumCost uint64
level, itemCnt, maxItems int
// insert recursively inserts a new item to the tree and returns the item index
func (n *wrsNode) insert(item WrsItem, weight uint64) int {
branch := 0
for n.items[branch] != nil && (n.level == 0 || n.items[branch].(*wrsNode).itemCnt == n.items[branch].(*wrsNode).maxItems) {
if branch == wrsBranches {
n.sumCost += weight
n.weights[branch] += weight
if n.level == 0 {
n.items[branch] = item
return branch
var subNode *wrsNode
if n.items[branch] == nil {
subNode = &wrsNode{maxItems: n.maxItems / wrsBranches, level: n.level - 1}
n.items[branch] = subNode
} else {
subNode = n.items[branch].(*wrsNode)
subIdx := subNode.insert(item, weight)
return subNode.maxItems*branch + subIdx
// setWeight updates the weight of a certain item (which should exist) and returns
// the change of the last weight value stored in the tree
func (n *wrsNode) setWeight(idx int, weight uint64) uint64 {
if n.level == 0 {
oldWeight := n.weights[idx]
n.weights[idx] = weight
diff := weight - oldWeight
n.sumCost += diff
if weight == 0 {
n.items[idx] = nil
return diff
branchItems := n.maxItems / wrsBranches
branch := idx / branchItems
diff := n.items[branch].(*wrsNode).setWeight(idx-branch*branchItems, weight)
n.weights[branch] += diff
n.sumCost += diff
if weight == 0 {
return diff
// choose recursively selects an item from the tree and returns it along with its weight
func (n *wrsNode) choose(val uint64) (WrsItem, uint64) {
for i, w := range n.weights {
if val < w {
if n.level == 0 {
return n.items[i].(WrsItem), n.weights[i]
return n.items[i].(*wrsNode).choose(val)
val -= w