This commit converts the dependency management from Godeps to the vendor folder, also switching the tool from godep to trash. Since the upstream tool lacks a few features proposed via a few PRs, until those PRs are merged in (if), use You can update dependencies via trash --update. All dependencies have been updated to their latest version. Parts of the build system are reworked to drop old notions of Godeps and invocation of the go vet command so that it doesn't run against the vendor folder, as that will just blow up during vetting. The conversion drops OpenCL (and hence GPU mining support) from ethash and our codebase. The short reasoning is that there's noone to maintain and having opencl libs in our deps messes up builds as go install ./... tries to build them, failing with unsatisfied link errors for the C OpenCL deps. is not vendored in. We expect it to be fetched by the user (i.e. using go get). To keep ci.go builds reproducible the package is "vendored" in build/_vendor.
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// Copyright 2016 Zack Guo <>. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can
// be found in the LICENSE file.
package termui
import (
// TextBuilder is a minimal interface to produce text []Cell using specific syntax (markdown).
type TextBuilder interface {
Build(s string, fg, bg Attribute) []Cell
// DefaultTxBuilder is set to be MarkdownTxBuilder.
var DefaultTxBuilder = NewMarkdownTxBuilder()
// MarkdownTxBuilder implements TextBuilder interface, using markdown syntax.
type MarkdownTxBuilder struct {
baseFg Attribute
baseBg Attribute
plainTx []rune
markers []marker
type marker struct {
st int
ed int
fg Attribute
bg Attribute
var colorMap = map[string]Attribute{
"red": ColorRed,
"blue": ColorBlue,
"black": ColorBlack,
"cyan": ColorCyan,
"yellow": ColorYellow,
"white": ColorWhite,
"default": ColorDefault,
"green": ColorGreen,
"magenta": ColorMagenta,
var attrMap = map[string]Attribute{
"bold": AttrBold,
"underline": AttrUnderline,
"reverse": AttrReverse,
func rmSpc(s string) string {
reg := regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`)
return reg.ReplaceAllString(s, "")
// readAttr translates strings like `fg-red,fg-bold,bg-white` to fg and bg Attribute
func (mtb MarkdownTxBuilder) readAttr(s string) (Attribute, Attribute) {
fg := mtb.baseFg
bg := mtb.baseBg
updateAttr := func(a Attribute, attrs []string) Attribute {
for _, s := range attrs {
// replace the color
if c, ok := colorMap[s]; ok {
a &= 0xFF00 // erase clr 0 ~ 8 bits
a |= c // set clr
// add attrs
if c, ok := attrMap[s]; ok {
a |= c
return a
ss := strings.Split(s, ",")
fgs := []string{}
bgs := []string{}
for _, v := range ss {
subs := strings.Split(v, "-")
if len(subs) > 1 {
if subs[0] == "fg" {
fgs = append(fgs, subs[1])
if subs[0] == "bg" {
bgs = append(bgs, subs[1])
fg = updateAttr(fg, fgs)
bg = updateAttr(bg, bgs)
return fg, bg
func (mtb *MarkdownTxBuilder) reset() {
mtb.plainTx = []rune{}
mtb.markers = []marker{}
// parse streams and parses text into normalized text and render sequence.
func (mtb *MarkdownTxBuilder) parse(str string) {
rs := str2runes(str)
normTx := []rune{}
square := []rune{}
brackt := []rune{}
accSquare := false
accBrackt := false
cntSquare := 0
reset := func() {
square = []rune{}
brackt = []rune{}
accSquare = false
accBrackt = false
cntSquare = 0
// pipe stacks into normTx and clear
rollback := func() {
normTx = append(normTx, square...)
normTx = append(normTx, brackt...)
// chop first and last
chop := func(s []rune) []rune {
return s[1 : len(s)-1]
for i, r := range rs {
switch {
// stacking brackt
case accBrackt:
brackt = append(brackt, r)
if ')' == r {
fg, bg := mtb.readAttr(string(chop(brackt)))
st := len(normTx)
ed := len(normTx) + len(square) - 2
mtb.markers = append(mtb.markers, marker{st, ed, fg, bg})
normTx = append(normTx, chop(square)...)
} else if i+1 == len(rs) {
// stacking square
case accSquare:
switch {
// squares closed and followed by a '('
case cntSquare == 0 && '(' == r:
accBrackt = true
brackt = append(brackt, '(')
// squares closed but not followed by a '('
case cntSquare == 0:
if '[' == r {
accSquare = true
cntSquare = 1
brackt = append(brackt, '[')
} else {
normTx = append(normTx, r)
// hit the end
case i+1 == len(rs):
square = append(square, r)
case '[' == r:
square = append(square, '[')
case ']' == r:
square = append(square, ']')
// normal char
square = append(square, r)
// stacking normTx
if '[' == r {
accSquare = true
cntSquare = 1
square = append(square, '[')
} else {
normTx = append(normTx, r)
mtb.plainTx = normTx
func wrapTx(cs []Cell, wl int) []Cell {
tmpCell := make([]Cell, len(cs))
copy(tmpCell, cs)
// get the plaintext
plain := CellsToStr(cs)
// wrap
plainWrapped := wordwrap.WrapString(plain, uint(wl))
// find differences and insert
finalCell := tmpCell // finalcell will get the inserts and is what is returned
plainRune := []rune(plain)
plainWrappedRune := []rune(plainWrapped)
trigger := "go"
plainRuneNew := plainRune
for trigger != "stop" {
plainRune = plainRuneNew
for i := range plainRune {
if plainRune[i] == plainWrappedRune[i] {
trigger = "stop"
} else if plainRune[i] != plainWrappedRune[i] && plainWrappedRune[i] == 10 {
trigger = "go"
cell := Cell{10, 0, 0}
j := i - 0
// insert a cell into the []Cell in correct position
tmpCell[i] = cell
// insert the newline into plain so we avoid indexing errors
plainRuneNew = append(plainRune, 10)
copy(plainRuneNew[j+1:], plainRuneNew[j:])
plainRuneNew[j] = plainWrappedRune[j]
// restart the inner for loop until plain and plain wrapped are
// the same; yeah, it's inefficient, but the text amounts
// should be small
} else if plainRune[i] != plainWrappedRune[i] &&
plainWrappedRune[i-1] == 10 && // if the prior rune is a newline
plainRune[i] == 32 { // and this rune is a space
trigger = "go"
// need to delete plainRune[i] because it gets rid of an extra
// space
plainRuneNew = append(plainRune[:i], plainRune[i+1:]...)
} else {
trigger = "stop" // stops the outer for loop
finalCell = tmpCell
return finalCell
// Build implements TextBuilder interface.
func (mtb MarkdownTxBuilder) Build(s string, fg, bg Attribute) []Cell {
mtb.baseFg = fg
mtb.baseBg = bg
cs := make([]Cell, len(mtb.plainTx))
for i := range cs {
cs[i] = Cell{Ch: mtb.plainTx[i], Fg: fg, Bg: bg}
for _, mrk := range mtb.markers {
for i :=; i < mrk.ed; i++ {
cs[i].Fg = mrk.fg
cs[i].Bg =
return cs
// NewMarkdownTxBuilder returns a TextBuilder employing markdown syntax.
func NewMarkdownTxBuilder() TextBuilder {
return MarkdownTxBuilder{}