Felix Lange d36276d85e
p2p/dnsdisc: fix hot-spin when all trees are empty ()
In the random sync algorithm used by the DNS node iterator, we first pick a random
tree and then perform one sync action on that tree. This happens in a loop until any
node is found. If no trees contain any nodes, the iterator will enter a hot loop spinning
at 100% CPU.

The fix is complicated. The iterator now checks if a meaningful sync action can
be performed on any tree. If there is nothing to do, it waits for the next root record
recheck time to arrive and then tries again.

2021-02-19 09:54:46 +01:00

379 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2018 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package dnsdisc
import (
lru "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru"
// Client discovers nodes by querying DNS servers.
type Client struct {
cfg Config
clock mclock.Clock
entries *lru.Cache
// Config holds configuration options for the client.
type Config struct {
Timeout time.Duration // timeout used for DNS lookups (default 5s)
RecheckInterval time.Duration // time between tree root update checks (default 30min)
CacheLimit int // maximum number of cached records (default 1000)
RateLimit float64 // maximum DNS requests / second (default 3)
ValidSchemes enr.IdentityScheme // acceptable ENR identity schemes (default enode.ValidSchemes)
Resolver Resolver // the DNS resolver to use (defaults to system DNS)
Logger log.Logger // destination of client log messages (defaults to root logger)
// Resolver is a DNS resolver that can query TXT records.
type Resolver interface {
LookupTXT(ctx context.Context, domain string) ([]string, error)
func (cfg Config) withDefaults() Config {
const (
defaultTimeout = 5 * time.Second
defaultRecheck = 30 * time.Minute
defaultRateLimit = 3
defaultCache = 1000
if cfg.Timeout == 0 {
cfg.Timeout = defaultTimeout
if cfg.RecheckInterval == 0 {
cfg.RecheckInterval = defaultRecheck
if cfg.CacheLimit == 0 {
cfg.CacheLimit = defaultCache
if cfg.RateLimit == 0 {
cfg.RateLimit = defaultRateLimit
if cfg.ValidSchemes == nil {
cfg.ValidSchemes = enode.ValidSchemes
if cfg.Resolver == nil {
cfg.Resolver = new(net.Resolver)
if cfg.Logger == nil {
cfg.Logger = log.Root()
return cfg
// NewClient creates a client.
func NewClient(cfg Config) *Client {
cfg = cfg.withDefaults()
cache, err := lru.New(cfg.CacheLimit)
if err != nil {
rlimit := rate.NewLimiter(rate.Limit(cfg.RateLimit), 10)
cfg.Resolver = &rateLimitResolver{cfg.Resolver, rlimit}
return &Client{cfg: cfg, entries: cache, clock: mclock.System{}}
// SyncTree downloads the entire node tree at the given URL.
func (c *Client) SyncTree(url string) (*Tree, error) {
le, err := parseLink(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid enrtree URL: %v", err)
ct := newClientTree(c, new(linkCache), le)
t := &Tree{entries: make(map[string]entry)}
if err := ct.syncAll(t.entries); err != nil {
return nil, err
t.root = ct.root
return t, nil
// NewIterator creates an iterator that visits all nodes at the
// given tree URLs.
func (c *Client) NewIterator(urls ...string) (enode.Iterator, error) {
it := c.newRandomIterator()
for _, url := range urls {
if err := it.addTree(url); err != nil {
return nil, err
return it, nil
// resolveRoot retrieves a root entry via DNS.
func (c *Client) resolveRoot(ctx context.Context, loc *linkEntry) (rootEntry, error) {
txts, err := c.cfg.Resolver.LookupTXT(ctx, loc.domain)
c.cfg.Logger.Trace("Updating DNS discovery root", "tree", loc.domain, "err", err)
if err != nil {
return rootEntry{}, err
for _, txt := range txts {
if strings.HasPrefix(txt, rootPrefix) {
return parseAndVerifyRoot(txt, loc)
return rootEntry{}, nameError{loc.domain, errNoRoot}
func parseAndVerifyRoot(txt string, loc *linkEntry) (rootEntry, error) {
e, err := parseRoot(txt)
if err != nil {
return e, err
if !e.verifySignature(loc.pubkey) {
return e, entryError{typ: "root", err: errInvalidSig}
return e, nil
// resolveEntry retrieves an entry from the cache or fetches it from the network
// if it isn't cached.
func (c *Client) resolveEntry(ctx context.Context, domain, hash string) (entry, error) {
cacheKey := truncateHash(hash)
if e, ok := c.entries.Get(cacheKey); ok {
return e.(entry), nil
e, err := c.doResolveEntry(ctx, domain, hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.entries.Add(cacheKey, e)
return e, nil
// doResolveEntry fetches an entry via DNS.
func (c *Client) doResolveEntry(ctx context.Context, domain, hash string) (entry, error) {
wantHash, err := b32format.DecodeString(hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid base32 hash")
name := hash + "." + domain
txts, err := c.cfg.Resolver.LookupTXT(ctx, hash+"."+domain)
c.cfg.Logger.Trace("DNS discovery lookup", "name", name, "err", err)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, txt := range txts {
e, err := parseEntry(txt, c.cfg.ValidSchemes)
if err == errUnknownEntry {
if !bytes.HasPrefix(crypto.Keccak256([]byte(txt)), wantHash) {
err = nameError{name, errHashMismatch}
} else if err != nil {
err = nameError{name, err}
return e, err
return nil, nameError{name, errNoEntry}
// rateLimitResolver applies a rate limit to a Resolver.
type rateLimitResolver struct {
r Resolver
limiter *rate.Limiter
func (r *rateLimitResolver) LookupTXT(ctx context.Context, domain string) ([]string, error) {
if err := r.limiter.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.r.LookupTXT(ctx, domain)
// randomIterator traverses a set of trees and returns nodes found in them.
type randomIterator struct {
cur *enode.Node
ctx context.Context
cancelFn context.CancelFunc
c *Client
mu sync.Mutex
lc linkCache // tracks tree dependencies
trees map[string]*clientTree // all trees
// buffers for syncableTrees
syncableList []*clientTree
disabledList []*clientTree
func (c *Client) newRandomIterator() *randomIterator {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return &randomIterator{
c: c,
ctx: ctx,
cancelFn: cancel,
trees: make(map[string]*clientTree),
// Node returns the current node.
func (it *randomIterator) Node() *enode.Node {
return it.cur
// Close closes the iterator.
func (it *randomIterator) Close() {
defer it.mu.Unlock()
it.trees = nil
// Next moves the iterator to the next node.
func (it *randomIterator) Next() bool {
it.cur = it.nextNode()
return it.cur != nil
// addTree adds an enrtree:// URL to the iterator.
func (it *randomIterator) addTree(url string) error {
le, err := parseLink(url)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid enrtree URL: %v", err)
it.lc.addLink("", le.str)
return nil
// nextNode syncs random tree entries until it finds a node.
func (it *randomIterator) nextNode() *enode.Node {
for {
ct := it.pickTree()
if ct == nil {
return nil
n, err := ct.syncRandom(it.ctx)
if err != nil {
if err == it.ctx.Err() {
return nil // context canceled.
it.c.cfg.Logger.Debug("Error in DNS random node sync", "tree", ct.loc.domain, "err", err)
if n != nil {
return n
// pickTree returns a random tree to sync from.
func (it *randomIterator) pickTree() *clientTree {
defer it.mu.Unlock()
// Rebuild the trees map if any links have changed.
if it.lc.changed {
it.lc.changed = false
for {
canSync, trees := it.syncableTrees()
switch {
case canSync:
// Pick a random tree.
return trees[rand.Intn(len(trees))]
case len(trees) > 0:
// No sync action can be performed on any tree right now. The only meaningful
// thing to do is waiting for any root record to get updated.
if !it.waitForRootUpdates(trees) {
// Iterator was closed while waiting.
return nil
// There are no trees left, the iterator was closed.
return nil
// syncableTrees finds trees on which any meaningful sync action can be performed.
func (it *randomIterator) syncableTrees() (canSync bool, trees []*clientTree) {
// Resize tree lists.
it.syncableList = it.syncableList[:0]
it.disabledList = it.disabledList[:0]
// Partition them into the two lists.
for _, ct := range it.trees {
if ct.canSyncRandom() {
it.syncableList = append(it.syncableList, ct)
} else {
it.disabledList = append(it.disabledList, ct)
if len(it.syncableList) > 0 {
return true, it.syncableList
return false, it.disabledList
// waitForRootUpdates waits for the closest scheduled root check time on the given trees.
func (it *randomIterator) waitForRootUpdates(trees []*clientTree) bool {
var minTree *clientTree
var nextCheck mclock.AbsTime
for _, ct := range trees {
check := ct.nextScheduledRootCheck()
if minTree == nil || check < nextCheck {
minTree = ct
nextCheck = check
sleep := nextCheck.Sub(it.c.clock.Now())
it.c.cfg.Logger.Debug("DNS iterator waiting for root updates", "sleep", sleep, "tree", minTree.loc.domain)
timeout := it.c.clock.NewTimer(sleep)
defer timeout.Stop()
select {
case <-timeout.C():
return true
case <-it.ctx.Done():
return false // Iterator was closed.
// rebuildTrees rebuilds the 'trees' map.
func (it *randomIterator) rebuildTrees() {
// Delete removed trees.
for loc := range it.trees {
if !it.lc.isReferenced(loc) {
delete(it.trees, loc)
// Add new trees.
for loc := range it.lc.backrefs {
if it.trees[loc] == nil {
link, _ := parseLink(linkPrefix + loc)
it.trees[loc] = newClientTree(it.c, &it.lc, link)