Fixing broken tests, skipping tests we intentionally break, and configuring CI within Github Actions
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355 lines
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package rollup
import (
var (
logger = log.New(TransitionBatchBuilder{})
ErrTransactionLimitReached = errors.New("transaction limit reached")
ErrMoreThanOneTxInBlock = errors.New("block contains more than one transaction")
LastProcessedDBKey = []byte("lastProcessedRollupBlock")
type RollupTransitionBatchBuilder interface {
NewBlock(block *types.Block)
type DummyBatchBuilder struct{}
func NewDummyBatchBuilder() *DummyBatchBuilder { return &DummyBatchBuilder{} }
func (d *DummyBatchBuilder) Stop() {}
func (d *DummyBatchBuilder) NewBlock(block *types.Block) {}
type ActiveBatch struct {
firstBlockNumber uint64
lastBlockNumber uint64
gasUsed uint64
transitionBatch *TransitionBatch
func newActiveBatch(defaultTxCapacity int) *ActiveBatch {
return &ActiveBatch{
firstBlockNumber: 0,
lastBlockNumber: 0,
gasUsed: TransitionBatchGasBuffer,
transitionBatch: NewTransitionBatch(defaultTxCapacity),
// addBlock adds a Geth Block to the ActiveBatch in question, only if it fits.
// Cases in which it would not fit are if it would put the block above the configured
// max number of transactions or max block gas, resulting in
// ErrTransactionLimitReached and core.ErrGasLimitReached, respectively.
func (b *ActiveBatch) addBlock(block *types.Block, maxBlockGas uint64, maxBlockTransactions int) error {
if maxBlockTransactions < len(b.transitionBatch.transitions)+1 {
return ErrTransactionLimitReached
blockGasCost := GetBlockRollupGasUsage(block)
if maxBlockGas < b.gasUsed+blockGasCost {
return core.ErrGasLimitReached
b.gasUsed += blockGasCost
if b.firstBlockNumber == 0 {
b.firstBlockNumber = block.NumberU64()
b.lastBlockNumber = block.NumberU64()
return nil
type TransitionBatchBuilder struct {
db ethdb.Database
blockProvider BlockStore
rollupBatchSubmitter RollupTransitionBatchSubmitter
pendingMu sync.RWMutex
newBlockCh chan *types.Block
maxTransitionBatchTime time.Duration
maxTransitionBatchGas uint64
maxTransitionBatchTransactions int
lastProcessedBlockNumber uint64
activeBatch *ActiveBatch
func NewTransitionBatchBuilder(db ethdb.Database, blockStore interface{}, rollupBlockSubmitter interface{}, maxBlockTime time.Duration, maxBlockGas uint64, maxBlockTransactions int) (*TransitionBatchBuilder, error) {
lastBlock, err := fetchLastProcessedBlockNumber(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
builder := &TransitionBatchBuilder{
db: db,
blockProvider: blockStore.(BlockStore),
rollupBatchSubmitter: rollupBlockSubmitter.(RollupTransitionBatchSubmitter),
newBlockCh: make(chan *types.Block, 10_000),
maxTransitionBatchTime: maxBlockTime,
maxTransitionBatchGas: maxBlockGas,
maxTransitionBatchTransactions: maxBlockTransactions,
lastProcessedBlockNumber: lastBlock,
activeBatch: newActiveBatch(maxBlockTransactions),
go builder.buildLoop(maxBlockTime)
return builder, nil
// NewBlock handles new blocks from Geth by adding them to the newBlockCh channel
// for processing and returning so as to not delay the caller.
func (b *TransitionBatchBuilder) NewBlock(block *types.Block) {
b.newBlockCh <- block
// Stop handles graceful shutdown of the TransitionBatchBuilder.
func (b *TransitionBatchBuilder) Stop() {
// buildLoop initiates TransitionBatch production and submission either based on
// a new Geth Block being received or the maxBlockTime being reached.
func (b *TransitionBatchBuilder) buildLoop(maxBlockTime time.Duration) {
lastProcessed := b.lastProcessedBlockNumber
if err := b.sync(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error syncing: %+v", err))
timer := time.NewTimer(maxBlockTime)
for {
select {
case block, ok := <-b.newBlockCh:
if !ok {
logger.Info("Closing transition batch builder new block channel. If not shutting down, this is an error")
built, err := b.handleNewBlock(block)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error handling new block. Error: %v. Block: %+v", err, block))
if timer != nil && built {
case <-timer.C:
if lastProcessed != b.lastProcessedBlockNumber && b.activeBatch.firstBlockNumber != 0 {
if _, err := b.buildRollupBlock(true); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error building block: %v", err))
lastProcessed = b.lastProcessedBlockNumber
// handleNewBlock processes a newly received Geth Block, ignoring old / future blocks
// and building and submitting TransitionBatches if the pending TransitionBatch is full.
func (b *TransitionBatchBuilder) handleNewBlock(block *types.Block) (bool, error) {
logger.Debug("handling new block in transition batch builder", "block", block)
if block.NumberU64() <= b.lastProcessedBlockNumber {
logger.Debug("handling old block -- ignoring", "block", block)
return false, nil
if block.NumberU64() > b.lastProcessedBlockNumber+1 {
logger.Error("received future block", "block", block, "expectedNumber", b.lastProcessedBlockNumber+1)
// TODO: add to queue and/or try to fetch blocks in between.
return false, nil
if txCount := len(block.Transactions()); txCount > 1 {
// should never happen
logger.Error("received block with more than one transaction", "block", block)
return false, ErrMoreThanOneTxInBlock
} else if txCount == 0 {
logger.Debug("handling empty block -- ignoring", "block", block)
b.lastProcessedBlockNumber = block.NumberU64()
return false, nil
switch err := b.addBlock(block); err {
case core.ErrGasLimitReached, ErrTransactionLimitReached:
if _, e := b.buildRollupBlock(false); e != nil {
logger.Error("unable to build transition batch", "error", e, "transition batch", b.activeBatch)
return false, e
if addErr := b.addBlock(block); addErr != nil {
// TODO: Retry and whatnot instead of instant panic
logger.Error("unable to build transition batch", "error", addErr, "transition batch", b.activeBatch)
return false, addErr
if err != nil {
logger.Error("unrecognized error adding to transition batch in progress", "error", err, "transition batch", b.activeBatch)
return false, err
} else {
logger.Debug("successfully added block to transition batch in progress", "number", block.NumberU64())
built, err := b.tryBuildRollupBlock()
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error building block", "error", err, "block", block)
return false, err
return built, nil
// sync catches the TransitionBatchBuilder up to the Geth chain by fetching all Geth Blocks between
// its last processed Block and the current Block, building and submitting RollupBlocks if/when
// they are full.
func (b *TransitionBatchBuilder) sync() error {
logger.Info("syncing blocks in transition batch builder", "starting block", b.lastProcessedBlockNumber)
for {
blockNum := b.lastProcessedBlockNumber + uint64(1)
block := b.blockProvider.GetBlockByNumber(blockNum)
logger.Info("got block number", "number", blockNum, "block", block)
if block == nil {
logger.Info("done syncing blocks in transition batch builder", "number", b.lastProcessedBlockNumber)
return nil
if _, err := b.handleNewBlock(block); err != nil {
logger.Error("Error handling new block", "error", err)
return err
} else {
logger.Debug("successfully synced block", "number", blockNum, "last processed", b.lastProcessedBlockNumber)
// addBlock adds a Geth Block to the TransitionBatch if it fits. If not, it will return an error.
func (b *TransitionBatchBuilder) addBlock(block *types.Block) error {
defer b.pendingMu.Unlock()
if err := b.activeBatch.addBlock(block, b.maxTransitionBatchGas, b.maxTransitionBatchTransactions); err != nil {
return err
b.lastProcessedBlockNumber = block.NumberU64()
return nil
// tryBuildRollupBlock builds and submits a TransitionBatch if the pending TransitionBatch is full.
func (b *TransitionBatchBuilder) tryBuildRollupBlock() (bool, error) {
txCount := len(b.activeBatch.transitionBatch.transitions)
gasAfterOneMoreTx := b.activeBatch.gasUsed + MinTxGas
if txCount < b.maxTransitionBatchTransactions && gasAfterOneMoreTx <= b.maxTransitionBatchGas {
logger.Debug("transition batch is not full, so not finalizing it", "txCount", txCount, "gasAfterOneMoreTx", gasAfterOneMoreTx)
return false, nil
logger.Debug("transition batch is full, finalizing it", "txCount", txCount, "gasAfterOneMoreTx", gasAfterOneMoreTx)
return b.buildRollupBlock(false)
// buildRollupBlock builds a TransitionBatch if the pending TransitionBatch is full or if force is true
// and the pending TransitionBatch is not empty.
func (b *TransitionBatchBuilder) buildRollupBlock(force bool) (bool, error) {
var toSubmit *ActiveBatch
defer b.pendingMu.Unlock()
txCount := len(b.activeBatch.transitionBatch.transitions)
if force && txCount == 0 {
logger.Debug("transition batch is empty so not finalizing it, even though force = true")
return false, nil
if !force && txCount < b.maxTransitionBatchTransactions && b.activeBatch.gasUsed+MinTxGas <= b.maxTransitionBatchGas {
logger.Debug("transition batch is not full, so not finalizing it")
return false, nil
logger.Debug("building transition batch")
toSubmit = b.activeBatch
b.activeBatch = newActiveBatch(b.maxTransitionBatchTransactions)
if err := b.submitBlock(toSubmit); err != nil {
logger.Error("error submitting transition batch", "lastBlockNumber", toSubmit.lastBlockNumber, "error", err)
return false, err
logger.Debug("successfully built transition batch", "lastBlockNumber", toSubmit.lastBlockNumber)
return true, nil
// submitBlock submits a TransitionBatch to the RollupTransitionBatchSubmitter and updates the DB
// to indicate the last processed Geth Block included in the TransitionBatch.
func (b *TransitionBatchBuilder) submitBlock(block *ActiveBatch) error {
// TODO: Submit to chain & get hash
logger.Debug("submitting transition batch", "block", block)
if err := b.rollupBatchSubmitter.submit(block.transitionBatch); err != nil {
return err
if err := b.db.Put(LastProcessedDBKey, SerializeBlockNumber(block.lastBlockNumber)); err != nil {
logger.Error("error saving last processed transition batch", "block", block)
// TODO: Something here
logger.Debug("transition batch submitted", "block", block)
return nil
// fetchLastProcessedBlockNumber fetches the last processed Geth Block # from the DB.
func fetchLastProcessedBlockNumber(db ethdb.Database) (uint64, error) {
has, err := db.Has(LastProcessedDBKey)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("received error checking if LastProcessedDBKey exists in DB", "error", err)
return 0, err
if has {
lastProcessedBytes, e := db.Get(LastProcessedDBKey)
if e != nil {
logger.Error("error fetching LastProcessedDBKey from DB", "error", err)
return 0, err
lastProcessedBlock := DeserializeBlockNumber(lastProcessedBytes)
logger.Info("fetched last processed block from database", "number", lastProcessedBlock)
return lastProcessedBlock, nil
} else {
logger.Info("no last processed block found in the db -- returning 0")
return 0, nil
// SerializeBlockNumber serializes the number for DB storage
func SerializeBlockNumber(blockNumber uint64) []byte {
numberAsByteArray := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(numberAsByteArray, blockNumber)
return numberAsByteArray
// DeserializeBlockNumber deserializes the number from DB storage
func DeserializeBlockNumber(blockNumber []byte) uint64 {
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(blockNumber)
// GetBlockRollupGasUsage determines the amount of L1 gas the provided Geth Block will use
// when submitted to mainnet.
func GetBlockRollupGasUsage(block *types.Block) uint64 {
return params.SstoreSetGas + uint64(len(block.Transactions()[0].Data()))*params.TxDataNonZeroGasEIP2028