* Statediff Geth Handle conflicts (#244) * Handle conflicts * Update go mod file versions * Make lint changes Disassociate block number from the indexer object Update ipld-eth-db ref Refactor builder code to make it reusable Use prefix comparison for account selective statediffing Update builder unit tests Add mode to write to CSV files in statediff file writer (#249) * Change file writing mode to csv files * Implement writer interface for file indexer * Implement option for csv or sql in file mode * Close files in CSV writer * Add tests for CSV file mode * Implement CSV file for watched addresses * Separate test configs for CSV and SQL * Refactor common code for file indexer tests Update indexer to include block hash in receipts and logs (#256) * Update indexer to include block hash in receipts and logs * Upgrade ipld-eth-db image in docker-compose to run tests Use watched addresses from direct indexing params by default while serving statediff APIs (#262) * Use watched addresses from direct indexing params in statediff APIs by default * Avoid using indexer object when direct indexing is off * Add nil check before accessing watched addresses from direct indexing params Rebase missed these changes needed at 1.10.20 Flags cleanup for CLI changes and linter complaints Linter appeasements to achieve perfection enforce go 1.18 for check (#267) * enforce go 1.18 for check * tests on 1.18 as well * adding db yml for possible change in docker-compose behavior in yml parsing Add indexer tests for handling non canonical blocks (#254) * Add indexer tests for header and transactions in a non canonical block * Add indexer tests for receipts in a non-canonical block and refactor * Add indexer tests for logs in a non-canonical block * Add indexer tests for state and storage nodes in a non-canonical block * Add indexer tests for non-canonical block at another height * Avoid passing address of a pointer * Update refs in GitHub workflow * Add genesis file path to stack-orchestrator config in GitHub workflow * Add descriptive comments fix non-deterministic ordering in unit tests Refactor indexer tests to avoid duplicate code (#270) * Refactor indexer tests to avoid duplicate code * Refactor file mode indexer tests * Fix expected db stats for sqlx after tx closure * Refactor indexer tests for legacy block * Refactor mainnet indexer tests * Refactor tests for watched addressess methods * Fix query in legacy indexer test rebase and resolve onto 1.10.23... still error out of index related to GetLeafKeys changed trie.Commit behavior was subtle about not not flushing to disk without an Update * no merge nodeset throws nil * linter appeasement Co-authored-by: Abdul Rabbani <abdulrabbani00@gmail.com> Cerc refactor (#281) * first pass cerc refactor in cicd * 1st attempt to publish binary to git.vdb.to from github release * docker build step mangled * docker build step mangled * wrong username for docker login... which still succeeded * circcicd is not cerccicd * bad hostname
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module github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum
go 1.17
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github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob v0.3.0
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