Péter Szilágyi 289b30715d Godeps, vendor: convert dependency management to trash ()
This commit converts the dependency management from Godeps to the vendor
folder, also switching the tool from godep to trash. Since the upstream tool
lacks a few features proposed via a few PRs, until those PRs are merged in
(if), use github.com/karalabe/trash.

You can update dependencies via trash --update.

All dependencies have been updated to their latest version.

Parts of the build system are reworked to drop old notions of Godeps and
invocation of the go vet command so that it doesn't run against the vendor
folder, as that will just blow up during vetting.

The conversion drops OpenCL (and hence GPU mining support) from ethash and our
codebase. The short reasoning is that there's noone to maintain and having
opencl libs in our deps messes up builds as go install ./... tries to build
them, failing with unsatisfied link errors for the C OpenCL deps.

golang.org/x/net/context is not vendored in. We expect it to be fetched by the
user (i.e. using go get). To keep ci.go builds reproducible the package is
"vendored" in build/_vendor.
2016-10-28 19:05:01 +02:00

657 lines
15 KiB

package otto
import (
var trueLiteral = &_nodeLiteral{value: toValue_bool(true)}
var falseLiteral = &_nodeLiteral{value: toValue_bool(false)}
var nullLiteral = &_nodeLiteral{value: nullValue}
var emptyStatement = &_nodeEmptyStatement{}
func (cmpl *_compiler) parseExpression(in ast.Expression) _nodeExpression {
if in == nil {
return nil
switch in := in.(type) {
case *ast.ArrayLiteral:
out := &_nodeArrayLiteral{
value: make([]_nodeExpression, len(in.Value)),
for i, value := range in.Value {
out.value[i] = cmpl.parseExpression(value)
return out
case *ast.AssignExpression:
return &_nodeAssignExpression{
operator: in.Operator,
left: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Left),
right: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Right),
case *ast.BinaryExpression:
return &_nodeBinaryExpression{
operator: in.Operator,
left: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Left),
right: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Right),
comparison: in.Comparison,
case *ast.BooleanLiteral:
if in.Value {
return trueLiteral
return falseLiteral
case *ast.BracketExpression:
return &_nodeBracketExpression{
idx: in.Left.Idx0(),
left: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Left),
member: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Member),
case *ast.CallExpression:
out := &_nodeCallExpression{
callee: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Callee),
argumentList: make([]_nodeExpression, len(in.ArgumentList)),
for i, value := range in.ArgumentList {
out.argumentList[i] = cmpl.parseExpression(value)
return out
case *ast.ConditionalExpression:
return &_nodeConditionalExpression{
test: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Test),
consequent: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Consequent),
alternate: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Alternate),
case *ast.DotExpression:
return &_nodeDotExpression{
idx: in.Left.Idx0(),
left: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Left),
identifier: in.Identifier.Name,
case *ast.EmptyExpression:
return nil
case *ast.FunctionLiteral:
name := ""
if in.Name != nil {
name = in.Name.Name
out := &_nodeFunctionLiteral{
name: name,
body: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Body),
source: in.Source,
file: cmpl.file,
if in.ParameterList != nil {
list := in.ParameterList.List
out.parameterList = make([]string, len(list))
for i, value := range list {
out.parameterList[i] = value.Name
for _, value := range in.DeclarationList {
switch value := value.(type) {
case *ast.FunctionDeclaration:
out.functionList = append(out.functionList, cmpl.parseExpression(value.Function).(*_nodeFunctionLiteral))
case *ast.VariableDeclaration:
for _, value := range value.List {
out.varList = append(out.varList, value.Name)
panic(fmt.Errorf("Here be dragons: parseProgram.declaration(%T)", value))
return out
case *ast.Identifier:
return &_nodeIdentifier{
idx: in.Idx,
name: in.Name,
case *ast.NewExpression:
out := &_nodeNewExpression{
callee: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Callee),
argumentList: make([]_nodeExpression, len(in.ArgumentList)),
for i, value := range in.ArgumentList {
out.argumentList[i] = cmpl.parseExpression(value)
return out
case *ast.NullLiteral:
return nullLiteral
case *ast.NumberLiteral:
return &_nodeLiteral{
value: toValue(in.Value),
case *ast.ObjectLiteral:
out := &_nodeObjectLiteral{
value: make([]_nodeProperty, len(in.Value)),
for i, value := range in.Value {
out.value[i] = _nodeProperty{
key: value.Key,
kind: value.Kind,
value: cmpl.parseExpression(value.Value),
return out
case *ast.RegExpLiteral:
return &_nodeRegExpLiteral{
flags: in.Flags,
pattern: in.Pattern,
case *ast.SequenceExpression:
out := &_nodeSequenceExpression{
sequence: make([]_nodeExpression, len(in.Sequence)),
for i, value := range in.Sequence {
out.sequence[i] = cmpl.parseExpression(value)
return out
case *ast.StringLiteral:
return &_nodeLiteral{
value: toValue_string(in.Value),
case *ast.ThisExpression:
return &_nodeThisExpression{}
case *ast.UnaryExpression:
return &_nodeUnaryExpression{
operator: in.Operator,
operand: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Operand),
postfix: in.Postfix,
case *ast.VariableExpression:
return &_nodeVariableExpression{
idx: in.Idx0(),
name: in.Name,
initializer: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Initializer),
panic(fmt.Errorf("Here be dragons: cmpl.parseExpression(%T)", in))
func (cmpl *_compiler) parseStatement(in ast.Statement) _nodeStatement {
if in == nil {
return nil
switch in := in.(type) {
case *ast.BlockStatement:
out := &_nodeBlockStatement{
list: make([]_nodeStatement, len(in.List)),
for i, value := range in.List {
out.list[i] = cmpl.parseStatement(value)
return out
case *ast.BranchStatement:
out := &_nodeBranchStatement{
branch: in.Token,
if in.Label != nil {
out.label = in.Label.Name
return out
case *ast.DebuggerStatement:
return &_nodeDebuggerStatement{}
case *ast.DoWhileStatement:
out := &_nodeDoWhileStatement{
test: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Test),
body := cmpl.parseStatement(in.Body)
if block, ok := body.(*_nodeBlockStatement); ok {
out.body = block.list
} else {
out.body = append(out.body, body)
return out
case *ast.EmptyStatement:
return emptyStatement
case *ast.ExpressionStatement:
return &_nodeExpressionStatement{
expression: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Expression),
case *ast.ForInStatement:
out := &_nodeForInStatement{
into: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Into),
source: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Source),
body := cmpl.parseStatement(in.Body)
if block, ok := body.(*_nodeBlockStatement); ok {
out.body = block.list
} else {
out.body = append(out.body, body)
return out
case *ast.ForStatement:
out := &_nodeForStatement{
initializer: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Initializer),
update: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Update),
test: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Test),
body := cmpl.parseStatement(in.Body)
if block, ok := body.(*_nodeBlockStatement); ok {
out.body = block.list
} else {
out.body = append(out.body, body)
return out
case *ast.FunctionStatement:
return emptyStatement
case *ast.IfStatement:
return &_nodeIfStatement{
test: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Test),
consequent: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Consequent),
alternate: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Alternate),
case *ast.LabelledStatement:
return &_nodeLabelledStatement{
label: in.Label.Name,
statement: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Statement),
case *ast.ReturnStatement:
return &_nodeReturnStatement{
argument: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Argument),
case *ast.SwitchStatement:
out := &_nodeSwitchStatement{
discriminant: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Discriminant),
default_: in.Default,
body: make([]*_nodeCaseStatement, len(in.Body)),
for i, clause := range in.Body {
out.body[i] = &_nodeCaseStatement{
test: cmpl.parseExpression(clause.Test),
consequent: make([]_nodeStatement, len(clause.Consequent)),
for j, value := range clause.Consequent {
out.body[i].consequent[j] = cmpl.parseStatement(value)
return out
case *ast.ThrowStatement:
return &_nodeThrowStatement{
argument: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Argument),
case *ast.TryStatement:
out := &_nodeTryStatement{
body: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Body),
finally: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Finally),
if in.Catch != nil {
out.catch = &_nodeCatchStatement{
parameter: in.Catch.Parameter.Name,
body: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Catch.Body),
return out
case *ast.VariableStatement:
out := &_nodeVariableStatement{
list: make([]_nodeExpression, len(in.List)),
for i, value := range in.List {
out.list[i] = cmpl.parseExpression(value)
return out
case *ast.WhileStatement:
out := &_nodeWhileStatement{
test: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Test),
body := cmpl.parseStatement(in.Body)
if block, ok := body.(*_nodeBlockStatement); ok {
out.body = block.list
} else {
out.body = append(out.body, body)
return out
case *ast.WithStatement:
return &_nodeWithStatement{
object: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Object),
body: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Body),
panic(fmt.Errorf("Here be dragons: cmpl.parseStatement(%T)", in))
func cmpl_parse(in *ast.Program) *_nodeProgram {
cmpl := _compiler{
program: in,
return cmpl.parse()
func (cmpl *_compiler) _parse(in *ast.Program) *_nodeProgram {
out := &_nodeProgram{
body: make([]_nodeStatement, len(in.Body)),
file: in.File,
for i, value := range in.Body {
out.body[i] = cmpl.parseStatement(value)
for _, value := range in.DeclarationList {
switch value := value.(type) {
case *ast.FunctionDeclaration:
out.functionList = append(out.functionList, cmpl.parseExpression(value.Function).(*_nodeFunctionLiteral))
case *ast.VariableDeclaration:
for _, value := range value.List {
out.varList = append(out.varList, value.Name)
panic(fmt.Errorf("Here be dragons: cmpl.parseProgram.DeclarationList(%T)", value))
return out
type _nodeProgram struct {
body []_nodeStatement
varList []string
functionList []*_nodeFunctionLiteral
variableList []_nodeDeclaration
file *file.File
type _nodeDeclaration struct {
name string
definition _node
type _node interface {
type (
_nodeExpression interface {
_nodeArrayLiteral struct {
value []_nodeExpression
_nodeAssignExpression struct {
operator token.Token
left _nodeExpression
right _nodeExpression
_nodeBinaryExpression struct {
operator token.Token
left _nodeExpression
right _nodeExpression
comparison bool
_nodeBracketExpression struct {
idx file.Idx
left _nodeExpression
member _nodeExpression
_nodeCallExpression struct {
callee _nodeExpression
argumentList []_nodeExpression
_nodeConditionalExpression struct {
test _nodeExpression
consequent _nodeExpression
alternate _nodeExpression
_nodeDotExpression struct {
idx file.Idx
left _nodeExpression
identifier string
_nodeFunctionLiteral struct {
name string
body _nodeStatement
source string
parameterList []string
varList []string
functionList []*_nodeFunctionLiteral
file *file.File
_nodeIdentifier struct {
idx file.Idx
name string
_nodeLiteral struct {
value Value
_nodeNewExpression struct {
callee _nodeExpression
argumentList []_nodeExpression
_nodeObjectLiteral struct {
value []_nodeProperty
_nodeProperty struct {
key string
kind string
value _nodeExpression
_nodeRegExpLiteral struct {
flags string
pattern string // Value?
regexp *regexp.Regexp
_nodeSequenceExpression struct {
sequence []_nodeExpression
_nodeThisExpression struct {
_nodeUnaryExpression struct {
operator token.Token
operand _nodeExpression
postfix bool
_nodeVariableExpression struct {
idx file.Idx
name string
initializer _nodeExpression
type (
_nodeStatement interface {
_nodeBlockStatement struct {
list []_nodeStatement
_nodeBranchStatement struct {
branch token.Token
label string
_nodeCaseStatement struct {
test _nodeExpression
consequent []_nodeStatement
_nodeCatchStatement struct {
parameter string
body _nodeStatement
_nodeDebuggerStatement struct {
_nodeDoWhileStatement struct {
test _nodeExpression
body []_nodeStatement
_nodeEmptyStatement struct {
_nodeExpressionStatement struct {
expression _nodeExpression
_nodeForInStatement struct {
into _nodeExpression
source _nodeExpression
body []_nodeStatement
_nodeForStatement struct {
initializer _nodeExpression
update _nodeExpression
test _nodeExpression
body []_nodeStatement
_nodeIfStatement struct {
test _nodeExpression
consequent _nodeStatement
alternate _nodeStatement
_nodeLabelledStatement struct {
label string
statement _nodeStatement
_nodeReturnStatement struct {
argument _nodeExpression
_nodeSwitchStatement struct {
discriminant _nodeExpression
default_ int
body []*_nodeCaseStatement
_nodeThrowStatement struct {
argument _nodeExpression
_nodeTryStatement struct {
body _nodeStatement
catch *_nodeCatchStatement
finally _nodeStatement
_nodeVariableStatement struct {
list []_nodeExpression
_nodeWhileStatement struct {
test _nodeExpression
body []_nodeStatement
_nodeWithStatement struct {
object _nodeExpression
body _nodeStatement
// _expressionNode
func (*_nodeArrayLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeAssignExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeBinaryExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeBracketExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeCallExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeConditionalExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeDotExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeFunctionLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeIdentifier) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeNewExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeObjectLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeRegExpLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeSequenceExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeThisExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeUnaryExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeVariableExpression) _expressionNode() {}
// _statementNode
func (*_nodeBlockStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeBranchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeCaseStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeCatchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeDebuggerStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeDoWhileStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeEmptyStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeExpressionStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeForInStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeForStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeIfStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeLabelledStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeReturnStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeSwitchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeThrowStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeTryStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeVariableStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeWhileStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeWithStatement) _statementNode() {}