This change - Removes interface `log.Format`, - Removes method `log.FormatFunc`, - unexports `TerminalHandler.TerminalFormat` formatting methods (renamed to `TerminalHandler.format`) - removes the notion of `log.Lazy` values The lazy handler was useful in the old log package, since it could defer the evaluation of costly attributes until later in the log pipeline: thus, if the logging was done at 'Trace', we could skip evaluation if logging only was set to 'Info'. With the move to slog, this way of deferring evaluation is no longer needed, since slog introduced 'Enabled': the caller can thus do the evaluate-or-not decision at the callsite, which is much more straight-forward than dealing with lazy reflect-based evaluation. Also, lazy evaluation would not work with 'native' slog, as in, these two statements would be evaluated differently: ```golang log.Info("foo", "my lazy", lazyObj) slog.Info("foo", "my lazy", lazyObj) ```
370 lines
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370 lines
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package log
import (
const (
timeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700"
floatFormat = 'f'
termMsgJust = 40
termCtxMaxPadding = 40
// 40 spaces
var spaces = []byte(" ")
// TerminalStringer is an analogous interface to the stdlib stringer, allowing
// own types to have custom shortened serialization formats when printed to the
// screen.
type TerminalStringer interface {
TerminalString() string
func (h *TerminalHandler) format(buf []byte, r slog.Record, usecolor bool) []byte {
msg := escapeMessage(r.Message)
var color = ""
if usecolor {
switch r.Level {
case LevelCrit:
color = "\x1b[35m"
case slog.LevelError:
color = "\x1b[31m"
case slog.LevelWarn:
color = "\x1b[33m"
case slog.LevelInfo:
color = "\x1b[32m"
case slog.LevelDebug:
color = "\x1b[36m"
case LevelTrace:
color = "\x1b[34m"
if buf == nil {
buf = make([]byte, 0, 30+termMsgJust)
b := bytes.NewBuffer(buf)
if color != "" { // Start color
} else {
writeTimeTermFormat(b, r.Time)
b.WriteString("] ")
// try to justify the log output for short messages
//length := utf8.RuneCountInString(msg)
length := len(msg)
if (r.NumAttrs()+len(h.attrs)) > 0 && length < termMsgJust {
// print the attributes
h.formatAttributes(b, r, color)
return b.Bytes()
func (h *TerminalHandler) formatAttributes(buf *bytes.Buffer, r slog.Record, color string) {
// tmp is a temporary buffer we use, until bytes.Buffer.AvailableBuffer() (1.21)
// can be used.
var tmp = make([]byte, 40)
writeAttr := func(attr slog.Attr, first, last bool) {
buf.WriteByte(' ')
if color != "" {
//buf.Write(appendEscapeString(buf.AvailableBuffer(), attr.Key))
buf.Write(appendEscapeString(tmp[:0], attr.Key))
} else {
//buf.Write(appendEscapeString(buf.AvailableBuffer(), attr.Key))
buf.Write(appendEscapeString(tmp[:0], attr.Key))
//val := FormatSlogValue(attr.Value, true, buf.AvailableBuffer())
val := FormatSlogValue(attr.Value, tmp[:0])
padding := h.fieldPadding[attr.Key]
length := utf8.RuneCount(val)
if padding < length && length <= termCtxMaxPadding {
padding = length
h.fieldPadding[attr.Key] = padding
if !last && padding > length {
var n = 0
var nAttrs = len(h.attrs) + r.NumAttrs()
for _, attr := range h.attrs {
writeAttr(attr, n == 0, n == nAttrs-1)
r.Attrs(func(attr slog.Attr) bool {
writeAttr(attr, n == 0, n == nAttrs-1)
return true
// FormatSlogValue formats a slog.Value for serialization to terminal.
func FormatSlogValue(v slog.Value, tmp []byte) (result []byte) {
var value any
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
if v := reflect.ValueOf(value); v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil() {
result = []byte("<nil>")
} else {
switch v.Kind() {
case slog.KindString:
return appendEscapeString(tmp, v.String())
case slog.KindInt64: // All int-types (int8, int16 etc) wind up here
return appendInt64(tmp, v.Int64())
case slog.KindUint64: // All uint-types (uint8, uint16 etc) wind up here
return appendUint64(tmp, v.Uint64(), false)
case slog.KindFloat64:
return strconv.AppendFloat(tmp, v.Float64(), floatFormat, 3, 64)
case slog.KindBool:
return strconv.AppendBool(tmp, v.Bool())
case slog.KindDuration:
value = v.Duration()
case slog.KindTime:
// Performance optimization: No need for escaping since the provided
// timeFormat doesn't have any escape characters, and escaping is
// expensive.
return v.Time().AppendFormat(tmp, timeFormat)
value = v.Any()
if value == nil {
return []byte("<nil>")
switch v := value.(type) {
case *big.Int: // Need to be before fmt.Stringer-clause
return appendBigInt(tmp, v)
case *uint256.Int: // Need to be before fmt.Stringer-clause
return appendU256(tmp, v)
case error:
return appendEscapeString(tmp, v.Error())
case TerminalStringer:
return appendEscapeString(tmp, v.TerminalString())
case fmt.Stringer:
return appendEscapeString(tmp, v.String())
// We can use the 'tmp' as a scratch-buffer, to first format the
// value, and in a second step do escaping.
internal := fmt.Appendf(tmp, "%+v", value)
return appendEscapeString(tmp, string(internal))
// appendInt64 formats n with thousand separators and writes into buffer dst.
func appendInt64(dst []byte, n int64) []byte {
if n < 0 {
return appendUint64(dst, uint64(-n), true)
return appendUint64(dst, uint64(n), false)
// appendUint64 formats n with thousand separators and writes into buffer dst.
func appendUint64(dst []byte, n uint64, neg bool) []byte {
// Small numbers are fine as is
if n < 100000 {
if neg {
return strconv.AppendInt(dst, -int64(n), 10)
} else {
return strconv.AppendInt(dst, int64(n), 10)
// Large numbers should be split
const maxLength = 26
var (
out = make([]byte, maxLength)
i = maxLength - 1
comma = 0
for ; n > 0; i-- {
if comma == 3 {
comma = 0
out[i] = ','
} else {
out[i] = '0' + byte(n%10)
n /= 10
if neg {
out[i] = '-'
return append(dst, out[i+1:]...)
// FormatLogfmtUint64 formats n with thousand separators.
func FormatLogfmtUint64(n uint64) string {
return string(appendUint64(nil, n, false))
// appendBigInt formats n with thousand separators and writes to dst.
func appendBigInt(dst []byte, n *big.Int) []byte {
if n.IsUint64() {
return appendUint64(dst, n.Uint64(), false)
if n.IsInt64() {
return appendInt64(dst, n.Int64())
var (
text = n.String()
buf = make([]byte, len(text)+len(text)/3)
comma = 0
i = len(buf) - 1
for j := len(text) - 1; j >= 0; j, i = j-1, i-1 {
c := text[j]
switch {
case c == '-':
buf[i] = c
case comma == 3:
buf[i] = ','
comma = 0
buf[i] = c
return append(dst, buf[i+1:]...)
// appendU256 formats n with thousand separators.
func appendU256(dst []byte, n *uint256.Int) []byte {
if n.IsUint64() {
return appendUint64(dst, n.Uint64(), false)
res := []byte(n.PrettyDec(','))
return append(dst, res...)
// appendEscapeString writes the string s to the given writer, with
// escaping/quoting if needed.
func appendEscapeString(dst []byte, s string) []byte {
needsQuoting := false
needsEscaping := false
for _, r := range s {
// If it contains spaces or equal-sign, we need to quote it.
if r == ' ' || r == '=' {
needsQuoting = true
// We need to escape it, if it contains
// - character " (0x22) and lower (except space)
// - characters above ~ (0x7E), plus equal-sign
if r <= '"' || r > '~' {
needsEscaping = true
if needsEscaping {
return strconv.AppendQuote(dst, s)
// No escaping needed, but we might have to place within quote-marks, in case
// it contained a space
if needsQuoting {
dst = append(dst, '"')
dst = append(dst, []byte(s)...)
return append(dst, '"')
return append(dst, []byte(s)...)
// escapeMessage checks if the provided string needs escaping/quoting, similarly
// to escapeString. The difference is that this method is more lenient: it allows
// for spaces and linebreaks to occur without needing quoting.
func escapeMessage(s string) string {
needsQuoting := false
for _, r := range s {
// Allow CR/LF/TAB. This is to make multi-line messages work.
if r == '\r' || r == '\n' || r == '\t' {
// We quote everything below <space> (0x20) and above~ (0x7E),
// plus equal-sign
if r < ' ' || r > '~' || r == '=' {
needsQuoting = true
if !needsQuoting {
return s
return strconv.Quote(s)
// writeTimeTermFormat writes on the format "01-02|15:04:05.000"
func writeTimeTermFormat(buf *bytes.Buffer, t time.Time) {
_, month, day := t.Date()
writePosIntWidth(buf, int(month), 2)
writePosIntWidth(buf, day, 2)
hour, min, sec := t.Clock()
writePosIntWidth(buf, hour, 2)
writePosIntWidth(buf, min, 2)
writePosIntWidth(buf, sec, 2)
ns := t.Nanosecond()
writePosIntWidth(buf, ns/1e6, 3)
// writePosIntWidth writes non-negative integer i to the buffer, padded on the left
// by zeroes to the given width. Use a width of 0 to omit padding.
// Adapted from
func writePosIntWidth(b *bytes.Buffer, i, width int) {
// Cheap integer to fixed-width decimal ASCII.
// Copied from log/log.go.
if i < 0 {
panic("negative int")
// Assemble decimal in reverse order.
var bb [20]byte
bp := len(bb) - 1
for i >= 10 || width > 1 {
q := i / 10
bb[bp] = byte('0' + i - q*10)
i = q
// i < 10
bb[bp] = byte('0' + i)