Martin Holst Swende 0fda25e471
eth/tracers, core: use scopecontext in tracers, provide statedb in capturestart ()
Fixes the CaptureStart api to include the EVM, thus being able to set the statedb early on. This pr also exposes the struct we used internally in the interpreter to encapsulate the contract, mem, stack, rstack, so we pass it as a single struct to the tracer, and removes the error returns on the capture methods.
2021-03-25 10:13:14 +01:00

1024 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package vm
import (
type (
executionFunc func(pc *uint64, interpreter *EVMInterpreter, callContext *ScopeContext) ([]byte, error)
gasFunc func(*EVM, *Contract, *Stack, *Memory, uint64) (uint64, error) // last parameter is the requested memory size as a uint64
// memorySizeFunc returns the required size, and whether the operation overflowed a uint64
memorySizeFunc func(*Stack) (size uint64, overflow bool)
type operation struct {
// execute is the operation function
execute executionFunc
constantGas uint64
dynamicGas gasFunc
// minStack tells how many stack items are required
minStack int
// maxStack specifies the max length the stack can have for this operation
// to not overflow the stack.
maxStack int
// memorySize returns the memory size required for the operation
memorySize memorySizeFunc
halts bool // indicates whether the operation should halt further execution
jumps bool // indicates whether the program counter should not increment
writes bool // determines whether this a state modifying operation
reverts bool // determines whether the operation reverts state (implicitly halts)
returns bool // determines whether the operations sets the return data content
var (
frontierInstructionSet = newFrontierInstructionSet()
homesteadInstructionSet = newHomesteadInstructionSet()
tangerineWhistleInstructionSet = newTangerineWhistleInstructionSet()
spuriousDragonInstructionSet = newSpuriousDragonInstructionSet()
byzantiumInstructionSet = newByzantiumInstructionSet()
constantinopleInstructionSet = newConstantinopleInstructionSet()
istanbulInstructionSet = newIstanbulInstructionSet()
berlinInstructionSet = newBerlinInstructionSet()
// JumpTable contains the EVM opcodes supported at a given fork.
type JumpTable [256]*operation
// newBerlinInstructionSet returns the frontier, homestead, byzantium,
// contantinople, istanbul, petersburg and berlin instructions.
func newBerlinInstructionSet() JumpTable {
instructionSet := newIstanbulInstructionSet()
enable2929(&instructionSet) // Access lists for trie accesses https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2929
return instructionSet
// newIstanbulInstructionSet returns the frontier, homestead, byzantium,
// contantinople, istanbul and petersburg instructions.
func newIstanbulInstructionSet() JumpTable {
instructionSet := newConstantinopleInstructionSet()
enable1344(&instructionSet) // ChainID opcode - https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1344
enable1884(&instructionSet) // Reprice reader opcodes - https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1884
enable2200(&instructionSet) // Net metered SSTORE - https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2200
return instructionSet
// newConstantinopleInstructionSet returns the frontier, homestead,
// byzantium and contantinople instructions.
func newConstantinopleInstructionSet() JumpTable {
instructionSet := newByzantiumInstructionSet()
instructionSet[SHL] = &operation{
execute: opSHL,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
instructionSet[SHR] = &operation{
execute: opSHR,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
instructionSet[SAR] = &operation{
execute: opSAR,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
instructionSet[EXTCODEHASH] = &operation{
execute: opExtCodeHash,
constantGas: params.ExtcodeHashGasConstantinople,
minStack: minStack(1, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(1, 1),
instructionSet[CREATE2] = &operation{
execute: opCreate2,
constantGas: params.Create2Gas,
dynamicGas: gasCreate2,
minStack: minStack(4, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(4, 1),
memorySize: memoryCreate2,
writes: true,
returns: true,
return instructionSet
// newByzantiumInstructionSet returns the frontier, homestead and
// byzantium instructions.
func newByzantiumInstructionSet() JumpTable {
instructionSet := newSpuriousDragonInstructionSet()
instructionSet[STATICCALL] = &operation{
execute: opStaticCall,
constantGas: params.CallGasEIP150,
dynamicGas: gasStaticCall,
minStack: minStack(6, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(6, 1),
memorySize: memoryStaticCall,
returns: true,
instructionSet[RETURNDATASIZE] = &operation{
execute: opReturnDataSize,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
instructionSet[RETURNDATACOPY] = &operation{
execute: opReturnDataCopy,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
dynamicGas: gasReturnDataCopy,
minStack: minStack(3, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(3, 0),
memorySize: memoryReturnDataCopy,
instructionSet[REVERT] = &operation{
execute: opRevert,
dynamicGas: gasRevert,
minStack: minStack(2, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 0),
memorySize: memoryRevert,
reverts: true,
returns: true,
return instructionSet
// EIP 158 a.k.a Spurious Dragon
func newSpuriousDragonInstructionSet() JumpTable {
instructionSet := newTangerineWhistleInstructionSet()
instructionSet[EXP].dynamicGas = gasExpEIP158
return instructionSet
// EIP 150 a.k.a Tangerine Whistle
func newTangerineWhistleInstructionSet() JumpTable {
instructionSet := newHomesteadInstructionSet()
instructionSet[BALANCE].constantGas = params.BalanceGasEIP150
instructionSet[EXTCODESIZE].constantGas = params.ExtcodeSizeGasEIP150
instructionSet[SLOAD].constantGas = params.SloadGasEIP150
instructionSet[EXTCODECOPY].constantGas = params.ExtcodeCopyBaseEIP150
instructionSet[CALL].constantGas = params.CallGasEIP150
instructionSet[CALLCODE].constantGas = params.CallGasEIP150
instructionSet[DELEGATECALL].constantGas = params.CallGasEIP150
return instructionSet
// newHomesteadInstructionSet returns the frontier and homestead
// instructions that can be executed during the homestead phase.
func newHomesteadInstructionSet() JumpTable {
instructionSet := newFrontierInstructionSet()
instructionSet[DELEGATECALL] = &operation{
execute: opDelegateCall,
dynamicGas: gasDelegateCall,
constantGas: params.CallGasFrontier,
minStack: minStack(6, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(6, 1),
memorySize: memoryDelegateCall,
returns: true,
return instructionSet
// newFrontierInstructionSet returns the frontier instructions
// that can be executed during the frontier phase.
func newFrontierInstructionSet() JumpTable {
return JumpTable{
execute: opStop,
constantGas: 0,
minStack: minStack(0, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 0),
halts: true,
ADD: {
execute: opAdd,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
MUL: {
execute: opMul,
constantGas: GasFastStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
SUB: {
execute: opSub,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
DIV: {
execute: opDiv,
constantGas: GasFastStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
execute: opSdiv,
constantGas: GasFastStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
MOD: {
execute: opMod,
constantGas: GasFastStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
execute: opSmod,
constantGas: GasFastStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
execute: opAddmod,
constantGas: GasMidStep,
minStack: minStack(3, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(3, 1),
execute: opMulmod,
constantGas: GasMidStep,
minStack: minStack(3, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(3, 1),
EXP: {
execute: opExp,
dynamicGas: gasExpFrontier,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
execute: opSignExtend,
constantGas: GasFastStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
LT: {
execute: opLt,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
GT: {
execute: opGt,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
SLT: {
execute: opSlt,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
SGT: {
execute: opSgt,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
EQ: {
execute: opEq,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
execute: opIszero,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(1, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(1, 1),
AND: {
execute: opAnd,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
XOR: {
execute: opXor,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
OR: {
execute: opOr,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
NOT: {
execute: opNot,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(1, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(1, 1),
execute: opByte,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
SHA3: {
execute: opSha3,
constantGas: params.Sha3Gas,
dynamicGas: gasSha3,
minStack: minStack(2, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 1),
memorySize: memorySha3,
execute: opAddress,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
execute: opBalance,
constantGas: params.BalanceGasFrontier,
minStack: minStack(1, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(1, 1),
execute: opOrigin,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
execute: opCaller,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
execute: opCallValue,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
execute: opCallDataLoad,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(1, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(1, 1),
execute: opCallDataSize,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
execute: opCallDataCopy,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
dynamicGas: gasCallDataCopy,
minStack: minStack(3, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(3, 0),
memorySize: memoryCallDataCopy,
execute: opCodeSize,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
execute: opCodeCopy,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
dynamicGas: gasCodeCopy,
minStack: minStack(3, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(3, 0),
memorySize: memoryCodeCopy,
execute: opGasprice,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
execute: opExtCodeSize,
constantGas: params.ExtcodeSizeGasFrontier,
minStack: minStack(1, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(1, 1),
execute: opExtCodeCopy,
constantGas: params.ExtcodeCopyBaseFrontier,
dynamicGas: gasExtCodeCopy,
minStack: minStack(4, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(4, 0),
memorySize: memoryExtCodeCopy,
execute: opBlockhash,
constantGas: GasExtStep,
minStack: minStack(1, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(1, 1),
execute: opCoinbase,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
execute: opTimestamp,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
execute: opNumber,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
execute: opDifficulty,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
execute: opGasLimit,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
POP: {
execute: opPop,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(1, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(1, 0),
execute: opMload,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
dynamicGas: gasMLoad,
minStack: minStack(1, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(1, 1),
memorySize: memoryMLoad,
execute: opMstore,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
dynamicGas: gasMStore,
minStack: minStack(2, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 0),
memorySize: memoryMStore,
execute: opMstore8,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
dynamicGas: gasMStore8,
memorySize: memoryMStore8,
minStack: minStack(2, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 0),
execute: opSload,
constantGas: params.SloadGasFrontier,
minStack: minStack(1, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(1, 1),
execute: opSstore,
dynamicGas: gasSStore,
minStack: minStack(2, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 0),
writes: true,
execute: opJump,
constantGas: GasMidStep,
minStack: minStack(1, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(1, 0),
jumps: true,
execute: opJumpi,
constantGas: GasSlowStep,
minStack: minStack(2, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 0),
jumps: true,
PC: {
execute: opPc,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
execute: opMsize,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
GAS: {
execute: opGas,
constantGas: GasQuickStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
execute: opJumpdest,
constantGas: params.JumpdestGas,
minStack: minStack(0, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 0),
PUSH1: {
execute: opPush1,
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH2: {
execute: makePush(2, 2),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH3: {
execute: makePush(3, 3),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH4: {
execute: makePush(4, 4),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH5: {
execute: makePush(5, 5),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH6: {
execute: makePush(6, 6),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH7: {
execute: makePush(7, 7),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH8: {
execute: makePush(8, 8),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH9: {
execute: makePush(9, 9),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH10: {
execute: makePush(10, 10),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH11: {
execute: makePush(11, 11),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH12: {
execute: makePush(12, 12),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH13: {
execute: makePush(13, 13),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH14: {
execute: makePush(14, 14),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH15: {
execute: makePush(15, 15),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH16: {
execute: makePush(16, 16),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH17: {
execute: makePush(17, 17),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH18: {
execute: makePush(18, 18),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH19: {
execute: makePush(19, 19),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH20: {
execute: makePush(20, 20),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH21: {
execute: makePush(21, 21),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH22: {
execute: makePush(22, 22),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH23: {
execute: makePush(23, 23),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH24: {
execute: makePush(24, 24),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH25: {
execute: makePush(25, 25),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH26: {
execute: makePush(26, 26),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH27: {
execute: makePush(27, 27),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH28: {
execute: makePush(28, 28),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH29: {
execute: makePush(29, 29),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH30: {
execute: makePush(30, 30),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH31: {
execute: makePush(31, 31),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
PUSH32: {
execute: makePush(32, 32),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minStack(0, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(0, 1),
DUP1: {
execute: makeDup(1),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(1),
maxStack: maxDupStack(1),
DUP2: {
execute: makeDup(2),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(2),
maxStack: maxDupStack(2),
DUP3: {
execute: makeDup(3),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(3),
maxStack: maxDupStack(3),
DUP4: {
execute: makeDup(4),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(4),
maxStack: maxDupStack(4),
DUP5: {
execute: makeDup(5),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(5),
maxStack: maxDupStack(5),
DUP6: {
execute: makeDup(6),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(6),
maxStack: maxDupStack(6),
DUP7: {
execute: makeDup(7),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(7),
maxStack: maxDupStack(7),
DUP8: {
execute: makeDup(8),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(8),
maxStack: maxDupStack(8),
DUP9: {
execute: makeDup(9),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(9),
maxStack: maxDupStack(9),
DUP10: {
execute: makeDup(10),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(10),
maxStack: maxDupStack(10),
DUP11: {
execute: makeDup(11),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(11),
maxStack: maxDupStack(11),
DUP12: {
execute: makeDup(12),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(12),
maxStack: maxDupStack(12),
DUP13: {
execute: makeDup(13),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(13),
maxStack: maxDupStack(13),
DUP14: {
execute: makeDup(14),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(14),
maxStack: maxDupStack(14),
DUP15: {
execute: makeDup(15),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(15),
maxStack: maxDupStack(15),
DUP16: {
execute: makeDup(16),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minDupStack(16),
maxStack: maxDupStack(16),
SWAP1: {
execute: makeSwap(1),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(2),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(2),
SWAP2: {
execute: makeSwap(2),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(3),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(3),
SWAP3: {
execute: makeSwap(3),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(4),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(4),
SWAP4: {
execute: makeSwap(4),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(5),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(5),
SWAP5: {
execute: makeSwap(5),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(6),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(6),
SWAP6: {
execute: makeSwap(6),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(7),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(7),
SWAP7: {
execute: makeSwap(7),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(8),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(8),
SWAP8: {
execute: makeSwap(8),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(9),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(9),
SWAP9: {
execute: makeSwap(9),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(10),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(10),
SWAP10: {
execute: makeSwap(10),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(11),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(11),
SWAP11: {
execute: makeSwap(11),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(12),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(12),
SWAP12: {
execute: makeSwap(12),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(13),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(13),
SWAP13: {
execute: makeSwap(13),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(14),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(14),
SWAP14: {
execute: makeSwap(14),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(15),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(15),
SWAP15: {
execute: makeSwap(15),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(16),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(16),
SWAP16: {
execute: makeSwap(16),
constantGas: GasFastestStep,
minStack: minSwapStack(17),
maxStack: maxSwapStack(17),
LOG0: {
execute: makeLog(0),
dynamicGas: makeGasLog(0),
minStack: minStack(2, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 0),
memorySize: memoryLog,
writes: true,
LOG1: {
execute: makeLog(1),
dynamicGas: makeGasLog(1),
minStack: minStack(3, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(3, 0),
memorySize: memoryLog,
writes: true,
LOG2: {
execute: makeLog(2),
dynamicGas: makeGasLog(2),
minStack: minStack(4, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(4, 0),
memorySize: memoryLog,
writes: true,
LOG3: {
execute: makeLog(3),
dynamicGas: makeGasLog(3),
minStack: minStack(5, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(5, 0),
memorySize: memoryLog,
writes: true,
LOG4: {
execute: makeLog(4),
dynamicGas: makeGasLog(4),
minStack: minStack(6, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(6, 0),
memorySize: memoryLog,
writes: true,
execute: opCreate,
constantGas: params.CreateGas,
dynamicGas: gasCreate,
minStack: minStack(3, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(3, 1),
memorySize: memoryCreate,
writes: true,
returns: true,
execute: opCall,
constantGas: params.CallGasFrontier,
dynamicGas: gasCall,
minStack: minStack(7, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(7, 1),
memorySize: memoryCall,
returns: true,
execute: opCallCode,
constantGas: params.CallGasFrontier,
dynamicGas: gasCallCode,
minStack: minStack(7, 1),
maxStack: maxStack(7, 1),
memorySize: memoryCall,
returns: true,
execute: opReturn,
dynamicGas: gasReturn,
minStack: minStack(2, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(2, 0),
memorySize: memoryReturn,
halts: true,
execute: opSuicide,
dynamicGas: gasSelfdestruct,
minStack: minStack(1, 0),
maxStack: maxStack(1, 0),
halts: true,
writes: true,