// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of go-ethereum.
// go-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// go-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with go-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package main

import (


// manageServers displays a list of servers the user can disconnect from, and an
// option to connect to new servers.
func (w *wizard) manageServers() {
	// List all the servers we can disconnect, along with an entry to connect a new one

	servers := w.conf.servers()
	for i, server := range servers {
		fmt.Printf(" %d. Disconnect %s\n", i+1, server)
	fmt.Printf(" %d. Connect another server\n", len(w.conf.Servers)+1)

	choice := w.readInt()
	if choice < 0 || choice > len(w.conf.Servers)+1 {
		log.Error("Invalid server choice, aborting")
	// If the user selected an existing server, drop it
	if choice <= len(w.conf.Servers) {
		server := servers[choice-1]
		client := w.servers[server]

		delete(w.servers, server)
		if client != nil {
		delete(w.conf.Servers, server)

		log.Info("Disconnected existing server", "server", server)
	// If the user requested connecting a new server, do it
	if w.makeServer() != "" {

// makeServer reads a single line from stdin and interprets it as a hostname to
// connect to. It tries to establish a new SSH session and also executing some
// baseline validations.
// If connection succeeds, the server is added to the wizards configs!
func (w *wizard) makeServer() string {
	fmt.Println("Please enter remote server's address:")

	for {
		// Read and fial the server to ensure docker is present
		input := w.readString()

		client, err := dial(input, nil)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Server not ready for puppeth", "err", err)
			return ""
		// All checks passed, start tracking the server
		w.servers[input] = client
		w.conf.Servers[input] = client.pubkey

		return input

// selectServer lists the user all the currnetly known servers to choose from,
// also granting the option to add a new one.
func (w *wizard) selectServer() string {
	// List the available server to the user and wait for a choice
	fmt.Println("Which server do you want to interact with?")

	servers := w.conf.servers()
	for i, server := range servers {
		fmt.Printf(" %d. %s\n", i+1, server)
	fmt.Printf(" %d. Connect another server\n", len(w.conf.Servers)+1)

	choice := w.readInt()
	if choice < 0 || choice > len(w.conf.Servers)+1 {
		log.Error("Invalid server choice, aborting")
		return ""
	// If the user requested connecting to a new server, go for it
	if choice <= len(w.conf.Servers) {
		return servers[choice-1]
	return w.makeServer()

// manageComponents displays a list of network components the user can tear down
// and an option
func (w *wizard) manageComponents() {
	// List all the componens we can tear down, along with an entry to deploy a new one

	var serviceHosts, serviceNames []string
	for server, services := range w.services {
		for _, service := range services {
			serviceHosts = append(serviceHosts, server)
			serviceNames = append(serviceNames, service)

			fmt.Printf(" %d. Tear down %s on %s\n", len(serviceHosts), strings.Title(service), server)
	fmt.Printf(" %d. Deploy new network component\n", len(serviceHosts)+1)

	choice := w.readInt()
	if choice < 0 || choice > len(serviceHosts)+1 {
		log.Error("Invalid component choice, aborting")
	// If the user selected an existing service, destroy it
	if choice <= len(serviceHosts) {
		// Figure out the service to destroy and execute it
		service := serviceNames[choice-1]
		server := serviceHosts[choice-1]
		client := w.servers[server]

		if out, err := tearDown(client, w.network, service, true); err != nil {
			log.Error("Failed to tear down component", "err", err)
			if len(out) > 0 {
				fmt.Printf("%s\n", out)
		// Clean up any references to it from out state
		services := w.services[server]
		for i, name := range services {
			if name == service {
				w.services[server] = append(services[:i], services[i+1:]...)
				if len(w.services[server]) == 0 {
					delete(w.services, server)
		log.Info("Torn down existing component", "server", server, "service", service)
	// If the user requested deploying a new component, do it

// deployComponent displays a list of network components the user can deploy and
// guides through the process.
func (w *wizard) deployComponent() {
	// Print all the things we can deploy and wait or user choice
	fmt.Println("What would you like to deploy? (recommended order)")
	fmt.Println(" 1. Ethstats  - Network monitoring tool")
	fmt.Println(" 2. Bootnode  - Entry point of the network")
	fmt.Println(" 3. Sealer    - Full node minting new blocks")
	fmt.Println(" 4. Wallet    - Browser wallet for quick sends (todo)")
	fmt.Println(" 5. Faucet    - Crypto faucet to give away funds")
	fmt.Println(" 6. Dashboard - Website listing above web-services")

	switch w.read() {
	case "1":
	case "2":
	case "3":
	case "4":
	case "5":
	case "6":
		log.Error("That's not something I can do")