ASCII Table Writer ========= []( []( Generate ASCII table on the fly ... Installation is simple as go get #### Features - Automatic Padding - Support Multiple Lines - Supports Alignment - Support Custom Separators - Automatic Alignment of numbers & percentage - Write directly to http , file etc via `io.Writer` - Read directly from CSV file - Optional row line via `SetRowLine` - Normalise table header - Make CSV Headers optional - Enable or disable table border - Set custom footer support - Optional identical cells merging #### Example 1 - Basic ```go data := [][]string{ []string{"A", "The Good", "500"}, []string{"B", "The Very very Bad Man", "288"}, []string{"C", "The Ugly", "120"}, []string{"D", "The Gopher", "800"}, } table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) table.SetHeader([]string{"Name", "Sign", "Rating"}) for _, v := range data { table.Append(v) } table.Render() // Send output ``` ##### Output 1 ``` +------+-----------------------+--------+ | NAME | SIGN | RATING | +------+-----------------------+--------+ | A | The Good | 500 | | B | The Very very Bad Man | 288 | | C | The Ugly | 120 | | D | The Gopher | 800 | +------+-----------------------+--------+ ``` #### Example 2 - Without Border / Footer / Bulk Append ```go data := [][]string{ []string{"1/1/2014", "Domain name", "2233", "$10.98"}, []string{"1/1/2014", "January Hosting", "2233", "$54.95"}, []string{"1/4/2014", "February Hosting", "2233", "$51.00"}, []string{"1/4/2014", "February Extra Bandwidth", "2233", "$30.00"}, } table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) table.SetHeader([]string{"Date", "Description", "CV2", "Amount"}) table.SetFooter([]string{"", "", "Total", "$146.93"}) // Add Footer table.SetBorder(false) // Set Border to false table.AppendBulk(data) // Add Bulk Data table.Render() ``` ##### Output 2 ``` DATE | DESCRIPTION | CV2 | AMOUNT +----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ 1/1/2014 | Domain name | 2233 | $10.98 1/1/2014 | January Hosting | 2233 | $54.95 1/4/2014 | February Hosting | 2233 | $51.00 1/4/2014 | February Extra Bandwidth | 2233 | $30.00 +----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ TOTAL | $146 93 +-------+---------+ ``` #### Example 3 - CSV ```go table, _ := tablewriter.NewCSV(os.Stdout, "test_info.csv", true) table.SetAlignment(tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT) // Set Alignment table.Render() ``` ##### Output 3 ``` +----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | FIELD | TYPE | NULL | KEY | DEFAULT | EXTRA | +----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | user_id | smallint(5) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | username | varchar(10) | NO | | NULL | | | password | varchar(100) | NO | | NULL | | +----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ ``` #### Example 4 - Custom Separator ```go table, _ := tablewriter.NewCSV(os.Stdout, "test.csv", true) table.SetRowLine(true) // Enable row line // Change table lines table.SetCenterSeparator("*") table.SetColumnSeparator("‡") table.SetRowSeparator("-") table.SetAlignment(tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT) table.Render() ``` ##### Output 4 ``` *------------*-----------*---------* ╪ FIRST NAME ╪ LAST NAME ╪ SSN ╪ *------------*-----------*---------* ╪ John ╪ Barry ╪ 123456 ╪ *------------*-----------*---------* ╪ Kathy ╪ Smith ╪ 687987 ╪ *------------*-----------*---------* ╪ Bob ╪ McCornick ╪ 3979870 ╪ *------------*-----------*---------* ``` ##### Example 5 - Markdown Format ```go data := [][]string{ []string{"1/1/2014", "Domain name", "2233", "$10.98"}, []string{"1/1/2014", "January Hosting", "2233", "$54.95"}, []string{"1/4/2014", "February Hosting", "2233", "$51.00"}, []string{"1/4/2014", "February Extra Bandwidth", "2233", "$30.00"}, } table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) table.SetHeader([]string{"Date", "Description", "CV2", "Amount"}) table.SetBorders(tablewriter.Border{Left: true, Top: false, Right: true, Bottom: false}) table.SetCenterSeparator("|") table.AppendBulk(data) // Add Bulk Data table.Render() ``` ##### Output 5 ``` | DATE | DESCRIPTION | CV2 | AMOUNT | |----------|--------------------------|------|--------| | 1/1/2014 | Domain name | 2233 | $10.98 | | 1/1/2014 | January Hosting | 2233 | $54.95 | | 1/4/2014 | February Hosting | 2233 | $51.00 | | 1/4/2014 | February Extra Bandwidth | 2233 | $30.00 | ``` #### Example 6 - Identical cells merging ```go data := [][]string{ []string{"1/1/2014", "Domain name", "1234", "$10.98"}, []string{"1/1/2014", "January Hosting", "2345", "$54.95"}, []string{"1/4/2014", "February Hosting", "3456", "$51.00"}, []string{"1/4/2014", "February Extra Bandwidth", "4567", "$30.00"}, } table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) table.SetHeader([]string{"Date", "Description", "CV2", "Amount"}) table.SetFooter([]string{"", "", "Total", "$146.93"}) table.SetAutoMergeCells(true) table.SetRowLine(true) table.AppendBulk(data) table.Render() ``` ##### Output 6 ``` +----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ | DATE | DESCRIPTION | CV2 | AMOUNT | +----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ | 1/1/2014 | Domain name | 1234 | $10.98 | + +--------------------------+-------+---------+ | | January Hosting | 2345 | $54.95 | +----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ | 1/4/2014 | February Hosting | 3456 | $51.00 | + +--------------------------+-------+---------+ | | February Extra Bandwidth | 4567 | $30.00 | +----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ | TOTAL | $146 93 | +----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ ``` #### TODO - ~~Import Directly from CSV~~ - `done` - ~~Support for `SetFooter`~~ - `done` - ~~Support for `SetBorder`~~ - `done` - ~~Support table with uneven rows~~ - `done` - Support custom alignment - General Improvement & Optimisation - `NewHTML` Parse table from HTML