Patch for concurrent iterator & others (onto v1.11.6) #386

roysc wants to merge 1565 commits from v1.11.6-statediff-v5 into master
Showing only changes of commit a54a230a08 - Show all commits

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@ -220,7 +220,8 @@ func (t *StateTest) RunNoVerify(subtest StateSubtest, vmconfig vm.Config, snapsh
context := core.NewEVMBlockContext(block.Header(), nil, &t.json.Env.Coinbase)
context.GetHash = vmTestBlockHash
context.BaseFee = baseFee
if t.json.Env.Random != nil {
context.Random = nil
if config.IsLondon(new(big.Int)) && t.json.Env.Random != nil {
rnd := common.BigToHash(t.json.Env.Random)
context.Random = &rnd
context.Difficulty = big.NewInt(0)