Patch for concurrent iterator & others (onto v1.11.6) #386

roysc wants to merge 1565 commits from v1.11.6-statediff-v5 into master
Showing only changes of commit 7813b675f5 - Show all commits

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@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func (handler *jwtHandler) ServeHTTP(out http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
strToken = strings.TrimPrefix(auth, "Bearer ")
if len(strToken) == 0 {
http.Error(out, "missing token", http.StatusForbidden)
http.Error(out, "missing token", http.StatusUnauthorized)
// We explicitly set only HS256 allowed, and also disables the
@ -63,17 +63,17 @@ func (handler *jwtHandler) ServeHTTP(out http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
switch {
case err != nil:
http.Error(out, err.Error(), http.StatusForbidden)
http.Error(out, err.Error(), http.StatusUnauthorized)
case !token.Valid:
http.Error(out, "invalid token", http.StatusForbidden)
http.Error(out, "invalid token", http.StatusUnauthorized)
case !claims.VerifyExpiresAt(time.Now(), false): // optional
http.Error(out, "token is expired", http.StatusForbidden)
http.Error(out, "token is expired", http.StatusUnauthorized)
case claims.IssuedAt == nil:
http.Error(out, "missing issued-at", http.StatusForbidden)
http.Error(out, "missing issued-at", http.StatusUnauthorized)
case time.Since(claims.IssuedAt.Time) > jwtExpiryTimeout:
http.Error(out, "stale token", http.StatusForbidden)
http.Error(out, "stale token", http.StatusUnauthorized)
case time.Until(claims.IssuedAt.Time) > jwtExpiryTimeout:
http.Error(out, "future token", http.StatusForbidden)
http.Error(out, "future token", http.StatusUnauthorized)
default:, r)