EIP1559 support for IPLD indexing #80

opened 2021-06-04 22:29:35 +00:00 by i-norden · 1 comment

EIP 1559 has been merged into root master (but hasn't made it into a release yet). We need to add support for the new BaseFee field in the header and new tx type before the London hard fork.

The tx updates will be very similar to those in these commits to support 2930 tx type: indexing updates, db model updates, metrics updates, unit tests.

EIP 1559 has been merged into root master (but hasn't made it into a release yet). We need to add support for the new `BaseFee` field in the header and new [tx type](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blob/92b8f28df3255c6cef9605063850d77b46146763/core/types/dynamic_fee_tx.go#L25) before the London hard fork. The tx updates will be very similar to those in these commits to support 2930 tx type: [indexing updates](https://github.com/vulcanize/go-ethereum/pull/68/commits/d91faa8ba32ca0ff8e4e877d0f699e20dde011dd), [db model updates](https://github.com/vulcanize/go-ethereum/pull/68/commits/51659c28a674a49e55cc387800083766031fe530), [metrics updates](https://github.com/vulcanize/go-ethereum/pull/68/commits/abbb7b77ff6f919e67fd604ae779a26ea7875416), [unit tests](https://github.com/vulcanize/go-ethereum/pull/68/commits/971f7fa8be29cf54bc4e34f75f14c1ddb61a1c35).
arijitAD commented 2021-07-02 06:15:45 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)
Issue is fixed in this PR https://github.com/vulcanize/go-ethereum/pull/93
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Reference: cerc-io/go-ethereum#80
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