Statediffing #7

elizabethengelman wants to merge 17 commits from statediffing into master
elizabethengelman commented 2019-02-21 20:44:32 +00:00 (Migrated from

Opening this PR as a reference. This is the main branch for Vulcanize's statediffing for an archive node. It has been rebased with

Please note that this diff is very large because the master branch isn't yet up-to-date with geth v1.8.21. To see just state diffing additions, start at commit 52274e48a101b9e1c838b327a2b5c6087ad87857 on Jan 28, 2019.

Opening this PR as a reference. This is the main branch for Vulcanize's statediffing for an archive node. It has been rebased with Please note that this diff is very large because the master branch isn't yet up-to-date with geth v1.8.21. To see just state diffing additions, start at commit `52274e48a101b9e1c838b327a2b5c6087ad87857` on Jan 28, 2019.
elizabethengelman (Migrated from reviewed 2019-02-22 15:48:22 +00:00
elizabethengelman (Migrated from commented 2019-02-22 15:48:22 +00:00

This error message is a bit misleading - we should reword it so that it is clear that the process will be stopped if parentBlock == nil, and not just skipping that single block.

This error message is a bit misleading - we should reword it so that it is clear that the process will be stopped if `parentBlock == nil`, and not just skipping that single block.

Pull request closed

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Reference: cerc-io/go-ethereum#7
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