1st attempt to publish binary to git.vdb.to from github release

This commit is contained in:
Michael Shaw 2022-09-21 15:30:03 -04:00
parent 43e776afcd
commit f7c5f0402c

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@ -12,50 +12,26 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Run docker build
run: docker build -t cerc-io/go-ethereum -f Dockerfile .
run: |
echo ::set-output name=sha::$(echo ${GITHUB_SHA:0:7})
echo ::set-output name=tag::$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/})
- name: Get the version
id: vars
run: echo ::set-output name=sha::$(echo ${GITHUB_SHA:0:7})
- name: Tag docker image
run: docker tag cerc-io/go-ethereum docker.pkg.github.com/cerc-io/go-ethereum/go-ethereum:${{steps.vars.outputs.sha}}
- name: Docker Login
run: echo ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} | docker login https://docker.pkg.github.com -u vulcanize --password-stdin
- name: Docker Push
run: docker push docker.pkg.github.com/cerc-io/go-ethereum/go-ethereum:${{steps.vars.outputs.sha}}
name: Publish assets to Release
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
- name: Get the version
id: vars
run: |
echo ::set-output name=sha::$(echo ${GITHUB_SHA:0:7})
echo ::set-output name=tag::$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/})
- name: Docker Login to Github Registry
run: echo ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} | docker login https://docker.pkg.github.com -u vulcanize --password-stdin
- name: Docker Pull
run: docker pull docker.pkg.github.com/cerc-io/go-ethereum/go-ethereum:${{steps.vars.outputs.sha}}
- name: Copy ethereum binary file
run: docker run --rm --entrypoint cat docker.pkg.github.com/cerc-io/go-ethereum/go-ethereum:${{steps.vars.outputs.sha}} /usr/local/bin/geth > geth-linux-amd64
- name: Docker Login to Docker Registry
run: echo ${{ secrets.VULCANIZEJENKINS_PAT }} | docker login -u vulcanizejenkins --password-stdin
run: docker tag cerc-io/go-ethereum git.vdb.to/cerc-io/go-ethereum/go-ethereum:${{steps.vars.outputs.sha}}
- name: Tag docker image
run: docker tag docker.pkg.github.com/cerc-io/go-ethereum/go-ethereum:${{steps.vars.outputs.sha}} vulcanize/vdb-geth:${{steps.vars.outputs.tag}}
- name: Docker Push to Docker Hub
run: docker push vulcanize/vdb-geth:${{steps.vars.outputs.tag}}
- name: Get release
id: get_release
uses: bruceadams/get-release@v1.2.0
- name: Upload Release Asset
id: upload-release-asset
uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
run: docker tag git.vdb.to/cerc-io/go-ethereum/go-ethereum:${{steps.vars.outputs.sha}} git.vdb.to/cerc-io/go-ethereum/go-ethereum:${{steps.vars.outputs.tag}}
- name: Docker Login
run: echo ${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }} | docker login https://git.vdb.to -u vulcanize --password-stdin
- name: Docker Push
run: docker push git.vdb.to/cerc-io/go-ethereum/go-ethereum:${{steps.vars.outputs.sha}}
- name: Docker Push TAGGED
run: docker push git.vdb.to/cerc-io/go-ethereum/go-ethereum:${{steps.vars.outputs.tag}}
- name: Copy ethereum binary file
run: docker run --rm --entrypoint cat git.vdb.to/cerc-io/go-ethereum/go-ethereum:${{steps.vars.outputs.sha}} /usr/local/bin/geth > geth-linux-amd64
- name: curl
uses: enflo/curl-action@master
upload_url: ${{ steps.get_release.outputs.upload_url }}
asset_path: geth-linux-amd64
asset_name: geth-linux-amd64
asset_content_type: application/octet-stream
curl: --user circcicd:${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }} --upload-file geth-linux-amd64 https://gitvdb.to/api/packages/cerc-io/generic/go-ethereum/v1.10.23-statediff-alpha-unstable/geth-linux-amd64