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package statediff
import (
var (
knownGapsFilePath = "./known_gaps.sql"
type gapValues struct {
knownErrorBlocksStart int64
knownErrorBlocksEnd int64
expectedDif int64
processingKey int64
// Add clean db
// Test for failures when they are expected, when we go from smaller block to larger block
// We should no longer see the smaller block in DB
func TestKnownGaps(t *testing.T) {
tests := []gapValues{
// Known Gaps
{knownErrorBlocksStart: 115, knownErrorBlocksEnd: 120, expectedDif: 1, processingKey: 1},
/// Same tests as above with a new expected DIF
{knownErrorBlocksStart: 1150, knownErrorBlocksEnd: 1200, expectedDif: 2, processingKey: 2},
// Test update when block number is larger!!
{knownErrorBlocksStart: 1150, knownErrorBlocksEnd: 1204, expectedDif: 2, processingKey: 2},
// Update when processing key is different!
{knownErrorBlocksStart: 1150, knownErrorBlocksEnd: 1204, expectedDif: 2, processingKey: 10},
testWriteToDb(t, tests, true)
testWriteToFile(t, tests, true)
testFindAndUpdateGaps(t, true)
// test writing blocks to the DB
func testWriteToDb(t *testing.T, tests []gapValues, wipeDbBeforeStart bool) {
t.Log("Starting Write to DB test")
db := setupDb(t)
// Clear Table first, this is needed because we updated an entry to have a larger endblock number
// so we can't find the original start and endblock pair.
if wipeDbBeforeStart {
t.Log("Cleaning up eth_meta.known_gaps table")
db.Exec(context.Background(), "DELETE FROM eth_meta.known_gaps")
for _, tc := range tests {
// Create an array with knownGaps based on user inputs
knownGaps := KnownGapsState{
processingKey: tc.processingKey,
expectedDifference: big.NewInt(tc.expectedDif),
db: db,
statediffMetrics: RegisterStatediffMetrics(metrics.DefaultRegistry),
service := &Service{
KnownGaps: knownGaps,
knownErrorBlocks := (make([]*big.Int, 0))
knownErrorBlocks = createKnownErrorBlocks(knownErrorBlocks, tc.knownErrorBlocksStart, tc.knownErrorBlocksEnd)
service.KnownGaps.knownErrorBlocks = knownErrorBlocks
// Upsert
testCaptureErrorBlocks(t, service)
// Validate that the upsert was done correctly.
validateUpsert(t, service, tc.knownErrorBlocksStart, tc.knownErrorBlocksEnd)
tearDown(t, db)
// test writing blocks to file and then inserting them to DB
func testWriteToFile(t *testing.T, tests []gapValues, wipeDbBeforeStart bool) {
t.Log("Starting write to file test")
db := setupDb(t)
// Clear Table first, this is needed because we updated an entry to have a larger endblock number
// so we can't find the original start and endblock pair.
if wipeDbBeforeStart {
t.Log("Cleaning up eth_meta.known_gaps table")
db.Exec(context.Background(), "DELETE FROM eth_meta.known_gaps")
if _, err := os.Stat(knownGapsFilePath); err == nil {
err := os.Remove(knownGapsFilePath)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Can't delete local file")
tearDown(t, db)
for _, tc := range tests {
knownGaps := KnownGapsState{
processingKey: tc.processingKey,
expectedDifference: big.NewInt(tc.expectedDif),
writeFilePath: knownGapsFilePath,
statediffMetrics: RegisterStatediffMetrics(metrics.DefaultRegistry),
db: nil, // Only set to nil to be verbose that we can't use it
service := &Service{
KnownGaps: knownGaps,
knownErrorBlocks := (make([]*big.Int, 0))
knownErrorBlocks = createKnownErrorBlocks(knownErrorBlocks, tc.knownErrorBlocksStart, tc.knownErrorBlocksEnd)
service.KnownGaps.knownErrorBlocks = knownErrorBlocks
testCaptureErrorBlocks(t, service)
newDb := setupDb(t)
service.KnownGaps.db = newDb
if service.KnownGaps.sqlFileWaitingForWrite {
writeErr := service.KnownGaps.writeSqlFileStmtToDb()
require.NoError(t, writeErr)
// Validate that the upsert was done correctly.
validateUpsert(t, service, tc.knownErrorBlocksStart, tc.knownErrorBlocksEnd)
tearDown(t, newDb)
// Find a gap, if no gaps exist, it will create an arbitrary one
func testFindAndUpdateGaps(t *testing.T, wipeDbBeforeStart bool) {
db := setupDb(t)
if wipeDbBeforeStart {
db.Exec(context.Background(), "DELETE FROM eth_meta.known_gaps")
knownGaps := KnownGapsState{
processingKey: 1,
expectedDifference: big.NewInt(1),
db: db,
statediffMetrics: RegisterStatediffMetrics(metrics.DefaultRegistry),
service := &Service{
KnownGaps: knownGaps,
latestBlockInDb, err := service.KnownGaps.queryDbToBigInt("SELECT MAX(block_number) FROM eth.header_cids")
if err != nil {
t.Skip("Can't find a block in the eth.header_cids table.. Please put one there")
// Add the gapDifference for testing purposes
gapDifference := big.NewInt(10) // Set a difference between latestBlock in DB and on Chain
expectedDifference := big.NewInt(1) // Set what the expected difference between latestBlock in DB and on Chain should be
latestBlockOnChain := big.NewInt(0)
latestBlockOnChain.Add(latestBlockInDb, gapDifference)
t.Log("The latest block on the chain is: ", latestBlockOnChain)
t.Log("The latest block on the DB is: ", latestBlockInDb)
gapUpsertErr := service.KnownGaps.findAndUpdateGaps(latestBlockOnChain, expectedDifference, 0)
require.NoError(t, gapUpsertErr)
startBlock := big.NewInt(0)
endBlock := big.NewInt(0)
startBlock.Add(latestBlockInDb, expectedDifference)
endBlock.Sub(latestBlockOnChain, expectedDifference)
validateUpsert(t, service, startBlock.Int64(), endBlock.Int64())
// test capturing missed blocks
func testCaptureErrorBlocks(t *testing.T, service *Service) {
// Helper function to create an array of gaps given a start and end block
func createKnownErrorBlocks(knownErrorBlocks []*big.Int, knownErrorBlocksStart int64, knownErrorBlocksEnd int64) []*big.Int {
for i := knownErrorBlocksStart; i <= knownErrorBlocksEnd; i++ {
knownErrorBlocks = append(knownErrorBlocks, big.NewInt(i))
return knownErrorBlocks
// Make sure the upsert was performed correctly
func validateUpsert(t *testing.T, service *Service, startingBlock int64, endingBlock int64) {
t.Logf("Starting to query blocks: %d - %d", startingBlock, endingBlock)
queryString := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT starting_block_number from eth_meta.known_gaps WHERE starting_block_number = %d AND ending_block_number = %d", startingBlock, endingBlock)
_, queryErr := service.KnownGaps.queryDb(queryString) // Figure out the string.
t.Logf("Updated Known Gaps table starting from, %d, and ending at, %d", startingBlock, endingBlock)
require.NoError(t, queryErr)
// Create a DB object to use
func setupDb(t *testing.T) sql.Database {
db, err := postgres.SetupSQLXDB()
if err != nil {
t.Error("Can't create a DB connection....")
return db
// Teardown the DB
func tearDown(t *testing.T, db sql.Database) {
t.Log("Starting tearDown")